Quote Originally Posted by Hutch View Post
That's why science is peer reviewed, not so for the ancient texts that may have or may not have been written by the alleged authors and the religious powers of the day chose to include in the New Testament while not including others .
Ahh yes, but peer - reviewed by whom? Other scientists generally, who work in the same area or an approximate field, and who are thoroughly indoctrinated in the principles of science and the scientific method. The peer review I get back from my research articles generally say things like "the simulation study in section 5 needs to include reference to blah-blah's 1971 work". Generally, I don't get reviewers saying "The whole premise of science is flawed. Science does not exist. Therefore your article is a waste of time. Rejected!"

On a like-to-like scale, I would say the ancient texts are as valid in a peer review sense as any scientific article.
