View Poll Results: What did I see?

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  • We are being visited, it was a UFO

    8 19.51%
  • Talk to a clergyman, it was a sign from God

    0 0%
  • Seek a medium, it was a message from the afterlife

    0 0%
  • It was something of terrestrial origin, maybe a secret government project

    9 21.95%
  • It was an optical effect of some kind, perhaps a sunset effect (although well past dusk)

    6 14.63%
  • You're wrong, you were dreaming

    8 19.51%
  • This was an hallucination

    3 7.32%
  • It was something else (please elaborate)

    9 21.95%
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Thread: I saw a UFO!

  1. #11
    Grumpy old sod Whiskers's Avatar
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    In certain parts of Canada, pot is legal.

    I'm just sayin'.

  2. #12
    jcd is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proraso Man View Post

    They're coming from our own backyard. Did you know that we have the only moon thus detected that is in such a perfect rotation with us that we never see the same side....ever??? Scientists don't know much about the moon, but the Apollo program revealed a few interesting anomalies:

    1) its much older than the earth so it couldn't have been created by smashing into our planet
    2) it has a magnetic charge to it that could have only come from passing by many large planets, i.e. it traveled from afar and landed in our orbit long ago.
    3) when Apollo craft touched down on the moon (on all missions) the seismic sensors we placed indicated that there were resonations throughout the surface. That means that in essence, the moon is somewhat hollow. that would help explain that....
    4) the dirt on the moon's surface is younger than the rocks around it. We know that dirt and rocks in the same area should be around the same age....think of a beach. The rocks and sand are the same age, just one has been broken down and one hasn't. Well on the moon, they are two different ages, meaning that one must have came from within the moon (like a core) that was around longer before the crust was formed. So there's evidence that the moon was "cored" sometime in its past.

    Again, its much more likely that intelligent beings are hiding somewhere on the moon (darkside, inside) than lightspeed or worm-hole travel. Even humans can travel to the moon with minimal technology (2,000 years after walking around in the desert with sandals).
    I know this is off topic, but:

    Our moon is not the only one that orbits with only one side facing us. Mercury does the same with sun. Both of Mars' moons are the same. Jupiter and Saturn between them have about 30 which are also in the same state.

    The phenomenon is called Tidal Locking. The physics and math are well understood.

    The rest of the points outlined are also myths, the hollow moon one (with the possibility of aliens inside) is pretty funny.

  3. #13
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I don't believe we are being visited by extraterrestrials however I will tell you that back in the 1970s when I was in the Navy I was a radarman and during a transit across the Pacific when I was on the air search radar I picked up a contact at 100,000 feet flying at 5,000 knots and there no reports of anything that should have been there with those stats. We reported it and were told it was now classified and don't mention it to anyone.

    I guess I'm dead now eh?
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  4. #14
    The only straight man in Thailand ndw76's Avatar
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    I voted Something else. Maybe LSD in the water.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by zib View Post
    I saw something I could not explain over the Atlantic Ocean near Miami beach facing the Eastern Sky. Two glowing objects traveling at high rates of speed. No human pilot could survive the forces inside the vehicle. It wasn't a shooting star, or anything like that. These object were being navigated somehow. They made 90 degree turns, at speeds over + mach 4, at least. I'm prior military, I do know something about this. They did their little maneuver for about 2 mins, and then shot off into the eastern sky in the blink of an eye. If there was a human pilot in those objects, they'd be goo. I wasn't the only one that saw this. There was at least 20 to 30 people (eye witnesses) on the beach that night. Nothing was ever said about it.
    Im not gonna pass any opinion on wheither what you saw is true or false, i have no way of knowing. However dont ya think if they came up with a way of building a UFO that goes real fast and does all this other fancy stuff, they might have also made is safe to use.
    Plus its fairly likely that if there is other intelligent life out there flying stuff they are either human, or close enough to human to make creating a safe ****pit for the pilot probably the same for both types of pilot.

  6. #16
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by majurey View Post
    There have been times when I was certain of something. Absolutely convinced I was 100% lucid and awake. And yet, no-one else saw or heard what I thought I had.

    I believe there is a kind of semi-conscious state during the sleep cycle where you are both aware of your surroundings and also in a dream-state. It's the place where dreams meet reality and your mind can be convinced that strange things are happening in a real surrounding.

    I once jumped out of bed shouting because I was convinced a bird had landed on my pillow. I could hear the flapping of wings, feel the weight of it sink into my pillow by my head, feel the wind created by its flapping -- as far as I was concerned it was as real as anything that day. My wife turned on the light and looked at me like I was crazy. There was, of course, no bird. There was nothing. But dammit, I FELT and HEARD it!
    look up "sleep paralysis"

    the boogeyman has been coming out of my closet since I was five
    wolves from my nightmares
    sounds and feelings

    I've been meaning to start a thread about if for months but haven't taken the time.
    Last edited by gratewhitehuntr; 08-06-2009 at 12:59 AM.

  7. #17
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    My vote's for cloud - I think what you saw was a lenticular cloud (google it for various examples), which, as you can see by this photo, is rather spooky looking and could easily be confused for a UFO by someone who's just woken up, especially if that person is an 11yo with their active imagination.

  8. #18
    Senior Member ENUF2's Avatar
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    It was a UFO (Unidentified flying Object) Beyond that I couldn't tell you. There have been times I've seen strange lights is the sky (with and with others around). What were they? Couldn't tell you if I had to so they are UFOs.

  9. #19
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    Stuff like that happens all the time up there in Canada, You should have just roled over and gone back to sleep.

    I think its just in the nature of Canadians more than anything. It may be the Molsons.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  10. #20
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mosley59 View Post
    My vote's for cloud - I think what you saw was a lenticular cloud (google it for various examples), which, as you can see by this photo, is rather spooky looking and could easily be confused for a UFO by someone who's just woken up, especially if that person is an 11yo with their active imagination.
    Beautiful shot and I'd consider it but it vanished to quickly to be that.

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