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  1. #1
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    Default Pipe smokers of the world unite.

    Anyone else in here smoke a pipe?

    If so what do you smoke?

    My main staple is an old estate bent briar with a mottled texture made from waxberry i think. I procured it from my now dead grandfather, it was his favorite and also mine.
    Ive tried other pipes for extended periods and keep returning to this old dinged up deep bowled piece of magic.

    There are others in my collection, mostly briars, straight and bent and of different woods (no clay or meerchaum as yet) and im still on the hunt for that bargain churchwarden on ebay.

    As for tobacco: daily i smoke Mellow Virginia (pipe smoking is a somewhat lost art around these parts and getting decent enjoyable tobacco is a bit of a challenge), its got a nice mellow and tangy flavour and seems to burn uniformly and at a bearable temperature.

    As for special occasions i smoke MacBarens Cube if im in a readyrubbed mood or when i have some to hand rum flake.

    So anyone else like to relax with their favorite pipe after a nice shave?

  2. #2
    Str8 Apprentice, aka newb kerryman71's Avatar
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    I'm also into pipe smoking. I mainly smoke strong English blends. My all day smoke is Dunhill's 965, but I do rotate depending on my mood with Virginia Flakes. My main pipe collection consists of several Peterson's, mainly the system style. Happy puffing/shaving.


  3. #3
    Str8 Apprentice, aka newb kerryman71's Avatar
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    PS. Another site where you can spend countless hours of your time is Great site if you haven't already come upon it.


  4. #4
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    I just started smoking a pipe (literally 2 bowls ago), and enjoy it. I only smoke on a Friday night to relax after the work week, and put myself in the right state of mind going into the weekend. I have on burl pipe and one corncob pipe I purchased from a local B&M, and have smoked a local blend called "hobbit's weed" (Cherry and Vanilla), and have a bled called "rocky mountain high" (not that kind of high, I say no to drugs), which is a blend of Cavendish and Burley (nice smelling but yet to smoke it).

    Before the pipe, I smoked a cigar on Fridays.


  5. #5
    Affable Chap Nickelking's Avatar
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    When I used a pipe it was mostly off brands inherited from my grandfather. But it was all local blends. Eventually I took to mixing my own, no real formula just anything I didn't particularly like went into the big bowl. I got some of the best unrepeatable blends that way.

  6. #6
    Gold Dot TULIP's Avatar
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    I enjoy a bowl of My Mixture 965, University Flake or Penzance now and again. It's been awhile. I typically don't smoke in the winter since my wife has issues with me smoking inside.

  7. #7
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    I enjoy cigars occasionally. Any recommendations for someone curious about trying out a pipe?

  8. #8
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    I primarily smoke Dunhills in the 120 shape with some very nice 20-30 year old Balkan Sobranie. Anything with Syrian Latakia is good, unfortunately that mostly means vintage tobacco nowadays.

  9. #9
    Str8 Apprentice, aka newb kerryman71's Avatar
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    There are pipe tobaccos that contain cigar leaf, McClelland's
    Dominican Glory and Dominican Glory Maduro come to mind.
    I've never tried them and find that when I smoke my pipes I'm
    looking for something different than a cigar, which I also
    smoke. I would go to a tobacconist if you have one in your
    area and talk to them about your likes and dislikes. Buy a
    corncob to start off with (about $5.00) to see if you even
    like it. I still use my corncobs when the mood strikes.
    They're good because you can smoke it all day without
    resting it, unlike a briar which most people will only smoke one
    bowl out of it and let it rest a couple of days.

    Another great site for everyone is It basically
    lists every type of pipe tobacco known to man and gives a
    description of it and then there is an area where people give their
    own reviews. Enjoy.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Milton Man's Avatar
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    I mainly smoke aromatic English blends - and while I do have a very decent stash of tinned tobacco, my everyday tobacco is "London" Mixture from Blatter & Blatter in Montreal, Canada.

    For brand name pipes, I have a few Petersons, a Stanwell, a Radice, and some Blatter & Blatter pipes.

    I also make my own pipes, although while smokeable, they're still works in progress...but like straight razor restorations, it brings pipe smoking to another level.


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