View Poll Results: Obama's Job Performance

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    3 7.32%
  • US Citizen: B

    4 9.76%
  • US Citizen: C

    7 17.07%
  • US Citizen: D

    10 24.39%
  • US Citizen: F

    12 29.27%
  • Non-US Citizen: A

    2 4.88%
  • Non-US Citizen: B

    2 4.88%
  • Non-US Citizen: C

    0 0%
  • Non-US Citizen: D

    0 0%
  • Non-US Citizen: F

    1 2.44%
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  1. #51
    Connoisseur of steel Hawkeye5's Avatar
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    Actually this thread made a good showing until the partisans arrived. May be time to shut it down.

  2. #52
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramusico View Post
    I think what he means is that a strong connection can be made from the color of his skin and the fear that many people in this country have of "foreigners." Throughout history the foreigner and ethnic minority has be persecuted in many of the same ways. These words people have tried to tag onto Obama have no grounds and speak to the fear many people have of a black man running this "white" country.
    Well just to clarify, I was stating that I feel that some people -- and I can't even say it for anyone on this board as I don't really know anyone -- use those terms in place of the word 'black'. It's easy, and probably acceptable, to say you don't like him because he's socialist. The fact is that he's not; Muslim, socialist, Marxist or foreign. He's an American Christian democrat.

    I can assure you that America is, and will always be, the complete opposite of socialism and communism. Tax money helped out GM and Chrysler. Two companies. I guess we've been a socialist nation for years with all the tax dollars going to our postal service, schools and universities, and our road systems!

    Here's just a little proof that we're not near socialism:
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  3. #53
    Troublus Maximus
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    i knew someone would drop the race card. it always happens when they run out of ideas and try to obfuscate the issue
    It was inevitable pathetic and disgusting.

  4. #54
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ControlFreak1 View Post
    It was inevitable pathetic and disgusting.
    The truth is ugly, isn't it?

  5. #55
    Senior Member denmason's Avatar
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    One year after his selection, this man's approval rating is lower at this stage than for any US president since Eisenhower. His approval rating is down to 47%. Give him more time folks, you ain't seen anything yet. For many people the change that Obama promised when he was inaugurated a year on Wednesday has ended up being a chains of the worst kind. Unemployment is rising, house prices are falling, unpopular wars raging. I won't be surprised if we're dragged into war with Iran by our ally in the Middle East. This will probably kick off WW3, but I won't go there at the moment. A lot of information about Obama's background is missing and of course the media isn't talking about it anymore... like we have the memory of goldfish. He is the greatest mistake the American people ever made and he will be a one term president. Now for those people that are looking for race based thoughts, turn to people like Harry Reid and Bill Clinton, but those people are either unaware of what was said or have rationalized it away. He is the biggest threat to our Republic.
    President Ronald Reagan was right when he said “Now, so there will be no misunderstanding. It’s not my intention to do away with government. It is rather to make it work -- work with us, not over us; to stand by our side, not ride on our back.” Mr. Reagan spoke these words at his inaugural on January 20, 1980. At that moment in time our country was driven to a precipice via a myriad of misguided policies, but it was President Carter, and his band of liberal Democrats that took the final steps off the ledge. Mr. Reagan caught us safely from the fall through inner-strength, after he survived an assassination attempt, and then brought to bear his uncommon display of common sense on our nations past economic calamity. President Reagan successfully led the country through the last battle in the cold war, renewed our national purpose, and provided leadership to a nation in dire need of it.
    This nation has spent $1.8 Trillion dollars more than it has taken in in tax receipts, it has $12 Trillion on its national credit card, and has completely consumed all funds held in our entitlement programs. The only way that Medicare, Medicaid, or even Social Security gets paid is via a printing press buttressed by the willingness of foreign governments to underwrite it. That is what the “full faith and credit” of the United States has come to, a promise to pay interest on an obligation to a foreign government. If we are not able to meet the obligations we presently have; why do we seek to create more of them via a nationalization of our health care system? In short: Uncle Sam is broke, the US economy is shrinking, and the President of the United States wants the federal government to run 1/6 of the US economy that health care represents; and the government is unable to run a monopoly, the US Post Office, at a profit.
    As President Reagan warned in his speech in 1961, on the dangers of socialized medicine; the American people would not accept socialism outright, but under the banner of liberalism we would accept every facet of socialism. For the past sixty years the entitlement programs that started as humanitarian safety nets, under Democratic majorities, have since grown into retirement programs to the exclusion of private investment, and the most fraud ridden delivery of health care any nation has ever witnessed. Remember where we are presently situated fiscally, how long will it be until those promises are worthless? As you and I can only live beyond our means for a limited time, so too with governments, one way or the other the printing press will be stopped. When we fail to meet these obligations the liberal democrats will aim for the rich, and when they miss, it will be our wallets that they hit.

