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  1. #41
    Member artilleryo's Avatar
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    Here are my moments:

    Taking my glasses off to read stuff up close. If I'm wearing my contacts, I have to hold it WAY out there.

    I was gassing up the car with my son one day. He made some comment about how expensive gas was. Then I remembered when I started driving, I could buy a tank of gas, get a soda and a candy bar, pay with a 10 and get change.

    Some of the privates in my platoon were born after I went to basic training. One of my PFC's was giving me my road test for the FMTV and I mentioned that I'd served for every president since Regan. His remark: "Holy S#$t sir, how old are you?"

    Things are beginning to hurt for no apparent reason.

    I was in basic training when the kids that are becoming legal to drink this year were born.

    But, 40 is cool. I'm having a good time.

  2. #42
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by artilleryo View Post
    40 is cool
    Someday many years from now I will probably agree with you
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  3. #43
    It puts the lotion on its skin..... Blazed Monkey's Avatar
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    I'm 26, yet I empathize with many of you

    -I want to slap the crap out of most of my generation, be it for the way they talk, dress, or just generally conduct themselves around women.

    -I agree with being born old: I never really got along with anyone my age, simply for the fact that I grew up idolizing my parents and the things they watched and valued in life. I love vinyl, and have a decent little collection that I still listen too (in fact, I even buy new stuff on vinyl ). I love TV shows that were already in syndication the first time I watched them.

    -I was raised as a gentleman: I hold the door for women, I walk closest to the street when I am walking with a lady on the sidewalk, and I've been known to ask a womans father for permission to take her out. I don't talk with my mouth full, and I can't stand it when people chew with their mouths open. I will push in my dates chair for her when we go to a restaurant, and I always pay for the meal (not to be impressive or show off, just simply because that is how I was raised)

    I never really fit in with my generation.........and I'm kinda proud of that

  4. #44
    Torchwood 4 Ockham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Well, Last week I discovered (well, my wife did) a good radio station, playing a lot of my favorite music. You know: eighties songs, some rock music, ...
    It's a really good network.


    it's called...

    'Radio Nostalgia'

    Don't be too sad... I am listening to Radio Nostalgie (from France) since I am 12... Never really fit in my generation also, and I was born in the seventies... And I think that the gap between me and my generation friends was less big than the one between the "youth of today" and those more interested in "traditional" values.

    The first time I realised that I was getting old is when I came back in my old high school to visit a friend and every student were calling me SIR ! awful...

    My best moment was when an old lady (more than 80) said that I was a so young lad, thinking that I was 18 (I was 27 at that time)... maybe she wasn't wearing her glasses...

  5. #45
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Well, I mustn't grumble about my looks.

    When I mentored a college student doing his thesis 2 years ago, I attended his presentation.
    The jurors assumed I was there to present a graduation thesis.

    When I started in my current job, last year, the technicians asked if this was my first job out of college (Been working for 10 years now).

    6 years ago, I had to present my ID at the movie theatre to prove that I was over 18.

    So all in all, I guess it will be a long time before I start looking old. Who knows? Maybe I won't look out of place with a hot 23 year old after all.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

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