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  1. #51
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chimensch View Post
    Well, I was talking to daughter number 1 the other day and she said that doing one thing was "funner" than doing another. Later, I was talking to daughter number 2 and I used it as an example of how language is a living thing that is always mutating and developing new forms and she said, "No, it's an example of how my sister is an idiot". That about sums up the two sides of the debate.
    That's awesome. Buy yourself something nice, you did a good job

    The main thing that bothers me is basic punctuation. Throw some periods in, proper use of commas, apostrophes, and paragraphs, and I'm a happy camper. It's not difficult stuff.

    Next on the list is spelling and word usage. I understand messing up to and too, but there/their/they're absolutely kills me. You can quote living language all day long to me, but it sounds more like an excuse to not spell correctly and have a limited vocabulary. A real example of a living language is the word gay. First it meant to be happy and joyous, then it meant homosexual, now it's taking on the meaning of being ridiculous and stupid.

    As far as text speak, I don't mind it in texts, IM's, and video games. Past that, such as e-mail and forums, text speak can take a hike.

  2. #52
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    The very notion that English was originally from Britain is laughable. Thats a perfect example of how liquid language is. English as a language did not suddenly spring up in ye olde londinium. It has its roots in norman (french) and anglo-saxon (german) languages. Most languages have a trace of latin in there too (particularly if you are a botanist) so the idea that the English language is quintessentially English is laughable.

    That said, I hate it when my spellchecker tells me there is no 'u' in favour.

    But this is taking us away from our original topic. The point of a language is to allow communication. 1337 speak is more of a code than anything else- something for young teenage boys to play with. This shows how there is a blur between language and code. The distinction is that one allows us to be understood by all, the other allows only select people to understand us.

    Now I can understand (most) textspeak. But written textspeak is jarring on the eye. Can you honestly say maujurey that if the OED was written in textspeak you would use/buy it? Would you even RESPECT it for crying out loud?

    NB. There is a sense of irony to this post when I go to put this smiley in:

    and discover that the written shortcut for it is 'Agrue'


  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidneykidney View Post
    But this is taking us away from our original topic. The point of a language is to allow communication. 1337 speak is more of a code than anything else- something for young teenage boys to play with. This shows how there is a blur between language and code. The distinction is that one allows us to be understood by all, the other allows only select people to understand us.
    mmm, I don't think if I went into france and spoke english that many people would understand me, indeed only those who had learnt it would.

    Equally only those who learn '1337' speak understand it.

    Language is a code.

  4. #54
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    I think what Sandy is getting at is that you could still get by in France with English, whereas text speak in France wouldn't work at all. Having been to France and not speaking a bit of French, and many of them not speaking much English, you'd be surprised at how far you can get.

  5. #55
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidneykidney View Post
    Can you honestly say maujurey that if the OED was written in textspeak you would use/buy it? Would you even RESPECT it for crying out loud?
    Definitely not! But how long do you think it will be before the first txt speak term makes it into the OED? I'm not sure I would bet against it.

  6. #56
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gregs656 View Post
    mmm, I don't think if I went into france and spoke english that many people would understand me, indeed only those who had learnt it would.

    Equally only those who learn '1337' speak understand it.

    Language is a code.
    Yes. A great many people in France would understand you if you spoke English. Many Europeans have an excellent grasp of the language since they are taught it from a very young age.

    That is not my point however. My point was that languages evolve from other languages.

    Wiki has an excellent page on this subject:

    Anglo-Norman language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Any questions? Please ask

  7. #57
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidneykidney View Post
    Any questions? Please ask
    wht r u talking abt?
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  9. #58
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    txtspeak is doubleplusgood!
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  10. #59
    Grumpy old sod Whiskers's Avatar
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    I used to write alot because I enjoyed it. I enjoy the language and using the words and phrases.

    Nowadays, I am more apt to type than pick up a pen and write. For some reason, I have a hard time expressing myself with a keyboard. I have yet to develop the fluency that I have with the pen and paper.

    Plus, I never really learned how to type ... so I am winging that as well.

    I prefer not to use the txtspeak although I alone cannot change the world. I hate to think of the physical act of pen and paper being lost to shortcuts.

    Honestly, I am not the best typist and sometimes sentences I type look right to me when in fact they are not. I chuckle because the typing errors are errors I would never make if I was writing with a pen.

  11. #60
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    That would unusual to find a ME text translated into OE
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