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  1. #51
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    I haven't taken the test because I'm Canadian, so I don't think it would properly reflect just what part of that Centralist box I'd be in, haha.

  2. #52
    JMS is offline
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    FiReSTaRT, I was not being sarcastic. I was trying to point out that in a very sly way you were the one being rude with your constant innuendos. but now you bring it in the open!
    In one fell swoop you called every single American too stupid to know what is going on around them and cut to the bone every mother and father who has ever had a son or daughter die in the line of duty! you, my friend, are rude and insulting.
    I will admit that America has its problems but America is generally pretty self correcting and has done far more good and protected far more souls in its 200+ years than most countries have done since the beginning of time!

    Good day Sir,

    Mark Avery

  3. #53
    The Voice in Your Head scarface's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    Sarcasm aside, here's the clarification of my point of view where this world is heading..
    As we are removing protective nets for the regular person (like social assistance, education funding) and giving big businesses more slack, the more money you have, the more you'll be able to control national policies and use the country's resources to advance your interests.
    Right now, in the US, they can kick you out of your house to build a Wal Mart. No more of that "king of your castle" crap. I wouldn't be surprised if our conservatives see that as a good idea and institute the same in Canada. If you try to prevent that or speak out against them, they have enough lawyers on retainers to financially ruin you. Freedom of speech is nice until a big corporation like McDonalds sends their legal dogs after you (UK). Big businesses can even push the country into a war to make money off the victim nation's natural resources, while the media (guess who controls it) convinces the citizens that their sons and daughters are fighting/dying for freedom.
    Too much money is being concentrated in too few hands.
    That's an interesting comment - I, personally, am not aware that "Big Businesses" have made any money off the "victim [sic] nation's natural resources". I would be most interested in seeing or hearing of some examples.



  4. #54
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Other than the usual suspects (defense contractors), you have the oil companies, businesses providing logistical services and materials (anything from food to drugs) for the troops, mercenary contractors, just to give a few examples. After the war is over, you are going to have tons of US companies flocking into Iraq to rebuild the infrastructure and take the place of the businesses displaced by the war effort.
    The Bush administration didn't fabricate the fairy-tales about Sadam having left-over CBW's and plans to use them against the US just for s***'s and giggles. That would be even worse.

  5. #55
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    Borderline... Hmm...

    By the way, great quiz.

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  6. #56
    Senior Member bjrn's Avatar
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    Huh. I thought I had posted here already. Almost completely in the left corner, no surpises there (for me).
    Your PERSONAL issues Score is 100%.
    Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 20%.

    Clearly a very simplified test, but I guess a good indicator of where you'd fit in the big square.

  7. #57
    The Voice in Your Head scarface's Avatar
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    Your initial comment

    Quote Originally Posted by Firestart
    ...Big businesses can even push the country into a war to make money off the victim nation's natural resources...
    infers that the US (or it's 'Big Businesses') are going to make money off the victim[sic] nation's NATURAL RESOURCES, ie, that this was a grab for oil. (AFAIK, there's not much market for sand, so I assumed you were referring to oil....I may be mistaken.) When I questioned that comment, your response, in part, was...

    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    Other than the usual suspects (defense contractors), you have the oil companies, businesses providing logistical services and materials (anything from food to drugs) for the troops, mercenary contractors, just to give a few examples.
    These costs are borne by the American taxpayer, NOT the victim[sic] nation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firestart
    After the war is over, you are going to have tons of US companies flocking into Iraq to rebuild the infrastructure and take the place of the businesses displaced by the war effort.
    This seems to me to be your own suppostitions of what will happen, fueled by your own obvious anti-US bias. I don't argue that there will likely be a large, post-war re-construction effort (for examples, look at post WWII Gerrmany and Japan - those seemed to work out pretty well - and they both became valuable members of the post war community of freedom-loving nations....NOT lackeys of the American government). I personally doubt that it will be a totally American effort...likely dominated by American businesses, but I'm sure that there will be an international representation of construction companies from nations throughout the world that supported the efforts to free Iraq from Sadam's repressive regime, and as the base for terrorism that it has become (through the active support of Iran and Syria)

    Quote Originally Posted by Firestart
    The Bush administration didn't fabricate the fairy-tales about Sadam having left-over CBW's and plans to use them against the US just for s***'s and giggles. That would be even worse.
    I'm not familiar with the CBW initials. If I remember correctly, it was WMD's (Weapons of Mass Destruction). Your statement that the Bush administration fabricated the exiistence of WMD's certainly isn't borne out by the fact of the UN Security Council passed at least 13 Resolutions (starting in 1991) condemming Iraq's pursuit of Weapons of Mass Destruction - hardly a '...fabrication by the Bush administration'. I am aware that no WMD's were ultimately found (at least, in expected quantities) - but the suspicion of WMD's was certainly NOT limited to the American Bush administration, and your statement of that as fact is just another example of your bias - don't let the facts get in the way of a good oppportunity to rant against the US.

    I, for one, am proud to be an American.

    I am proud to be a member of a society willing to fight for freedom. What other country, in the history of the world, has led a coalition of allies and fought a war, won a surrender, re-built the aggressor country, formed a government that respects the individuals freedoms, and voluntarily withdrawn when the nurtured governments and economies are capable of surviving without assistance? And not just once.

    I'm proud to live in a country willing to take the lead, and I'm certainly glad that I am not a citizen of some milquetoast country hiding behind her skirts while taking verbal pot-shots.

    You're certainly entitiled to your opinion, Ilija, as I am entitled to mine. I'm just not going to let you state falsehoods as fact in your efforts to spread your bias.



  8. #58
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    Well said sir!!

  9. #59
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    The reports that gave the administration the excuse to invade Iraq are false as Sadam dismantled his WMD program under the UN supervision..
    American people are financing the war with their lives and taxes right now. However, the profits will be reaped by private companies that are making money off the war effort and that will be making money from rebuilding what the American tax dollars destroyed in the first place. Iraq has plenty of oil to pay for the reconstruction, but don't you see the injustice in this situation? Iraq was invaded under false pretenses and big businesses from the invading nations are profiting/will profit from the invasion.
    By the way my "suppositions" aren't suppositions. They're facts based on what happened in Serbia. First NATO (since UN decided against attacking) bombed the living s*** out of the country and destroyed a good chunk of the infrastructure. After that US companies flocked in selling construction material, services and machinery. It's not about helping rebuild the country if the businesses doing it are making money off it.
    Edit: I have no problems with Americans on an individual basis, but your country's record on the international political scene is spotty at best.

  10. #60
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    Edit: I have no problems with Americans on an individual basis, but your country's record on the international political scene is spotty at best.
    Can you point out a superpower in history that has ever done a better job ----maybe I'm unaware.?

    Can you point out a superpower in history that has ever done more good?

    For the most part I'm an isolationist (not realistic I know) --- it really is a no win situation for the U.S. Maybe one day when the U.S is no longer a superpower, I will still be alive and can sit back and complain about the Chinese ---it must be a nice feeling to be a citizen of a country that no one expects anything from , bitching and moaning while your safety and fate is not even in your own hands ---kind of like a spoiled child.


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