It was a gorgeous day here in North Florida, around 75 degrees by lunch time. I was supposed to go out with my girlfriend and run some errands together. I find her crying the the spare bedroom. We live together. I can't talk to her when she's like this. Everything is my fault. We wind up getting into this big argument over Stupid S**T. She leaves, I jump on my Harley, again beautiful outside today and for a ride. Would you believe when I left, The one thing I was worried about, My 20 or so razors sitting on the bathroom counter. I put my best ducks in the safe. You know how vindictive women can get. I was hoping she didn't get home first and do the old, " I'll show him". Anyway, When I got back she was in the spare bedroom. I hope she stays in there. Thank God I'm not married to her.

Anyone need a roommate?