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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Chandler View Post
    Now we're arguing the Theory of Relative Filth when we argue which network is worse. Yes, Fox is biased to the right. As ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, LA Times, and even the National Enquirer are biased to the left. There is very little true journalism left anymore, which makes it tough to get good info. I'll vote McCain/Palin because, in principle, I agree with the Republican platform, not because I believe any of these peckerwoods will actually do what they say. But I could say the same thing if I were going for Obama. At least McCain says he's not going to raise taxes or try and take my guns (which I cling to, because my life is so friggin bad here in the good ol' U.S.of A) But you're absolutely right about one thing: If a journalist is caught making up stories, they should be terminated, post-haste (and I'm not talking about getting fired...I'm talking about literally terminated).
    Gee, I wanted to go to bed.

    McCain was only speaking to people who make more than $250,000 when he said that. I'll look for the citation tomorrow. Obama will only raise taxes on those over $250,000. I make pretty good money, but under Obama's plan, I get about a $3000 break. Since I probably won't be back on-line until tomorrow night, you might google some of the comparisons of the tax programs.

    And Obama also said he won't take your guns. Specifically, and many times. I'm a gun owner, and am quite sensitive to that.

    And I agree with you on journalism, although some of the outlets that you mentioned have been tilting ever more to the right -- not out of principle, but out of cowardice.


    And now I am going to bed.

  2. #42
    Knife & Razor Maker Joe Chandler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nord Jim View Post
    Gee, I wanted to go to bed.

    McCain was only speaking to people who make more than $250,000 when he said that. I'll look for the citation tomorrow. Obama will only raise taxes on those over $250,000. I make pretty good money, but under Obama's plan, I get about a $3000 break. Since I probably won't be back on-line until tomorrow night, you might google some of the comparisons of the tax programs.

    And Obama also said he won't take your guns. Specifically, and many times. I'm a gun owner, and am quite sensitive to that.

    And I agree with you on journalism, although some of the outlets that you mentioned have been tilting ever more to the right -- not out of principle, but out of cowardice.


    And now I am going to bed.
    j I see the problem: We just have a different definition of "left". And I have looked at tax tables (and I didn't bookmark it, so I'll have to try and find it again). My problem is this: Obama wants to tax the "rich". You know, those who invest in this country, provide jobs, stuff like that...Any idea what that'll do? (In the real world, not the liberal world). Obama wants to cut taxes on the "poorest" among us. They already don't pay taxes. I don't make great money. I'm a public servant, and Obama's plan would break me over like a double barrel shotgun and dry hump the hell out of me. And I have a college degree in literature and an IQ of 153 (last time I took a test). I say a flat tax, with no loopholes. That's the only fair way, IMHO. And I'm spent. Enjoyed it. Also, the fact that you're a gun owner gives me hope.

  3. #43
    Knife & Razor Maker Joe Chandler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nord Jim View Post
    Obama answered roll call votes 99% of the time in 2006 and 66% of the time in 2007 as his campaign got under way. This session, he has voted in 70 out of 169 roll call votes, and it is conceded that he has made every effort to be present for key votes.

    By way of comparison, in that same time period, John McCain was present in 2006 for roll call 91% of the time; in 2007, as his campaign got under way, it dropped to 44% of the time. This session, he has answered roll call 36 out of 169 times.

    Spin that.


    Oh, and by the way, "The One" was first mentioned in a McCain attack ad. Obama never said it.
    Did a little research, and found that we were both wrong. It was the Goddess of the Menses, Oprah, who first referred to Obama as "The One". I believe she built a shrine in Kenya and Chicago, and has purchased the rights to his crucifixion and resurrection. Will probably be an Oliver Stone film.
    Last edited by Joe Chandler; 09-09-2008 at 03:24 AM.

  4. #44
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Is Nord Jim driving us toward more research?
    I found that McCain's first year in the Senate was a 99% voting turnout for him as well. I wonder if that's a trend for first year senators that begins to relax a little as time goes on?

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