    Sorry for getting off topic...

  6. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to denmason For This Useful Post:

    59caddy (01-16-2010), CableDawg (01-17-2010), ControlFreak1 (01-16-2010), treydampier (01-16-2010)

  7. #56
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    It is of course obvious that non-US folks are judging US president for what he does with his foreign policies.

    Imho, Obama has done good job trying to recover good relationships between US and the rest of the world. Those relationships, as well as trust towards USA being a country of common sense were badly damaged when GWB was in power. At least most people here seem to think so.
    Sending more troops to Afganistan is necessary if it makes possible to withdraw all foreign units from there. (Hope sooner than later as i have a personal risk of getting there this year or 2011).
    How Obama did in Copenhagen was a flaw.

    How he does in your homeland politics is really not the business of non-US citizen.
    I can only guess why his health care plans get so much resistance.
    I can also guess that without helping GM and Chrysler there would be much more people without jobs. Without helping banks in the current crisis you would probably be in much worse trouble.
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  8. #57
    Senior Member Frankenstein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    Your post brought to mind the movie "The Ugly American." (here) In 1958 or so I saw the title in the newspaper and asked my mother what was meant by it. She tried to explain to me how sometimes our pursuing our 'national interest' caused resentment among other countries and cultures. Fair enough.
    Looks like an interesting movie - is it worth a watch?
    I love the smell of shaving cream in the morning!

  9. #58
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sailor View Post
    It is of course obvious that non-US folks are judging US president for what he does with his foreign policies.

    Imho, Obama has done good job trying to recover good relationships between US and the rest of the world. Those relationships, as well as trust towards USA being a country of common sense were badly damaged when GWB was in power. At least most people here seem to think so.
    Sending more troops to Afganistan is necessary if it makes possible to withdraw all foreign units from there. (Hope sooner than later as i have a personal risk of getting there this year or 2011).
    How Obama did in Copenhagen was a flaw.

    How he does in your homeland politics is really not the business of non-US citizen.
    I can only guess why his health care plans get so much resistance.
    I can also guess that without helping GM and Chrysler there would be much more people without jobs. Without helping banks in the current crisis you would probably be in much worse trouble.
    Does Finland have public health care? If so then; first, would you classify it as "socialist" in nature and second, do you also have private insurance companies?

  10. #59
    Senior Member AlanII's Avatar
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    Can't vote because, after one year, I honestly think it's too early to say. So far so good, lets see how it pans out. As for all this, 'he's a dangerous Socialist/Communist', hahahaha.

  11. #60
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by commiecat View Post
    Does Finland have public health care? If so then; first, would you classify it as "socialist" in nature and second, do you also have private insurance companies?
    We have public health care here. Works very well. We have also private insurance companies. They are ok: If you have some minor disease or something, you might have to wait for few days until you can get to public health care, but with private insurance you always get almost instant access to doctor.
    Public health care also covers areas not interested by private companies: psychiatric health care, for example. My wife works for children psychiatric care, and it is easy to imagine why private companies are not interested in such non-profitable tasks.

    Calling our health care system as 'socialistic' would easily make everyone here laugh, even those socialists.
    'That is what i do. I drink and i know things'
    -Tyrion Lannister.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to Sailor For This Useful Post:

    commiecat (01-16-2010)

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