View Poll Results: Should the toilet paper feed toward the wall or away from it?

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  • Toward

    16 15.69%
  • Away

    75 73.53%
  • Doesn't matter

    11 10.78%
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  1. #21
    Senior Member tjiscooler's Avatar
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    Default DUH

    over the top! why would anyone ever face it towards the wall?

  2. #22
    Affable Chap Nickelking's Avatar
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    Easily over the top, my ex roommate was a towards the wall guy on the rare occasions he actually put a roll on. (Honest, you're literally sitting right there!)

    As for the fold vs crumple, I didn't even know crumple was an option until recently.

  3. #23
    Searching for the Frameback ragnost's Avatar
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    But surely it’s over the top whichever way it comes of the roll I’ve yet to see a roll that comes off the bottom but mine is held vertical on a swing arm a bit like a bathroom mirror so it can go either way depending on far you swing the arm

  4. #24
    Oh Yes! poona's Avatar
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    away from wall here.

    funny topic.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnich67 View Post
    Ok, this has been a major issue in my life - really (I may have a touch of OCD)

    I voted toward (you're tearing from the underside of the roll, if I'm understanding you).

    For whatever reason, I've always preferred toward the wall. Maybe it’s just my technique. As a young man, I worked for a brief time at a five diamond hotel. While I didn't deal directly with TP, I did ask some knowledgeable folks what the proper way was. To my dismay, away from the wall (over the top) is considered "correct" - thus the nice folded point you see at finer hotels.

    Nevertheless, I continued in my toward the wall ways until I got married - not worth the fight.

    Really hate to bring this up but it is has to do with hygiene. When using the roll you roll off the part that you last touched. People don't grab the very end of the roll and pull the paper off, they put their big grimy digits on the top and use friction to roll it off, thus rolling off the part that their big grimy digits were on if the roll is away from the wall.


  6. #26
    Libertarian Freak Dewey's Avatar
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    Away from the wall...
    BTW the best roll holders are the C-shaped hooks that the roll slides on (open on one side) where you don't have to screw with the springy plastic dowels. Those are great and fast in the case where someone actually puts the friggin' thing on backwards!

  7. #27
    Senior Member 1adam12's Avatar
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    The correct way is over the top away from the wall of course. There is only one valid excuse to hang it the incorrect facing the wall way, and that is if you have small children, dogs, or cats. Especially cats they will spin that roll until the entire thing is in a pile on the floor. If you hang it facing the wall they can still spin the roll, but it will not end up all over the floor.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    Really though, toilet paper? Isn't there a better way? sheesh
    I read an article today where someone who was hawking their new commode gadget (in-bowl bidet thing, might take some getting used to) said that "[using] toilet paper is like washing your dishes with paper towels."

    Which, yeah, it kind of is. And for those of us who live in parts of the world that occasionally gets droughts (by which I mean virtually all of us), how much sense does it make to poop in your clean water supply?

    Just a thought.

    ObOnTopic: Over the top. Unless, as many have said, you have a cat. Then you pull some out of the pile on the floor, cursing at the cat and wondering why you keep feeding it and petting it and cleaning out the poobox. I mean, all you ask is that it keep the spider and fly population down so the sweetie doesn't get too weirded out or demand that you evict a giant eight-legged beasty from the shower at TWO IN THE MORNING when your arachnophobic honey gets up to pee. But no, you have a defective cat who blithely skips past the nest of spiders, stopping only to pat a mouse on the head on its way to the catnip toy before shredding the over-the-top toilet paper roll onto the floor. You know, that kid down the block looks like she wants a cat. It's much better than the burlap sack option that your sociopathic brother recommended last week. You briefly wonder how long it would take the partner to notice the cat missing. Microseconds, probably.

    Aww... she's purrin'. That's so adorable!


  9. #29
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Still_Ged View Post
    I read an article today where someone who was hawking their new commode gadget (in-bowl bidet thing, might take some getting used to) said that "[using] toilet paper is like washing your dishes with paper towels."

    Which, yeah, it kind of is. And for those of us who live in parts of the world that occasionally gets droughts (by which I mean virtually all of us), how much sense does it make to poop in your clean water supply?

    Just a thought.
    My wife is from an area where people never eat with their left hand - I guess TP is better than nothing, but I would prefer something more sanitary
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  10. #30
    Senior Member blabbermouth jnich67's Avatar
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    TP has its place, but I don't know how we ever got on before the introduction of moist wipes. I was using baby wipes for a long time before J&J caught on. TMI?


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