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  1. #31
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    This seems relevant.
    YouTube - Dan Ariely asks, Are we in control of our decisions?

    There is no need to separate the mind from the imaginary soul to have free will. We simply need to understand that the minute biochemical reactions which happen in the brain are not the same as the sum of them which make up a decision or an action more precisely. We merely need to understand that the process is different, just as the quantum world is different from our midde world which is different again from the macro universe. Each informs the other, but they have different rules of engagement.

    On the question of free will vs predestination, I can't imagine it makes any difference to the layman anyhow since we all effectively operate as if there were free will even if there isn't. At least we believe we do.



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    Lurking Cilted Pirate Spike J's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    The answer you get depends on numerous things.

    An applied statistician would most likely have you repeat the "experiment" and observe the results. Adequate replication would mean you'd be going at it like rabbits for the rest of your reproductive lives.

    A Bayesian would want to observe the distribution of your posteriors. They'll mention vague priors, but all they really want is to examine your posterior.

    A Theoretician might seem like your best bet, but generally they are so socially inadequate that, frankly, all they will do is ask you if they can watch while they doodle something about the Borel-Cantelli Lemma to take your attention away from the fact they have a video camera hidden in their coat pocket.

    An expert in stochastic processes will generally try to create a sequence of events whereby they attempt to string you along for as long as possible, and snigger to their colleagues about "copulas".


    So which class do you fall into Jimbo? Grats on the 3k BTW

    From the tiniest dew drop on a morning leaf to the majesty of a clear night's sky, Mother Nature never fails to inspire awe. Why look for any higher power?

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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    This seems relevant.

    There is no need to separate the mind from the imaginary soul to have free will. We simply need to understand that the minute biochemical reactions which happen in the brain are not the same as the sum of them which make up a decision or an action more precisely. We merely need to understand that the process is different, just as the quantum world is different from our midde world which is different again from the macro universe. Each informs the other, but they have different rules of engagement.

    On the question of free will vs predestination, I can't imagine it makes any difference to the layman anyhow since we all effectively operate as if there were free will even if there isn't. At least we believe we do.


    The video was good.

    If you are arguing then the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts then you are arguing, essentially, for something nonphysical.

    It was quite a difficult question to answer, and that's one way I thought you could do it. Another, I guess, would be to simply prove determinism beyond reasonable doubt - something that is much much simpler.

    It probably isn't important for many people, but it could be used in court (for example), and hell, I just have that kind of mind that finds debating this stuff interesting - it keeps the blood flowing.

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    Last edited by xman; 07-05-2009 at 07:28 AM.

  • #35
    Steel crazy after all these years RayG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    ... at a steady population of 10 billion coupling citizens
    Reading that phrase, you'd think the world would be a happy, peaceful place.

  • #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    This segment is blowing my mind!
    There was a great throwaway comment in there by Dawkins which is pretty important, but not many people realise - even if there were no fossils anywhere on Earth, evolution and common ancenstry would be evident from genetics. The "Tree of Life" can be built from different independent techniques, and they all corroborate each other...strange coincidence

    Obligatory YouTube vid:

    YouTube - Charles Darwin And The Tree Of Life - Sir David Attenborough

    Information overload:

    YouTube - 10th Foundational Falsehood of Creationism
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  • #37
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    The thing that shook me the most is that within a decade anyone could have their own genome sequenced for about $1,000 US and have it done within a week or so. What a boon to modern medicine! Your doctor can arrange treatment or lifestyle modifications based on your predilection to contract disease or suffer malady. If that's going to happen by 2020, what's going to happen by 2030 or 2040!?!?! This technology and ALL others are expanding exponentially!!! When my grandfather told me before he died that I was bound to see great advancements in my lifetime he could not possibly have had any idea exactly how great. I hold now, in my hand a computer more powerful than the first personal computers which were available and this would have been inconceivable to him, a man who witnessed the onset of radio technology. What then shall I be able to say to my own grandchildren?

    PS I love AronRa. He makes me feel so small.

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    What I find interesting is the opening statement by the narrator that is pure "truth by blatant assertion".

    He says that all scientists have nothing to do with any particular agenda, yadda, yadda..

    Contrast that with the original post on this thread where a scientist discovers a fossil claiming a missing link has been discovered, and yet that claim is quickly debunked as simply an ancient form of lemur. Was the original scientist being purely objective? Was he letting the facts speak for themselves?

    In an ideal world, scientists do let the facts speak for themselves. In the real world there are research grant moneys that need to be obtained, papers to be published, etc, etc. it is difficult to maintain true objectivity in an environment like that. Also it is difficult to take the human out of the equation when a human is conducting the research. By nature the scientist has a pre-concieved notion of what he/she is looking for, especially in a field such as evolutionary science.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    The thing that shook me the most is that within a decade anyone could have their own genome sequenced for about $1,000 US and have it done within a week or so. What a boon to modern medicine! Your doctor can arrange treatment or lifestyle modifications based on your predilection to contract disease or suffer malady. If that's going to happen by 2020, what's going to happen by 2030 or 2040!?!?!
    2020, people routinely live to 120. 2030, we wipe out the common cold. 2040, we look to mars, invade it and get wiped out by the common cold.

    Oh, wait, wrong story.

  • #40
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    What then shall I be able to say to my own grandchildren?
    "We are the borg."

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