I'm not a doctor, but have dealt with sports injuries in the past as well as doing a little bodywork when my guys are banged up.

Since you've seen a doctor already, I'm going to assume it isn't broken but is sprained. I would begin by recommending the old standby: RICE -- Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. I know heat feels better, but you really want cold to reduce swelling and possible further soft tissue damage. You can alternate cold/hot treatments after about the first 24-36 hours. I like 20 minutes cold, 20 minutes off, 20 minutes heat, 20 minutes off, repeat. ACE bandage or athletic tape to provide extra support, as well as provide mild compression.

Combine with a NSAID (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug) of your choice -- ibuprofen works great for me.

My chiropractor tells me that sprains can take a long time to heal properly. Even once you're feeling better, take it easy for a couple of weeks after that.