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  1. #11
    Senior Member denmason's Avatar
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    Guess what these people are laughing at..... the joke is on US.

    Pelosi looks like she is having an orgasm from screwing the American taxpayers!

  2. #12
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  3. #13
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    oh, MAN

    I don't know whether to or
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  4. #14
    JMS is offline
    Usagi Yojimbo JMS's Avatar
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    The house rejected the bail out plan!!

  5. #15

  6. #16
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    Bush said the legislation addresses the root cause of the problem — "assets related to home mortgages that have lost value during the housing decline."

    And the president noted that under provisions of the pending bill, "the federal government will be authorized to purchase these assets" and said that will help financial institutions to resume lending to individuals and businesses.
    Let's see: The banks are in trouble because they took on bad loans.

    Now Bush wants us, the taxpayers (we fund the federal government), to buy those very same assets that is causing these major financial institutions to fail?

    And where would that leave us? That would be money out the door and down the toilet.

    I'm not buying that sales pitch. Not with my money.

    Get the failing divisions of AIG up on the auction block immediately, let some other fat cats put their money in there. Put the individual bad mortgages up on EBay and let people bid on them.

    Listing: $500,000 mortgage on McMansion in Southern NJ.

    Current loan owner makes $45k a year and also drives a Hummer, couldn't keep up with payments when gas spiked +$4/gallon.

    Starting bid $0.99
    Last edited by Seraphim; 09-29-2008 at 07:26 PM.

  7. #17
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    Everybody has an angle and the more you listen, the more you will get confused.

    Your banks have loaned money to American citizens so that they can buy houses.

    Unfortunately the borrowers can not pay the interest payments, because the economy has taken a downturn.

    As a result, people are suffering and banks are suffering.

    The situation is so bad that some banks have gone bankrupt and confidence in money is at a low ebb.

    Your Government says that the situation can be recovered if each and every American pays into a kitty $2500.

    You have all been riding the fat for a few years now. I think that if the only price you have to pay is $2500 per head, then that is a bargain. Buy it and buy it now, but expect to pay more later.

    You may feel its unfair, but hey, life is unfair.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
    Everybody has an angle and the more you listen, the more you will get confused.

    Your banks have loaned money to American citizens so that they can buy houses.

    Unfortunately the borrowers can not pay the interest payments, because the economy has taken a downturn.

    As a result, people are suffering and banks are suffering.

    The situation is so bad that some banks have gone bankrupt and confidence in money is at a low ebb.

    Your Government says that the situation can be recovered if each and every American pays into a kitty $2500.

    You have all been riding the fat for a few years now. I think that if the only price you have to pay is $2500 per head, then that is a bargain. Buy it and buy it now, but expect to pay more later.

    You may feel its unfair, but hey, life is unfair.
    $2500 per head includes men, women and children. Per taxpayer is more like $10,000 a head.

    I want a better return on my investment than that.

    I personally haven't been riding the fat, I live pretty much within my means.

  9. #19
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    I'm still not sure where I stand on this. As has been said, it's confusing and the more I read, the more I'm confused. On one hand, I just want to say "well, they ****ed up and it's their problem. Do what everyone else does and start over." On the other hand, maybe we'll face large scale financial collapse if this bailout doesn't happen.

    I lean more toward the first option though, and I'll say why. I interviewed with a wonderful and HUGE company along the lines of the ones that are going broke and getting bought up. Their exposure to this huge problem is less than one half of 1%. They were smart and solid in their practices and it shows. Business is good as usual for them with no foreseeable issues in the future.

    Furthermore, as much as I can't believe it, Oklahoma's banks are doing quite well. They played it safe and learned from the last collapse, and as such aren't feeling it.

    These failing banks screwed the pooch...why shouldn't they have to deal with it like everyone else?

  10. #20
    Curmudgeon Brother Jeeter's Avatar
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    First off, my Wife and I live a pretty modest lifestyle. We have lived within our means and have never missed a payment. Whether that payment was the gas bill, or the mortgage payment. My truck is seven years old and it is probably going to be the truck I'm driving when I die.
    Secondly, a Hummer costs more than we paid for our house. For someone making $45,000 a year to buy a Hummer and a $500,000 home is pure IDIOCY. I have NO sympathy for that level of premeditated stupidity! It's his baby, let HIM rock it.
    Third, ANY TIME, I was ever pressured to do something, it was NOT in MY best interest! That's the feeling I got from the hype surrounding this bailout bill. "Ya' GOTTA do it NOW, if you don't, the sky's gonna fall!" I ain't buyin' it!
    Fourth, I sent my Representative and both Senators the same e-mail on Friday. Basically, it said: "I do not support a bailout of these financial entities, until AFTER the people who crashed them have been brought to trial, their assets stripped and they are rotting in a Federal Prison, NOT a country club surrounded by a chain link fence."
    Fifth, I intend to vote against both incumbent legislators! Senator AND Representative. Everybody complains about the rot in Washington, but everybody ALWAYS sends the same 'Snollygosters' back for another term! Just about the only way to leave either House of Congress, is to die, or go to jail. Very few of the EVER get voted out.

    Last edited by Brother Jeeter; 09-30-2008 at 12:44 AM.

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