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Thread: Time Travel

  1. #31
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fccexpert View Post
    Retrograde time travel (i.e. travel into the past) is impossible (you can prove this by a very simple logic exercise if you want).
    Right then, since you are silent so far I will issue a challenge to your assumption before hearing your logic exercise.

    YouTube - Discovery - First Time Machine

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  • #32
    zib is offline
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    the building of the Pyramids, so I could settle that debate once and for all, or to go back to high school with Bill Gates, become his best friend, and prevent him from getting his butt kicked....
    Last edited by zib; 11-14-2009 at 09:16 PM.
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  • #33
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    ok lets really stretch it out. how bout taking a whole flight squadron of modern day jet planes back and intercept the planes coming into pearl harbor. that would really shake things up.
    or how bout going back to the civil war with just 1 apache helicopter and mess with general sherman and grant..

  • #34
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    So many options.
    A thermonuclear blast would be interesting.
    Watching Myamoto musashi in action.
    Visiting Takamatsu sensei.
    Walking with the dinosaurs.

    Or maybe I'd go back just over 2000 years and make a reality documentary of this Jesus guy.

    Btw, time travel is definitely possible.
    With sufficient speed, you can make a 2 year trip and arrive back here 200 years later and mean your great great grandchildren. Forward in time is easy. This phenomenon has been measured and verified countless times over, though the amount is not really noticable on our perception of time.

    Going back is hard, and depends on many things. It may not even be possible in our universe. That said, the limitations and paradoxes are linked to the theoretical base work we have to describe reality. If we ever figure out string theory or something else, it may wel be that we get to travel back in time. General relativity has solutions that describe universes in which backwards time travel is possible. However, the conditions of our universe do not fulfill the boundary conditions to make it possible.
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  • #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by AussiePostie View Post
    Now for something compleatly different.If it were possible to travel back in time only once, what event in history would you like to be present at and witness for yourself?
    ps. you cannot be harmed in anyway while at said event!
    Let your imagination run wild but try not to let this thread get to heated.
    After thought- if you have time travelled please put up pictures.
    Note:being abducted by alliens and pictures involving probes is not and will not be considered as time travel
    Beware ---this is a trick question as the writer lives in Australia and therefore lives in the future anyway. Can't fool me.
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  • #36
    Striving for a perfect shave. GeauxLSU's Avatar
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    Lots of things I'd like to see and do.
    I strop my razor with my eyes closed.

  • #37
    A Newbie....Forever! zepplin's Avatar
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    This is an interesting thread!

    Yea, I have thought about this a lot. It has more to do with witnessing the different individuals from the historical past. Jesus has always fascinated me, but I wouldn't be able to understand Hebrew (is that what he spoke?). - but I'd like to follow him around just to get a feeling of what he was all about. I have been a boxing and sports fan all of my life. That list of people would be long: I would love to meet Jack Dempsey of the 20's (what a man!), Babe Zaharious when she went to the Olympics in 1936 when she won two gold and one silver metals. I would love to meet Lou Gerrig(sp?) and Babe Ruth. I would love to attend "The Great White Hope" fight in 1910 between Jack Johnson and Jim Jeffries. The fight was not that much, but the hoopla and excitement around the fight would be a spectacle to see.

    Actually, I could spin this on and on, but one person in history that has always been a "?" to me is Joan of Arc! What was she like? What did she look like? Was she good looking? How big was she? Was she intelligent?

    Then there is that period of time before recorded history which is somewhere around 6 - 7,000 years ago. What was life like before this time? Was there a King Arthur? How did all the different languages evolve on our planet? What did Yosemity valley look like before mankind moved in?

    It's an endless list........

    * To be a fly on the wall during great events - my list is endless.

  • #38
    A Newbie....Forever! zepplin's Avatar
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    There is one event I would like to add to my list:

    I do not believe we evolved from the great apes. Biologically and genetically it just would not happen in a higher life form (believe it). I, also, do not believe in the religeous concept that God created us. I just can't get my head in to and around this concept. Geneticists believe that man, as we know him, appeared very quickly in the scheme of time and the evolution of mankind. So, the big question is How and when did man as we know him appear? That is the time I would like to witness.

    Did we come from aliens that visited earth and could not leave? This makes sense more than any other concept. I want to be there when man appeared.....


  • #39
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zepplin View Post
    I do not believe we evolved from the great apes.
    Very true actually. We didn't evolve from the great apes because taxonomically we still are apes. That was classified over 250 years ago, long before Darwin's ground breaking work on natural selection including common ancestry.

    I'm sure there are hundreds of things I would like to witness in the past, but one that keeps prying on my is a performance of William Shakespeare's plays by his company. I'd love to share an ale with him.

  • #40
    Senior Member matt321's Avatar
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    I'd love to relive the days back in 72 when I met my wife in college, but I'm not doing Calc II again, no way, so that's out.
    Last edited by matt321; 11-15-2009 at 07:36 PM.

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