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Thread: UK out of EU

  1. #101
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    It's no secret there are folks who are trying to create a mindset the powers that be in the world want to create a world state controlling everyone. That concept is very popular in the U.S among those of a certain political disposition.

    So, the UN is the perfect foil for these folks and they distort whatever they can to convince those unwilling to think for themselves they should fear this organization and seek to abolish it or at least the U.S should drop out.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  2. #102
    Nemo me impune lacessit RobinK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    It's no secret there are folks who are trying to create a mindset the powers that be in the world want to create a world state controlling everyone. That concept is very popular in the U.S among those of a certain political disposition.
    I think the problem is the application of the term "mindset" in this context. Any of the following will show you that it takes an IQ < 80 to believe such theories, putting the term "mind" into critical perspective.

    1. Nazis created 'basic plan' for European Union, Ukip MEP Gerard Batten says
    2. What the government isn't telling you about Isis (according to Ukip)
    3. UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage

    That said, these things are clearly demented. Johnson/Gove have come up with more sane sounding things that are ever more dangerous, because a) more people will believe them, and b) they will leave even more disenfrachised and frustrated voters once it becomes clear that they have been lied to all along. I will, however, grant Mesrs Gove and Johnson that they are not willfully lying, but rather have no sodding clue about the consequences of Brexit. They are, after all, failed journalists, repeatedly sacked for lying to their employers, and the general public...
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  4. #103
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobinK View Post
    Article 21 is a legal document, written by, and for, lawyers. Your trying to decode it is like me trying to understand a PhD thesis in quantum physics. But there are good summaries available.
    Long as there isn't Latin tangled in there it's usually not too* hard to decipher an English document. I've been reading them for about 25 years give or take. Perhaps one day I'll sit down and read the whole resolution, but as you've already pointed it it looks like a nonbinding 'this is what we'd like to see happen' type of document. Which means it really isn't worth the paper it's written on.
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  5. #104
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    The real issue is that many Enviro / USFS / BLM / EPA actions are looked at as being attached to Agenda 21

    When really some of it is simply stupidity done by over zealous Eco saviors..

    We have an fight basically in my backyard up here,, At last count approximately 20 yes 20 Canadian Border jumping Forest Caribou were spotted in the Priest River Drainage about 20 years ago..

    So the Eco-terrorists want 375,000 acres of Forest set aside as protected to try and "Re-Establish" the Idaho and Washington Caribou population ..
    They haven't been sighted in years, and considering we re-introduced wolves in that area that are species predisposed to hunting Caribou they are probably either gone or wolf scat by now.. So we still have 30,000 acres set aside for them even though they haven't been seen in years.. To think that isn't simply Eco-saviors trying to lock down forest land is simply rubbish.

    These types of illogical USFS designations to shut down public areas, is exactly what feeds into the Agenda 21 conspiracy theories..

    Other things that set off the Agenda 21 people

    Right to Farm laws being changed
    Rain Catchment systems being outlawed
    HOA rules blocking Gardens
    Food production laws being tightened
    Off-Grid homesteading being outlawed
    Limiting private property use laws
    Shutting down access to Legal Mining Rights with suspect Logging and trail blocking

    All these things are all looked at as attached to Agenda 21, whether they are or not is your opinion, but there are quite a few in the last 20 years

    One of the biggest ballot issues in local/state elections in the Rocky Mtn west is Federal control of state lands..
    Last edited by gssixgun; 06-28-2016 at 04:25 PM.

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  7. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    It's no secret there are folks who are trying to create a mindset the powers that be in the world want to create a world state controlling everyone. That concept is very popular in the U.S among those of a certain political disposition.

    So, the UN is the perfect foil for these folks and they distort whatever they can to convince those unwilling to think for themselves they should fear this organization and seek to abolish it or at least the U.S should drop out.
    Sorry Brother that you cannot see. You are the Biggest Statist that I have observed on this site, and that is OK because I have to put up with my Brother an Retired recently Cop who thinks along your "Mindset" which is Statist. Statist's are strictly for the state, in All ways, usually they believe that whatever spews from the Elite at the top is Gospel truth, as any Sane person has seen, It IS NOT.

    When the little blue UN helmets show up in your neighborhood, you won't be able to tell anyone anything because phones and computers will not be working, Unless you have a HAM set, if you do, then I would like to hear what you have to say.

    The Brit Exit is a good thing, In My Thinking and I hope that Germany gets a Handle on their Muslim problem. Thanks RobinK for telling it as you see it.

  8. #106
    Nemo me impune lacessit RobinK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    [...]changed[...]outlawed[...]blocking[...]tightened[...]outlawed[...]Limiting[...]Shutting down
    Thank you, Glen. Which part of "non-binding" do you find difficult to understand?

    Meanwhile in the UK, The Sun (the equivalent of Faux News, only with perkier knockers) thinks that the EU has plans for ‘giant superstate’ just days after Britain voted Brexit (hint: it does not), while Rupert Murdoch (yes, The Sun, Faux News, and some other comedy outlets) falls in line with Vladimir Putin, Geert Wilders, Marine le Pen, Donald Trump, and other wingnuts in describing Brexit as 'wonderful'.

    On the up side, Germany is keeping calm and carrying on, while London is hemorrhaging jobs to Ireland and Germany.

    So far so predictable.

    Meanwhile First Minister Sturgeon embarks on mission to keep Scotland’s place in EU (we love you, Scotland, please join!), whereas Benito Farage (previous occupation: “county cricketer”) gets his arse whooped over untenable claims that he is the worst MEP ever (hint: he's 747th worst out of 751).

    So, no, Britain has not taken back control. No fictitious 350m GBP are being pumped into the NHS (but God knows it needs at least that to match central European standards), and no, immigration has not stopped, and it won't.
    Last edited by RobinK; 06-28-2016 at 11:12 PM. Reason: Sorry for mis-spelling that wannabe fascist's last name.
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  9. #107
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    Default GSsixgun, My Kind of Person.

    You are welcome in my home anytime Brother. Sometimes these topics intertwine, though some, cannot see how.

  10. #108
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post

    The real issue is that many Enviro / USFS / BLM / EPA actions are looked at as being attached to Agenda 21

    When really some of it is simply stupidity done by over zealous Eco saviors..

    These types of illogical USFS designations to shut down public areas, is exactly what feeds into the Agenda 21 conspiracy theories.

    One of the biggest ballot issues in local/state elections in the Rocky Mtn west is Federal control of state lands..

    Quote Originally Posted by RobinK View Post
    Thank you, Glen. Which part of "non-binding" do you find difficult to understand?

    I guess it would help for you to actually Read what is typed first before jumping to conclusions...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 06-28-2016 at 11:48 PM.

  11. #109
    Nemo me impune lacessit RobinK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I guess it would help for you to actually Read what is typed first before jumping to conclusions...
    Help me out here, Glen, then. What were you trying to say? Summarise it in one easy to understand sentence for the intellectually challenged, such as I, please.

  12. #110
    Senior Member Longhaultanker's Avatar
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    EU = German totalitarianism. I'm sure that will work out well.

    Yes, Germany (Merkel) and France want to work out a European super state, with George Soros funding it.

    Soros: 'Brexit' Vote Must Be Overturned Or the European Union Is 'Doomed'

    And let me add:

    Like I said, Merkel tyranny:
    Last edited by Longhaultanker; 06-29-2016 at 05:30 AM.
    A little advice: Don't impede an 80,000 lbs. 18 wheeler tanker carrying hazardous chemicals.

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