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  1. #31
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    You know guys, it's a terrible thing that this young girl had to die in the street. She was only 15 and out enjoying the after Christmas shopping with a lot of people on probably the busiest streets in Canada... Younge St. Toronto.

    What's worse, is that some groups have called the "race" question again. Whether she was white, black, brown, red, or polka-dotted should not matter. The people "of colour" are raising hell, but who carries and uses the most illegal handguns? The whites are pissed because "blacks" are killing whites... it's all bullsh*t... young people who have little, or no hope, are joining gangs to have a sense of "belonging" somewhere. We, as families, have failed our young people.

    The politicians here have turned it into a "points-maker" because of the federal election call. Mr.Martin has said he will "ban all handguns" if re-elected... what an ass. That won't fix it. His party brought in the "Gun Registry" for long guns. Law abiding owners getting ripped-off again. I don't have a problem with registering my guns... just the way they did it and the damn costs. A 2 million dollar registry that has cost, so far, nearly 2 Billion dollars! And why? Another political answer to another tragedy....
    A few years ago, a sick man named Marc Lepine, took a Ruger mini-14 and murdered 14 women at the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal... because they were women engineering students.... What we were not told publically was:

    At the time, anyone who wanted to buy a gun had to have a "Firearms Acquistion Certificate". Obtained by filling out a simple application form, answering some questions and having 2 references and taking it to the local police, who issued the certificate.
    Marc Lepine did that. BUT, he lied on the form about previous mental illness, and other things. The Quebec police obviously never checked (as they were supposed to, Lepine's references were never contacted) his information. Lepine was handed the Certificate and the next week he walked into a gun shop, and purchased the Ruger LEGALLY! Then he went to the school and committed murder.
    We have had to pay for that since.

    Now, Martin wants to BAN handguns. In Canada, handguns have had to be registered since 1933. Hunting with handguns was banned in 1966. The people who want to target shoot, IPSC shoot etc, have to belong to a club and jump through a million hoops to get permits. These people do not commit crimes!

    The sickest part of this tragedy iss the people trying to get the light to shine on themselves and their own agendas. Why can't we pull together as communities and work with our youth? Why does everyone seem to be afraid of getting "involved"? It has to start somewhere. Banning "legal ownership" of guns will not work, criminals will still have guns. Disarming the people only makes the people more vulnerable (that's what Hitler and Mussolini did about 70 years ago, before.... you know).

    We don't need more legislation, we need juges and politicians who will uphold the laws already on the books. No plea bargaining on firearms charges. Mandatory sentencing for gun related crimes. If someone is caught with an illegal handgun, let them prove why they should not go to jail!!!!

    Just a few of my thoughts...........

    quite rambly I know.... I apologise (for the length)

  2. #32
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    I have to say ditto to Kellys first post here. I was too busy yesterday to post a good response to those here who are opposed to gun ownership, but Kelly wrote a better response than I could have ever done.

    For those of you interested, here's a great website:

  3. #33
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Gangs will continue to be formed as long as some youth fell like outcasts.
    Tempers will rise to extremes as long as alchohol and drugs are availabel.
    Extreme behaviors will continue as long as the familiy control is no where to be found.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

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