View Poll Results: Obama invites stupid old you to drink some beers. Do you..

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  • Stand him up.

    2 6.67%
  • Politely decline.

    4 13.33%
  • Go and tell him off, spit on the floor and go home.

    1 3.33%
  • Get drunk and tell him off.

    1 3.33%
  • Wear a wire and try to get them both drunk and on tape.

    3 10.00%
  • Organize and lead a LEO march/protest in Washington.

    2 6.67%
  • Just show up for the free beer and see where it goes.

    15 50.00%
  • Drink the Kool Aid ie beer.

    2 6.67%
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  1. #1
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Default Downin some brewskis with the pres YO YO !!

    So if you were a stupid racist white pig, and the pres invited you to the white house, what do you do?
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  2. #2
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    Although I'd politely ask for a non alcoholated drink...I'd just go and have fun with it.

  3. #3
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    I want to know what kind of beer they'll be serving.

    Budweiser or Colt 45?

    Someone's going to be offended either way!

  4. #4
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    I was not a big fan of GWB, but would never turn down a chance to meet him or any president.

    And...Free Beer. You NEVER turn down free beer!!!!

    unless its nati light maybe....

  5. #5
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    anyone who knows anything is aware that the cop was just doing his job exactly as it had to be done
    (except maybe the disorderly arrest but hey when you play with fire)

    people not familiar with the way cops are talked to by minorities would be truly disgusted with the verbal abuse they are subjected to

    just last night I was called a racist for telling someone (5 someones) not to lean (drunk) on a car that wasn't theirs

    "caw I'm black you think I un't have a nite car..... that's why I'm leaning on dit one.... I gots a nice car........ tover deh....... see my car MF you see my car you white MF POS honkey POS MF F-U MF F-U"

    and it got worse from there............

    so apparently asking someone if the car they are leaning on belongs to them is also profiling
    in fact, I have seen accusations of profiling made over any (ANY) reason law enforcement finds to make contact with minorities

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  7. #6
    Senior Member smokelaw1's Avatar
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    Let's say it's GWB, who I find as distasteful as you find Obama. I'd go, shake the hand of the elected leader of my country and enjoy the honor.
    I'd then explain that if...(A BIG IF) I acted innapropriately, or over-zealously in arresting the gentleman, it was because he was unruly and becoming disorderly after I asked him to stop....NOT because he was black.
    I'd AGREE that there are still racial tensions in this country, and that in some areas, and some departments, racial profiling IS a problem, even if it was NOT in this case. I'd discuss the fact that I DO think that race relations and racial profiling are important topics for discussion and that I...this officer....teach a class on the very topic at the academy. I'd ask THEM what they think should be DONE about the opposed to just talking ad naseum about the fact there IS a problem.

    Then I'd thank him for planning an event (even a publicized see-what-a bringer-together I am event) meant to discuss the event with all parties present.

    Then I'd say well gents, this was time let's do it at my house.

    Quote Originally Posted by gratewhitehuntr View Post

    people not familiar with the way cops are talked to by PEOPLE would be truly disgusted with the verbal abuse they are subjected to

    My father was a LEO in a racially diverse city before I was born. He was the son of a disgustingly racist man, and he has some tendencies that way himself (though towards different peoples than his father). The one thing that he said that most impressed me was that the way he was trweated in any area was almost always more delineated by socio-economic class than by race. it was also a time when minorities were best served by taking a polite tone with LEOs, as to avoid a beating, so perhaps that has something to do with it.
    Last edited by smokelaw1; 07-30-2009 at 01:19 PM.

  8. #7
    Senior Member ENUF2's Avatar
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    Putting people together who are already in conflict together with alcohol and a third person (President or not) who's already proven he needs some work on verbal tact doesn't sound too smart to me. You know if there's beer they may want to grill up some brats watch a ball game and chill a bit before the peace summit. Since we are still involved with NAFTA they may want break out some tequila shooters just so other nation don't think we've forgotten them in all this hoopla.

  9. #8
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokelaw1 View Post
    My father was a LEO .... The one thing that he said that most impressed me was that the way he was treated in any area was almost always more delineated by socio-economic class than by race. It was also a time when minorities were best served by taking a polite tone with LEOs, as to avoid a beating, so perhaps that has something to do with it.
    I fully agree with that. (oh, I just saw your edit of me, let's just say that when I say minority, I mean ONE particular minority, not all minorities)

    now EVERYONE (sarcastic emphasis please)
    EVERYONE knows their rights

    (like freakin FDR making them up as we go)

    How do you explain Gates behavior ?
    Last edited by gratewhitehuntr; 07-30-2009 at 01:48 PM.

  10. #9
    Senior Member smokelaw1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gratewhitehuntr View Post
    How do you explain Gates behavior ?
    Without having ALL the facts (and honeslty, without being there, no one does), I'd say he got ****ed, acted like a dickhead, and got himself cuffed and stuffed. It's happened to me (no charges were pressed), and though my actions brought it on, the LEO was wrong in doing it, as I had committed no arresteable offense.

    How do I explain him playing the race card? Again, I didn't see how the officer addressed him. I don't know how the officer's demeaner changed (or didn't) once he had proof that this was indeed the man's house. The officer is trained in diffusing tense situations, Mr. Gates is most likely not.

  11. #10
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    wait... is this about getting drunk with the pres or racial profiling?

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