View Poll Results: do you believe in a supreme being?

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    102 58.96%
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    71 41.04%
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  1. #1
    JMS is offline
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    Default Is it possible for us as men to have a discussion on God

    After the success of the thread "Mans intelligence" I wanted to start another thread. something I danced around, without ever mentioning in "Mans intelligence". I wanted to ask questions such as, Is there a God, Is Gods hand behind all that we do, How do you view God, etc., etc., etc.. So, my question now is can we, as men, without drawing and quartering each other, without taring and feathering each other, without stoning each other have a discussion on God and our views of Him? Come on men, our we man enough, are we mature enough to speak on this subject? I think we are, as long as we watch ourselves and are considerate of the beliefs of others!

    What do you think? If I get enough yeas I might just start that thread!

  2. #2
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    I know I wouldn't mind. But I'm used to discussing religion without getting offended. I've been on a two year mission for my church and I've had my fair share of insults thrown my way.

  3. #3
    Senior Member ucliker's Avatar
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    sure start it! like most things in life its a matter of opinion and everyone has a right to an opinion so i don't think there should be a problem

  4. #4
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Yes, I think we could

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  5. #5
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by ucliker View Post
    sure start it! like most things in life its a matter of opinion and everyone has a right to an opinion so i don't think there should be a problem
    Except that some people are then skinned and not as sure in their beliefs which always leads to problems. I am hopeful though that I already got nothing but positive responses!

  6. #6
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Well I consider your post to be the start of that thread.
    I believe that there is a God(s). I think it is pointless to put value in names, other than to name him/her in a conversation or to call on him/her.
    Whether you call him Yaweh, Jehova, Allah or Odin it doesn't matter. Male and female gender are human things and I don't think it matters at all.

    I also think it is not a problem to believe in more than one god. As far as I am concerned they are just representations of different aspects of the divine entity.
    There is only one federal government per country, but it has a department of defense, department of healthcare, ... I don't see why the notion of multiple gods should conflict with the notion of 1 god.

    One thing in which I might differ from others is that I think that churches get in the way of true religion.
    I don't need priests to talk to god, I can do that myself. If god can hear the priests he can hear me too.
    I also don't see why a priest / bishop / pope should be more authorative than me. their functions are pure human inventions, with promotion based on human criteria. as far as I can see, god is not involved in the whole process.

    Furthermore, if we look at the past, it is safe to say that religious institutions have caused atrocities beyond belief. All of them have so no one is better than the other. If God really had something to do with organized religion, he sure made a fine mess of it.

    Then there are the holy books. I can only comment on the bible because that was what I was taught in school (I am a non practising catholic).
    The bible is a compilation of several separate pieces, made by whoever was in power at a time.
    The contents of the New Testament were determined by a group of men with an agenda, and they scratched everything not in line with their thinking.

    I do believe, but not in institutions. Institutions are only interested in pushing their own agenda.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

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  8. #7
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Well I consider your post to be the start of that thread.
    I believe that there is a God(s). I think it is pointless to put value in names, other than to name him/her in a conversation or to call on him/her.
    Whether you call him Yaweh, Jehova, Allah or Odin it doesn't matter. Male and female gender are human things and I don't think it matters at all.

    I also think it is not a problem to believe in more than one god. As far as I am concerned they are just representations of different aspects of the divine entity.
    There is only one federal government per country, but it has a department of defense, department of healthcare, ... I don't see why the notion of multiple gods should conflict with the notion of 1 god.

    One thing in which I might differ from others is that I think that churches get in the way of true religion.
    I don't need priests to talk to god, I can do that myself. If god can hear the priests he can hear me too.
    I also don't see why a priest / bishop / pope should be more authorative than me. their functions are pure human inventions, with promotion based on human criteria. as far as I can see, god is not involved in the whole process.

    Furthermore, if we look at the past, it is safe to say that religious institutions have caused atrocities beyond belief. All of them have so no one is better than the other. If God really had something to do with organized religion, he sure made a fine mess of it.

    Then there are the holy books. I can only comment on the bible because that was what I was taught in school (I am a non practising catholic).
    The bible is a compilation of several separate pieces, made by whoever was in power at a time.
    The contents of the New Testament were determined by a group of men with an agenda, and they scratched everything not in line with their thinking.

    I do believe, but not in institutions. Institutions are only interested in pushing their own agenda.
    I believe Jesus said the exact same thing!
    I wasn't intending to start this thread now but it looks like I have!

  9. #8
    Mister Knives Guy chief's Avatar
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    for me, I have quite a rational way of looking at things, always dissecting thoughts in my head. Like when I go to the museum with my girl, she's impressed by the beauty, I'm by the techniques and craftsmanship...

    So I have a very "technical" approach to things, and I'm pretty confident there's nothing more than meets the eye. And that it all ends when it ends... Without divine interventions whatsoever... Although I hope I'm wrong

    To be frank... religions disappoint me on a daily basis.
    But that does not mean I'm not open to discussion, or interested in these matters.

  10. #9
    Senior Member bpatton's Avatar
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    Well, I am an Atheist. So I will probably be the first one skined.

    It boils down to this in an over simplified manner: perfection cannot exist. If people are interested in that statement then I can explain more.

  11. #10
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Oh I have it all figured out ---of course I've only been around for 30 + years but I have it all figured out ---- I don't know exactly how I got here or why I'm here but I have it all figured out ----I don't know what happens really when someone dies but I have it all figured out ---- I don't know anything but I have it all figured out. I have my beliefs ---but God only knows if I'm right .

    Last edited by jaegerhund; 08-27-2007 at 02:20 PM.

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