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Thread: Happy Earth Day. What do you do to reduce consumption and waste?

  1. #51
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shayne View Post
    I crashed a oil tanker and ruined an entire Eco system
    Thanks for that great post! really! seriously! didnt you realize that if this stuff doesnt change your kids, kids will be born looking like your avatar.

  2. #52
    Bringer of Dust shayne's Avatar
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    Yes I do and it's obvious that you fail to realize that we have passed the point of no return. The every bit helps , turn off lights drive hybred cars reduce carbon footprint idea is too little too late. Solar power hydro power etc too late there is nothing we can do unless.... About 2/3rd of the population dies. On a personal level most people are not going to stop driving manufactures are not going to stop making and you my friend will not stop consuming. It is end game. But if you want to drive less consume less ,take less medicine cool more for me and mine untill the GOV steps I'm and takes it all for preservation of god and country.

  3. #53
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shayne View Post
    Yes I do and it's obvious that you fail to realize that we have passed the point of no return. The every bit helps , turn off lights drive hybred cars reduce carbon footprint idea is too little too late. Solar power hydro power etc too late there is nothing we can do unless.... About 2/3rd of the population dies. On a personal level most people are not going to stop driving manufactures are not going to stop making and you my friend will not stop consuming. It is end game. But if you want to drive less consume less ,take less medicine cool more for me and mine untill the GOV steps I'm and takes it all for preservation of god and country.
    So basically you gave up on the whole idea, and blame the goverment for everything! but if they do make a change you will be the first to complain about it!

  4. #54
    Bringer of Dust shayne's Avatar
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    Seriously that's what you understood ? When did I blame the GOV and which one was it ? There will never be a resource developed which can replace good ol petroleum the ROI is too great. Greenies are a funny lot save the tree posters printed on paper . Anti whaling done with petrol Motors. Grousing about the enviro on computers made from what ?powered with what ? Give up ? Tell you what, you give up on conveniences and me and the rest of the world will take up the slack. Oh and don't drive don't fly power your life with wind or solar and still it makes 0 difference , but you get to feel all warm and smug because you are green . Well merry x mas use a fake tree . Oh snap , petro. Use a real one .. Oh man forest depletion. Can't win can only loose.

  5. #55
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shayne View Post
    Seriously that's what you understood ? When did I blame the GOV and which one was it ? There will never be a resource developed which can replace good ol petroleum the ROI is too great. Greenies are a funny lot save the tree posters printed on paper . Anti whaling done with petrol Motors. Grousing about the enviro on computers made from what ?powered with what ? Give up ? Tell you what, you give up on conveniences and me and the rest of the world will take up the slack. Oh and don't drive don't fly power your life with wind or solar and still it makes 0 difference , but you get to feel all warm and smug because you are green . Well merry x mas use a fake tree . Oh snap , petro. Use a real one .. Oh man forest depletion. Can't win can only loose.
    When did you blame the Govt? your words "untill the govt steps in all for preservation". There are many resources that can replace oil. Paper is highly recycled now and its a renewable source! And it has nothing to do with giving up conveniences it has to do with being smart about using.
    And your saying if i power my life with wind and solar it makes no difference?? really do you hear what you are saying! and by the way christmas trees comes from tree farms not the forest!

  6. #56
    Bringer of Dust shayne's Avatar
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    Clarification due to lack of . Gov will step in and take absolute control of energy to keep the great war machine moving .

  7. #57
    Bringer of Dust shayne's Avatar
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    I live not in the US but it matters not, all gov are the same. Ok tree farms hmm let's see does that really matter ? How are they cut ? What is used to fert them what is used to transport . Bottom line for any argument you can use is going to be flawed because modern life is so dependent on a fuel that is finite and the usage of is prevalent in every aspect of life from food to insulation to clothing to medicine to ad nauseam . I didn't make the rules but I will play by them until it's all taped out. Or I can no longer afford to. My point is that turning off lights or doing all the save the planet drivel is only to provide the illusion of effecting change the reality is its just too late and I don't care to lie to myself or or to others nor does it seem honest to be smug about going in circles with my head in the sand. Ymmv . Facts support my stance but I am too busy enlarging my carbon footprint to link to them for you .

  8. #58
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Well, it ain't over till the fat lady sings. I don't believe we're anywhere near the point where it is 'too late' to do anything.
    Too late to reverse the damage we've already done... perhaps. I am not qualified to judge.
    But not too late to live with the results.

    Besides, there are other good reasons to not just waste because of indifference.
    The more efficient we handle our resources, the more we can do with them.

  9. #59
    Bringer of Dust shayne's Avatar
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    I didn't mean to imply the ship has sunk but we are about at the 5 min till mark . Nor do I think we need to squander any resource. But it does matter that at the level we are that what we can do I'd hope for the best because the whole end of times mentality means jack . When the powers that be decide they need what's left to support the ruling class we are all screwed. There are currently two classes of people on earth rich and screwed as this becomes a wider divide there will be slaves and gov (big biz) I am no survival guy nor do I give a rodents arse about it all. But I think as I said before no reason to refuse all comfort I can afford to give myself and my family.

  10. #60
    Senior Member mannye's Avatar
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    So.... gas up the Roadrunner, put the top down (see my avatar?) and open up all 4 barrels dumping as much leaded fuel (oh yeah...I still get racing lead-added gasoline...welcome to the eye-stinging 70's bitches) and race against the Viper (that little red splotch is the nose of my cousin's Viper) until we hit us a manatee! (because ummm, we live in Miami Beach...)

    HEY! How many environmentalists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? ANSWER: "That's not funny!"

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