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  1. #131
    Junior Honemeister Mike_ratliff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Talking about racism, here is a little tidbit that a friend PM'ed me!
    That is a good read.
    It's a prime example of how Obama is avoiding the real issues.
    It's all political waffle

    Truth be told, the rich want to stay rich, they don't care about the color of your skin... if you get in their way, they will walk over you to stay on top.
    Oprah is going to fight just as hard as trump if you try to take her money away.
    It's not "the man" trying to keep you down, it's your own lack of innovation and motivation. and it's a tired old excuse.

    I am not a color, I am not white, black, green, or blue, I am me. Color has nothing to do with who I am. My race is human. My ancestry is Western European. I wasn't given a hand up, or a free ride, I worked my way through college. My parents didn't pay for a thing. I didn't get scholarships, because I was "white", and my parents made too much $$. It didn't matter that they couldn't afford to help me. I didn't get help from that rich white man that Rev. Wright likes to talk about, I don't know him. I didn't get free money from the government. I've never been on welfare. If money was short, I worked 2 jobs, sometimes 3.
    Anybody out there that thinks I was given more opportunities because of the color of my skin is full of .

    I did not own slaves, and you were not a slave, so get over it.

    The past is not an excuse, it does not give you license to fail, nor does it rob you of success.

    Rev. Wright and Obama should both be preaching tolerance and equality instead of the garbage we've seen on myspace. As a national leader and potential president Obama should be accept accountability for his actions and he should not be using such stale and outdated arguments to justify the bigotry of his "mentor".
    By justifying the sermons at and continuing to attend church at Rev. Wrights house of intolerance and prejudice, Obama has demonstrated his inability to bridge the racial gap in America.

    The fact that the racist speech was made in church doesn't make it right, if anything it makes it worse. I see very little difference between this, and attending a meeting of the black panthers, or any other hate group.
    Bigotry can not be tolerated in any of the candidates, To sit in public and listen to a racist, and support him and call out hallelula makes you either a poor leader or a racist yourself, either way, .

    If America wants a "black" president Vote for a proven leader, vote for Colin Powell.

  2. #132
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by billyjeff2 View Post
    So let me see if I get this:

    If the logo said: "Half n*gger, all donkey" that would be funny too? Given all the racial invective that has been/will no doubt be injected into this presidential campaign just because of Obama's involvement, the last thing we need is more racially-driven drivel offered up in the guise of so-called humor. The word "honkey" is no less a racial slur than the n-word, and to think it's "funny" to invoke a racial slur in the name of scoring a political point is nothing short of bigotry.

    Guess good old red neck politics is still very much alive and kicking...Sorry guys-that's not funny.
    It would be funny just not as funny or as pointed. You see part of the joke is how Obama has made a point to try and distance himself from everything white. Since that is the side of his family who raised him its funny to see him try to deny that part of himself. Plus the Donkey part already refers back to one of the common black stereotypes as well as his political party so it is a double entendre. good joke small package.

    Lighten up if you can't make fun of an Ass who can you make fun of?

  3. #133
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Talking about racism, here is a little tidbit that a friend PM'ed me!

    Nicely written!

  4. #134
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    vote for Colin Powell.

    To bad he is to smart to want the job.

  5. #135
    Senior Member Traveller's Avatar
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    Guess good old red neck politics is still very much alive and kicking...Sorry guys-that's not funny.[/QUOTE]

    Thank God Best Regards gary

  6. #136
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    I had to post this.........

  7. #137
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by denmason View Post
    I had to post this.........

    I think this is the most accurate portrayal of all three candidates that I have seen!

  8. #138
    Senior Member denmason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    I think this is the most accurate portrayal of all three candidates that I have seen!
    It just makes me wonder why is it that we are stuck with a 2 party system in this country.
    The “original sin” of this whole matter is Americans’ uncritical acceptance of the two-party system.
    The two-party system is supported by election laws designed to suppress third and fourth parties.
    In theory the citizen can “write-in” but, even there, the ballots are designed so that the voter needs a fine ball-point pen which is NOT PROVIDED.
    The mass media carefully guides the citizen away from any discussion of the two-party system.
    I am not asking anyone to “like” Ralph Nader but he has an excellent talk on how his party is suppressed and exhausted in Pennsylvania. This may be found on Google or UTube.
    People may not be political but they have an instinctive knowledge that the “fix” is in. Hence we see declining voter participation.
    If you tell “Joe Six-Pack” that, regardless of what a ballot says, he may ABSTAIN from voting, he’ll decide that you are (a) treasonous (b) deranged (c) homosexual or (d) all of the above and worse.
    Remember that the one force stronger than God Almighty is human stupidity.
    It’ll take generations to pass before we may cleanse ourselves of the controlled media.

  9. #139
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Nice post DenMason. Very very true. There will be about ten or more parties with candidates out there with platforms that will very likely match anyones perspective much better than what the major two are offering.

    Our system was designed to work best when everyone votes their own enlightened self-interest. Not when they vote for who will do the best job for the country or who will help the most people but for the guy that will make your very own particular life better.

    I'd love to see third party candidates actually get a significant slice of the mess that will be this November. It would call into question the very way we in this country count votes and determine the winner. The last two election proved that there are some very basic flaws in the system, none of which have been fixed since.

    I'll be voting for a third party candidate this fall. I already know that non of the big three are worthy of my vote. Heck according to one survey I agree with the best of them on less than 20% of his opinions, that doesn't get my vote and the other two are worse. I can't bring myself to vote for an idiot just to try and keep a moron out of the white house so that means I will vote the way I should. For the candidate who I think will best represent me!!

  10. #140
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    Vote? You guys familiar with the electoral college?

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