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Thread: Joe Arpaio

  1. #11
    Senior Member pilothaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    I suspect that you are trying to say something but I cant quite decipher it.
    Could you be a little more direct?
    Walmart is a terrible Corporation that is using all Cheap labour in Asia. It has run out a ton of small business' out of the States. Even if I am not from the US, it does bother me that a company is doing this.

    I was only saying that With the Prison systems they should use them as cheap labour to benefit the economy. Then possibly they should talk with Walmart about bringing back some products to be made in the USA.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quick Orange View Post
    I'm in total agreement with mhailey on this one. Why should they be given the star treatment? This is jail, not rehab. Some of the conditions in jails is almost enough to make me want to go there. Free food, board, you don't have to do anything for it. All your time is consumed by sitting on your ass or working out. What part of that is a deterrent? You have to give people a reason to not want to be there.

    I like the bit about being outside. It's not a cakewalk for our soldiers, who are in bdu's burning in the desert heat. These guys are our heroes and still have to endure it. Surely criminals who don't have to worry about being shot at can take it. I'm of the opinion that once you commit a crime, you give up most of your rights. You get the basics like humane treatment and fair trial, but the rest is gone. It's called punishment...
    You surprise me! pleasantly I might add!
    I got a different sense from you reading other posts.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by pilothaz View Post
    Walmart is a terrible Corporation that is using all Cheap labour in Asia. It has run out a ton of small business' out of the States. Even if I am not from the US, it does bother me that a company is doing this.

    I was only saying that With the Prison systems they should use them as cheap labour to benefit the economy. Then possibly they should talk with Walmart about bringing back some products to be made in the USA.
    Maybe we need to start a new thread on this topic?

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Maybe we need to start a new thread on this topic?
    Be my guest

  5. #15
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    Just give me a link at the bottom of this....

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by pilothaz View Post
    Be my guest
    And expose my own beliefs first....Never

    As if you guys didn't know them anyways.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    And expose my own beliefs first....Never

    As if you guys didn't know them anyways.
    And you seemed to dislike me because of my Doughnut comment. lol. We do see eye to eye, though I assume I am the taller person here so I might have to slouch to have it even :P

  8. #18
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by murph View Post
    Is this just for short term criminals as I fail to see how it would work very well for someone with 3 life sentences to run consecutively or on death row. Don't come back wouldn't really apply in those sorts of cases and there would be very little incentive for them to behave.
    Jail is for a misdemeanor crime under one year sentence and is a county thing.
    Prison is over a one year sentence and is a state thing.

    Jails can be very hard on a county budget.

    As far as being a good idea......

    HELL YEAH !!!

    I came from a very, very cold state and there was an old bum, "Pop Can Harry" IIRC who lived outside collecting pop cans for the $.10 deposit in the summer and would commit a small crime during the fall so he had somewhere to spend the winter.

    Something dumb like shoplifting. Something that would get you a week just waiting to see the judge.
    Maybe 3 more weeks after you saw her.

    Well eventually the judge got smart and
    " Harry (something) I sentence you to 1 week in county jail, time served, you are free to go."

    " Time served?"

    " Yes sir, you are free to go."

    " WTF? You stupid bitch I'm a criminal !!!"

    " Oh yes.... that's right. Well then I'm going to hold you in contempt, and sentence you to 4 months supervised probation.
    You will report to the probation office next Tuesday (it was on the other side of the county) and bring $40 and proof of where you live (utilities bill or something)."

    " "

    I'm not sure what ever happened to Harry. Maybe he froze to death riding his bike to a probation appointment in - 20 F weather.

    Quote Originally Posted by murph View Post

    I think things like broadcasting only certain political speeches, trying to degrade people by making them wear pink and only giving them the disney or weather channel to watch are way over the top as there seems to be no real rational reasoning behind it. It just feels a bit like being told as a kid you can't do something because your parent just says so which never sat well with me, or most other kids afaik.

    Go look at this

    they beat the man and tied him, raped repeatedly the wife and two daughters FOR 6 HOURS !!, finally taking the mother to a bank and making her withdraw money and THEN WENT BACK AND BURNED THEM TO DEATH !!!

    If you think that sweating in the desert can possibly make these people more violent then you, my friend, are so far out of touch with reality that I don't even know where to begin.

    Go look at your family and picture yourself tied in the basement listening to your wife and daughters scream while two guys rape them for 6 hours and them the screams as they burn to death.

    Then come back and make a comparison to parents telling their children what to do just because they can.

    Go on ! Go look at your family.


    You should be ashamed.
    You should be but somehow I suspect that you aren't.

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    Surely the cost to upgrade the prisons to factories would be prohibative? Which company would be willing to finance this or would you place the financial burden on the public? The companies would be worried that they paid for all this to be done only to lose the contracts at the next election.

    Do you only give the contracts to some companies? The ones who tender the lowest estimates? Will it have to be subsidised to compete with the lower cost of living in the far east? What about staff training and overall competitiveness?

    And to GWH, what has one case got to do with every single person in a gaol and their treatment? I can sympathise with the victims, probably more than you could ever imagine, but that has absolutely nothing to do with political indoctrination etc. for every single prisoner and if you can't see that I really, really worry about you, sir.
    Last edited by murph; 07-27-2007 at 04:10 PM.

  10. #20
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    I see they were parolees as well. I wonder how many 'tough' prisons they had already been in? Prison certainly didn't dissuade them, did it. They burned the place in an attempt to cover their tracks which could well have been partly due to their previous incarcaration.

    Maybe we should just shoot them all and we could shoot all the Germans as well since we know what kind of things a lot of them got up to in the past and all the communists?

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