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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_ratliff View Post
    It's all a penis waving contest anyway...
    I say we all vote for Ron Jeremy
    We need a smiley demonstrating this comment!

  2. #32
    Frameback Aficionado heavydutysg135's Avatar
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    I respect what you are trying to do here and the information that you are sharing Mark, but I just don't see any good coming out of a political thread here. If I remember correctly we lost some very valuable members to heated arguments resulting from political threads and thought that there was some sort of rule against starting them because of this. As the great Dale Carnegie said, "There are no winners in an argument" (Yes, I know that I have not always followed this advice myself )

  3. #33
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    Good, Bad or Indifferent, Obama is done! If he wins the nomination, in my opinion, he will never be elected President. Not going to happen!

    My two cents,

  4. #34
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by heavydutysg135 View Post
    I respect what you are trying to do here and the information that you are sharing Mark, but I just don't see any good coming out of a political thread here. If I remember correctly we lost some very valuable members to heated arguments resulting from political threads and thought that there was some sort of rule against starting them because of this. As the great Dale Carnegie said, "There are no winners in an argument" (Yes, I know that I have not always followed this advice myself )
    I think most of us are grown up enough to handle such a discussion!

  5. #35
    Junior Honemeister Mike_ratliff's Avatar
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    Are not!
    Am too!
    Are not!!!

    We're all entitled to an opinion, and as long as we can agree to disagree peacefully, i don't see any reason we can't discuss it.

    So in the spirit of peaceful co-existence...

    My presidential candidate can beat up your presidential candidate...

    I honestly fear the damage that Clinton and Obama could potentially do to this country, I find great fault with both of them, and I think a moderate conservative such as McCain is what we need.

    With any luck, These two will soon join the long list of easily forgotten presidential runner-ups.

  6. #36
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    You Republicans are funny. You're really grasping at straws with this "back peddling" thing.


  7. #37
    Junior Honemeister Mike_ratliff's Avatar
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    You can't deny Wright is hurting him, frankly, with the contributions Obama made to Wright's church, I have no choice but to see Obama as a racist.
    You don't donate thousands of dollars to a man who is spewing racial slurs if you disagree with him.

    If McCain donated $24,000 to a church that donned white hoods, and believed the cross needed kerosine to work properly, it would be front page news, and he would not be the Republican nominee.

    The difference here is not that great, Large sums of money were given to keep this racist minister preaching hate.

    Obama is denying Wright because it is the only way he can save his campaign, but if you want to know what Obama is really about, follow the money.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_ratliff View Post
    You can't deny Wright is hurting him, frankly, with the contributions Obama made to Wright's church, I have no choice but to see Obama as a racist.
    You don't donate thousands of dollars to a man who is spewing racial slurs if you disagree with him.

    If McCain donated $24,000 to a church that donned white hoods, and believed the cross needed kerosine to work properly, it would be front page news, and he would not be the Republican nominee.

    The difference here is not that great, Large sums of money were given to keep this racist minister preaching hate.

    Obama is denying Wright because it is the only way he can save his campaign, but if you want to know what Obama is really about, follow the money.
    It's fun to draw those kinds of analogies, and Wright makes an easy target, but c'mon, there is a difference between Wright blabbering about whatever he blabbers about and lynching people and burning crosses. Hate in both cases, check, stupidity, check, rounding up and killing defenseless people, NOPE.

    Wright is a sore spot, and inexcusable for Obama to have stayed linked to him so long. But I don't think for a second that Obama is a racist (I'm more worried that he's elitist honestly), and I think he'd be a fine president. But we won't know for a while because Hilary is handing this to McCain. Woo hoo!

  9. #39
    Affable Chap Nickelking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_ratliff View Post
    If McCain donated $24,000 to a church that donned white hoods, and believed the cross needed kerosine to work properly, it would be front page news, and he would not be the Republican nominee.
    Right, instead he's on the record as being bigoted towards athiests as well as homosexuals. And a close friend of Falwell.

    His church is staunchly anti-gay and has preached out against america.

    Many preachers use hyperbole. As a matter of fact I'd expect my pastor to challenge me in such a way, otherwise it'd be spiritual stagnation instead of growth. But really, the whole thing is a moot point IMO.

    As for how much was donated to where and by whom have you seen the charitable deeds done with the money? I'd not like it gets slipped into the preacher's cassock as a tip.

  10. #40
    Senior Member billyjeff2's Avatar
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    And lest we not forget McCain's non-rejection of that wonderful Man of God, John Hagee, whose rants against Catholicism have been given distant-second attention by the main stream media in favor of repeating, ad nauseum, the Rev Wright rants. So McCain gets a pass while Obama gets the shaft. What has come out of Hagee's mouth is no less offensive than what Wright has said. And let's also not forget what was said by Pat Robertson and the dead and rotting-in-hell Jerry Fawell shortly after the 9-11 attacks and following the Hurricane Katrina disaster about how these events represent God's punishment of the wicked in America. Altho stated in different terminology, Fawell and Robertson were echoing the exact same "God damn America" sentiment that Wright has been (justly) crucified for stating. Yet McCain never shunned Roberton or Fawell even after they verbally vomited out the "blame the wicked Americans" b.s.

    Nuff said.

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