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Thread: Why is your Username/Nickname?

  1. #311
    Kyle Redcane's Avatar
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    Red= Cincinnati Reds
    Cane= Miami Hurricanes

  2. #312
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    My usernames came out of sheer desperation with the process of continual denials... Throughout the late 80' and early 90's, inevitably I would use/attempt to use a variety of variations of my Name/Birth Sign/ Etc and after multiple, "That Username Is Taken", warnings I would end up with:

    "ShawnSagittarius68007" or something similarly frustrating.

    And, one day the frustrstion got so big that out of desperation I tried spelling stuff backward and it worked like a charm and I became:

    Yugemos (Some Guy)
    Emanym Ton (Not My Name)

    My email "mudRphuqR" (Phonetics rock...) still gets almost no Spam after well over a decade!!

    So, it was about after nearly a year of Lurking on this Site I was in a high state of excitement as I was attempting Joining/Registering and somehow the Captcha was just doing its' job too well... I entered the Word, Listened to the Word and was about ready to start my own Church Of The Word after failing so many times... Turns out I was falling into Drone Mentality from 9th grade Typing Class and simply typing in every character I saw... Once I quit typing in the Quotation Marks (DOH!!) at the beginning and end it went through fine. Thus:

    Prahston (Not Sharp... I was going for the Mental version but the irony was funny as well...) was born!!

  3. #313
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    I am kind of famous for my no Mayo. slaw & one of my friends started calling me the"Slawman"!

  4. #314
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    Johntoad57 - John is my first name, toad was my call sign given to me by the Squadron Commander while I was in the military, and 57 was my age when I retired.
    Semper Fi !


  5. #315 JOB15's Avatar
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    JOB was a nick name given to me as a youngster.
    15 is the sacred number of Ishtar (Inanna, Isis , Venus , Mary,).
    The Assyrian Goddess who immaculately conceived and is represented by the star sign Virgo.

  6. #316
    Senior Member Cincinnatus's Avatar
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    Cincinnatus is the name of the Roman General. This is from the Society of Cincinnati:

    "...the ancient Roman hero Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, a hero of the Roman Republic. In the fifth century BC, the Roman Senate called on Cincinnatus to lead the army of the republic against foreign invaders and granted him dictatorial powers to deal with the crisis facing Rome. After leading the army to victory, he resigned his commission, returned power to the Senate, and retired to his farm, refusing rewards for serving the republic. For the classical world, Cincinnatus was the embodiment of civic virtue—characterized by a willingness to sacrifice private interest and private gain for the good of the public.

    Cincinnatus and the characteristics he demonstrated—humility, unselfish personal sacrifice, commitment to the public welfare, and the subordination of the military to civilian rule—were admired and emulated by the leaders of the American Revolution. They believed that these characteristics were essential to the survival of republican government. George Washington, who refused to accept a salary for leading the Continental Army and conducted himself with humility and in strict subordination to the will of Congress, was widely celebrated as an American Cincinnatus. The founders of the Society referred to themselves as "Cincinnati"—a plural form of the name Cincinnatus—to indicate their commitment to the virtues of the Roman hero."

    Statue of Cincinnatus along the river in downtown Cincinnati.

    Name:  217876-statue-cincinnatus-cincinnati.jpg
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    outback likes this.
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  7. #317
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panama60 View Post
    Panama60 breaks down to Panama and '60. The '60 is either my birth year, my age or my I.Q., all 3 can apply, lol.

    My brother and I relaxing in the shade. That's me in the hat.

    Summer of '75, I was 15 and a rebelious teenager. Bonfires and underage drinking were the usual routine for
    Saturday nights. This particular bonfire bash took place in the primitive campsites at a local lake. Jesse, the older
    brother of one of my best friends was in attendance and made a game of calling me "Red" through the night. Jesse
    knew I didn't like being called "Red". Every so often, I would hear "Hey Red, get me a beer!". I would hand Jesse a
    beer and tell him my name wasn't "Red". This went on for some time, until I had had enough of it. Then I heard it
    again, "Hey Red, get me a beer!". Now, Jesse and I knew each other from school, but what's more is that we had
    been paired against each other in some wrestling matches. I knew Jesse was quick and I knew exactly what I was
    about to get into when I snapped. I reached into the cooler, grabbed an ice cold can of America's finest swill and
    threw the full beer at Jesse just as hard as I could while saying "Name's not Red!". Jesse was on me in the blink
    of an eye. My memory is that we went the full 3 minutes, but what I was told later is that Jesse had me pinned and
    eating dirt in less than 30 seconds. I tapped out, Jesse helped me up and as he was dusting me off, everyone heard
    him say "Okay, okay, I'll never call you Red again, .....Panama".

    Why "Panama"? A popular song at that time was "Panama Red" by the New Riders of the Purple Sage. To this day, I
    am still called "Panama" some 41 years later.

    Disclaimer: I do not advocate underage drinking. I do not advocate bullying. I do not advocate violence.
    I was born 63.....all the sudden I feel older lookin at that pic. That could just as easily be me.
    Phrank and Panama60 like this.
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  8. #318
    Senior Member blabbermouth celestino's Avatar
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    Mine is quite simple; it's my real name.
    Laughter, Love, & Shaving

    ~ Celestino ~

  9. #319
    Senior Member Mrchick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by celestino View Post
    Mine is quite simple; it's my real name.
    So is mine[emoji1]

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