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  1. #1
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Default "Obama is sort of God" - he's too good for you, me, the country, and even the world

    I am again reminded of nun2sharp's signature line:
    It is only by believing in God that we can ever criticize the Government. Once abolish God, and the Government becomes God.
    Oh how the media love him so, "He is the great teacher. He is this guy that stands above everybody." You'd think he was Jesus Christ to hear Chris Evans talk about him. Incredible!

    YouTube - " Obamas is sort of God." Newsweek editor Evan Thomas Said On TV !!!! 6/5/09

    What do you think? Can Obama walk on water?
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  • #2
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    comment removed by gratewhitehuntr @2:45
    Last edited by gratewhitehuntr; 06-09-2009 at 06:45 PM. Reason: DOH!!

  • #3
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    personally, I find any comments deifying Obama to be blasphemous. we all know that Chuck Norris is the only one worthy of such worship.

    but seriously, it is a bit sickening. I know there will always be [insert political party]-rabid-fanboys and that they will say all kinds of ridiculous things... but the Obama fanboys are pretty zealous, even for fanboys.

    he's just another politician, no better or worse than all the others. owned by lobbyists and toes the party line the way you'd expect.

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    Senior Member singlewedge's Avatar
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    I think, and again I will play devil's advocate here, that the reason that the media is so smitten with Obama is that never in the history of the US has so much been done in so little time with so much fervor.

    I am not tooting a horn here but look at the past president's and the accomplishments that they have had in their respective tenure. I think not since FDR have we had to dig in our heels and pull ourselves up as a nation.

    Right wrong or indifferent he is doing that. Pulling us up and getting us into a better position in the world. In 1920 it took a World War to snap the great depression here at home a great driving force that shifted the US into overdrive for production and infrastructure. Today we cannot have a World War to do that with so the president has to get creative. Find other ways to shift the driving forces of our economy so that it does create jobs, creates stability.

    Personally I don't care if he is a Democrat, Republican, or Communist. As long as he can get the job done.

    The media's problem is that they have no ammunition to smear him with. Sorry but the media in general has become a smear monger. Looking for any little thing to throw into the face of the sound bite driven American consciousness to either dissuade or ramp up an event.

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  • #5
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jockeys View Post
    personally, I find any comments deifying Obama to be blasphemous. we all know that Chuck Norris is the only one worthy of such worship.

    but seriously, it is a bit sickening. I know there will always be [insert political party]-rabid-fanboys and that they will say all kinds of ridiculous things... but the Obama fanboys are pretty zealous, even for fanboys.

    he's just another politician, no better or worse than all the others. owned by lobbyists and toes the party line the way you'd expect.
    While I disagree that the Obama fanboys are any worse than others, I have to agree with you on everything else.

    Quote Originally Posted by singlewedge View Post
    ...The media's problem is that they have no ammunition to smear him with. Sorry but the media in general has become a smear monger. Looking for any little thing to throw into the face of the sound bite driven American consciousness to either dissuade or ramp up an event.

    Do the job you were hired to do and do it the best of your ability. Others be damned.

    I have to agree here as well. The news media (that once venerable "fourth branch" of the government) is here for one reason, and one reason only, and that is to get you to pay attention during the commercials. They will blast you with whatever outragous imagary to grab your attention so that they can then sell that attention to an advertiser who will tell you that your not going to get laid because of your dandruff. I guess you'd better buy his shampoo.

    Think Rush Limbaugh gives two F#%ks about anything he talks about? No, he's trying to sell Breath Assure mints, or whatever else it is now days. You think the CBS, CNN, MSNBC or Fox News organizations really care that you get an entire story? Think again. They are selling your attention to advertisers. That's where they make their money, and that's who they owe their loyalty to.

    Do they say outragous BS? Yes, and they do so on purpose just to get you wound up and ****ed off. Advertisers call that mental state "Arousal", and they know that you're more recptive to advertising messages when you're that way.

    There are a few good print sources of news, but outside of that, there are no reliable sources. Certainly not on commercial television, and vanashingly little on public television.

    Sorry, I wandered a bit off topic
    Last edited by joesixpack; 06-09-2009 at 08:23 PM.

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    Rusty nails sparq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    What do you think? Can Obama walk on water?
    Of course he can. Was not he appointed to do miracles?

  • #7
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparq View Post
    Of course he can. Was not he appointed to do miracles?
    Bless you, child. You will be saved from damnation since you believeth
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    Seriously after seeing him on his last tour I wasn't sure anymore either.
    He has some adaptability (if something like that exists) that would make a chameleon ashamed.

  • #9
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    It make a nice change to see people actually *like* their leader. It is probably so foreign and unusual that they get a bit over-enthusiastic.

    Let's face it - money is God to a lot of people. If Obama gets the Economy back on its feet, then he may not be God, but for a lot of people he will at least be up there with the Pope!

    <This signature intentionally left blank>

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    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    Oh how the media love him so, "He is the great teacher. He is this guy that stands above everybody." You'd think he was Jesus Christ to hear Chris Evans talk about him. Incredible!
    That's what you get for watching msnbc. It's time you accept your own responsibility for failing to follow the 'fair and balanced news'.

    Quote Originally Posted by singlewedge View Post
    Today we cannot have a World War to do that with

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