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  1. #1
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Default Now the are going to tell you when you can pee

    Airlines: New rules keep passengers in seats - Yahoo! News

    The terrorists win again.

    How stupid are we going to let this get!

  2. #2
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    Fudge me! That's retarded indeed. You guys need to figure out some way to curb that whole TSA organisation....

    They'll be taking over the oval office soon claiming that it's the perfect hiding place for a terrorist to hide!

  3. #3
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    I figure I'll just tell the stew that I will be peeing, she can allow me to use the facilities or not. If they make me pee in my seat I have a feeling the lawsuit I could come up with against the airline and the TSA might just help to curb any excesses.

  4. #4
    Wee Whisker Whacker BingoBango's Avatar
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    Before you know it, passengers will be gagged and bound after boarding... What will they do with all those peanuts?

  5. #5
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    not a problem guys..the TSA is going to start giving "urine catheter" to everyone...that way you do not have to leave your seat(course you know "Depends" will be required underwear next)

  6. #6
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    This knee jerk reaction from Homeland Security is so typical of our government. You guy really have no idea what it's like from the "other side of the fence"! It is truly amazingly stupid!

    The irony of it all is that all the facilities were all in place to stop this guy. In fact they were screaming red flags all over the place, no one did anything about it though, typical of our government. No one wanted to be politically incorrect, or be accused of "profiling", or being "insensitive".

    These are the same morons who fought pilots (who most are ex-military, well trained with arms, and have higher security clearances than most in HS) to carry guns in the ****pit! They still will not allow international pilots to carry guns! Heck, if you can't trust me, then where are we? Really?

    You should see it from my side: two tours in Viet Nam, a DFC, a TS clearance, in uniform going for my flight, and they still hassle me over shaving cream!

    They will screw with an 86 year old grandma at security but leave "Achmed", a 26 year old whose been pumping iron for five years and has no luggage, alone! Trust me! I think I can take down grandma, but Achmed? I dunno.... It's truly ubsurd!

  7. #7
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    Political correctness again? I was edited out for a part of an aircraft? This is truly funny!!! Folks, I have no idea what else to call "our office" in the airplane. It's only been called that since the Wright brothers.

    Last edited by flylot; 12-27-2009 at 09:08 PM.

  8. #8
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flylot View Post
    Political correctness again? I was edited out for a part of an aircraft?
    Well, if you'd like to fix the software filter you can talk to dwessell. There were times on srp when there was no filter and the management decided it is better some words get censured (their site, their rules). Don't take it personally, you just didn't notice it until now. There are quite a few other words that end up as collateral damage, so any help with improving the software is greatly appreciated

  9. #9
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    No, not taking it personally, actually found it ironically funny, hence the funny posting of the picture. I know it's a software thing...... After all, there is a price to be paid for technology. I just wanted to use that to punctuate what some other absurdities in our lives that really would make everyone's eyes bleed!

    I wouldn't mind helping out though. After all, this website has given me so much, it would be a privilege to give a bit back. I'll send a pm and see if I can lend a hand....

  10. #10
    Senior Member denmason's Avatar
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    This so called "terrorist attack" is so spun already. It was a powder and liquid, it was an object, it was a.......
    Man, they cannot even keep their stories straight.
    First, he was allowed on board the plane despite being in the terror database.
    Then the story changed to, "Well, he was mentioned in some US Intelligence reports but not on the terror list."
    And now it is back to his being on the terror list after all.
    So how did he get on the plane?
    The obvious thrashing around in the cover story is escalating. Each new lie creates new problems and contradictions, requiring even newer lies, which create newer contradictions, etc.
    Passengers on Flight 253 say they watched a “sharp dressed man” (cue the ZZ Top song) convince authorities to let Abdul Mutallab on the flight WITHOUT a passport. You let a dude from a Muslim country and no luggage on a U.S.-bound plane with NO passport?! Hellooooo . . .?:
    We will never get the truth on this one. We got double speak on the shoe bomber... now we got the scrotum bomber. What next???? Anyways I am ready to fly naked.

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