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  1. #1
    Black belt shaver spanx's Avatar
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    Default impact on healthcare

    It is believed that health care is in need of reform. I Don't think this will help.I think what we need is reform on americas appetite for overindulgence.How much of an impact on healthcare can be attributed to overindulgence of alcohol,tobacco,fatty and sugary foods.Coupled with the fact that most americans don't exercise their bodies.Myself being one of them.Curbing our appetite will never happen but if the government were able to do it wouldn't that have a better chance of controlling impact of health care costs on the economy than trying to whatever they are trying to do?What are your thoughts on this?

  2. #2
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spanx View Post
    It is believed that health care is in need of reform. I Don't think this will help.I think what we need is reform on americas appetite for overindulgence.How much of an impact on healthcare can be attributed to overindulgence of alcohol,tobacco,fatty and sugary foods.Coupled with the fact that most americans don't exercise their bodies.Myself being one of them.Curbing our appetite will never happen but if the government were able to do it wouldn't that have a better chance of controlling impact of health care costs on the economy than trying to whatever they are trying to do?What are your thoughts on this?
    you can't change people's habits with laws..Also the food industry is mega billion industry, I doubt it will revert back from processed foods and corn syup, to all natural and sugar.
    I agree that people over eat and overindulge, but its pretty much a habit now. The way of life also contributes a lot, more home entertainment and computerization leads to more sedentary life, and obesity.

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    i agree that we as a whole in this country are just plain fat. we need some self discipline. BUT we never, never, ever want any type of government program involved.(it has to be done on our own) every time politicians get involved with anything we are gonna get screwed as they cannot do any program correctly. they have blown it on medicaid, medicare, war on poverty, cash for clunkers, prescription drugs, you name it and they mess it up. we need to be self reliant and not depend on big brother for anything or we can only lose.

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    We don't need reform eh?

    I was just over at another site I visit and one of the regulars announced he had just been diagnosed with advanced Prostate Cancer. He has no health insurance. Just being tested and diagnosed he has run through a substantial amount of his savings and is now selling everything he owns to get the money to save his life. He doesn't qualify for welfare or other programs.

    Tell him we don't need health reform or maybe after he has sold everything and is living in his car he can beg on the streets or at his church. That's America.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  6. #5
    Black belt shaver spanx's Avatar
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    When I made my original post I was trying to get across that we bring the high costs upon ourselves.I believe that if we had been living healthier lifestyles all along then the health care costs we see today would not exist.How much of the overall toll on the hospitals can be attributed to overweight,tobacco,alcohol for example.Higher hospital costs mean higher ins costs and denials for coverage.I am sorry to hear about your friend but I believe america has brought these problems upon themselves by lack of discipline.You can blame the ins company but I blame our way of life that we have become accustomed to.

  7. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spanx View Post
    When I made my original post I was trying to get across that we bring the high costs upon ourselves.I believe that if we had been living healthier lifestyles all along then the health care costs we see today would not exist.How much of the overall toll on the hospitals can be attributed to overweight,tobacco,alcohol for example.Higher hospital costs mean higher ins costs and denials for coverage.I am sorry to hear about your friend but I believe america has brought these problems upon themselves by lack of discipline.You can blame the ins company but I blame our way of life that we have become accustomed to.
    Well, lets take your argument to the locical conclusion that everything someone in authority deems dangerous should be made illegal. No guns-how many are shot and wounded by guns, no cars-how many are maimed and injured in accidents, no alcohol-a big no no, no knives of any kind-how many are injured by knives in the home and outside. Of course close down all the fast food and donut joints in America. We could go on and on.

    Well what do you have? We could all be living under muslim law like the Taaliban want.
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  8. #7
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    i am sorry to hear about your friend, i do have a heart. what i was trying and maybe not to successful to say is we need to first take care of ourselves without govt intervention. yes health care costs need to be reined in, not by politicians but by us. without sounding too heartless, you say your friend has spent a lot of his savings, why did he not buy insurance before hand and keep it in place? lots of folks opt not to purchase insurance and hope they can get by and it does not always work out that way, they get sick. i make sure to keep some type of coverage at all costs so i will not also get caught up with some serious ailment and lose everything.

  9. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Yeah I pay through the nose for health insurance too. In this country it is like the sword of Damocles hanging overhead. That being that if I do become sick enough to lose the insurance if I can't keep up the payments while I'm ill or if they go through their routine of trying to cancel me for whatever reason they can dream up.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  10. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Do you really believe that this is all about the government caring about our health??

    This is about power and control. If our government stayed within it's legal role as defined by our Constitution, many government bureaucrats would be out of a job.

    Don't be fooled, this isn't about health care, it's about government expansion.

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  12. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honedright View Post
    Do you really believe that this is all about the government caring about our health??

    This is about power and control. If our government stayed within it's legal role as defined by our Constitution, many government bureaucrats would be out of a job.

    Don't be fooled, this isn't about health care, it's about government expansion.
    I'll tell that to my friend too. I'm sure it will comfort him.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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