Results 31 to 40 of 128
04-10-2008, 09:02 PM #31
Actually the sky isn't blue, just like the ocean isn't blue. It is all a matter of perspective.
04-10-2008, 09:05 PM #32
04-10-2008, 09:14 PM #33
Of course the Bush administration agreeing with the UN about anything is a sign of the pending apocalypse so worrying about global warming is a totally moot point.
04-10-2008, 09:17 PM #34
Sorry JMS, but I already gave my opinion on the matter of global warming. I was just adding that arguing with Bush over whether the sky is blue or not is a moot point. Actually, that is how I feel about the argument over global warming. Who cares if it is caused by humans, and we shouldn’t even consider it in consideration of reduction and good environmental principles.
I remember growing up when the Love Canal occurred. This really upsets me. Companies should not be able to freely pollute our natural resources. Nor should they be able to freely exploit them just for our “American and European” connivances.
We shouldn’t be asking whether global warming is occurring, but asking what can I do to make the earth more livable for all.
04-10-2008, 09:19 PM #35
04-10-2008, 10:02 PM #36
It is unfortunate how the whole global warming debate falls along political fault lines. I wonder if this would have happened if Al Gore wasn't one of the earlier "faces" on this issue. Seems to me a lot of folks who don't like Gore reject the prospect that there may in fact be substantial evidence of global warming because of their feelings about the messenger, rather than the message. But then I'm sure there are those who'll argue the folks who believe there's evidence of g.w. do so just because they admire Al Gore.
Frustrating, ain't it?
04-10-2008, 10:10 PM #37
04-10-2008, 11:08 PM #38
Everyone I know who wants to debate it and place global
warming up there with UFO's do so because Gore's name is
on it. Yeah, it's nothing new, but Al Gore did a lot to bring
it to the forefront.
04-10-2008, 11:24 PM #39
I've had issues with it for a long while --- to me global warming has always been a front burner issue --- for as long as I can remember --- Al Gore is a non issue for me other than I see the politics involved in his praise and Nobel Prize ------ he seems to me just the epitome of a rigid stiff uncool fellow trying to be cool by jumping on the bandwagon of one of the most "hip" topics of the day --- a poser really who probably pollutes more when he farts than an average household does in a year --- if it wasn't global warming, it would be something else ---- maybe hemp subsidies or something.
I don't know too many who place global warming on the same level as UFO's --- I think most of us know that global warming exists as well as the green house effect, etc --- we see it historically ---- I believe there was a mini ice age as early as during the middle ages --- the earth has constantly changed with mass extinction happening several times but that is not what we are debating -- we are debating the cause and effect of human activities and correct steps to rectify the situation if we can --- and some of us see the politics of it ---- the prosletyzing (spelling ?) of the young via cartoons, PBS, car commercials, etc. (the things most liberals would label fascist), the dangers of people who promote change based on emotions and feel good politics, and the monetary and political gains of politicians and organizations who sponsor global warming as a non-debatable topic.
All I want is honest discussion and solutions ----
JustinLast edited by jaegerhund; 04-10-2008 at 11:41 PM.
04-10-2008, 11:31 PM #40
Well, unfortunately like many other things it has become
politicized by both sides. There really aren't many things
nowadays that you can really call bipartisan. If it came
down to supporting poor little orphan children somehow
or other it would become a political situation where people
would take sides.