View Poll Results: Is James Kirk a good baby name (first/middle)

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  • yes, very cool and manly!

    10 32.26%
  • heck no!

    22 70.97%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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  1. #21
    Sardaukar salazch's Avatar
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    That's awesome.

  2. #22
    Senior Member Zacsdaddy's Avatar
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    My Wife and I had this same "conversation" early in our marriage after almost naming two cats "Divorce" and "Separation". We came to the agreement that a kid or two would be even harder so go ahead and start deciding long before it's time.

    Sounds like ya'll are doing the right thing - talking about options.

    My Wife wanted to name the boy "Orie Ren" after the character in "North and South" - she had the TV Guide cover photo taped to the dash of her car. I said if his first name was Orie then his middle name had to be Orenthal because all the kids were going to call him "Orieo" anyway.

    She agreed - and no, we did not name him that - but no more Orie.

    I wanted Shawn for a boy's name - first or middle - I didn't care so we came up with Zachary Shawn and Shawn Paul as the two main options.

    I wanted Danielle for a girls name - again not caring about where - so we came up with Danielle Breanne and Betina (pronounced Ba-Tina) Danielle as the two options.

    So plan on compromising because I believe in most western cultures the Mother has final legal say on the childs name. Even if they don't, you got to live with 'em afterward.


  3. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    An old friend said upon his wife's first pregnancy that he wanted to name the baby, if a girl, Meona, Meona Nose and were it a boy, Ignor.Then they got divorced. I never found out if it was on account of his choice of names, or if their medications wore off, or if they started new prescriptions.

  4. #24
    Senior Member JohnnyCakeDC's Avatar
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    My cousin's name is James, and he's a total pu$$y. This guy I work with is a James and he's a gimmick fruitbar. I hate them both. I'm a huge Star Trek fan and I love Kirk, but think of the short cut nicknames. Jamie for starts. I don't have any kids(um.....) yet so don't listen to me, but think of the guy who named his son Hunter only to later have a figure skater. But if I do know one thing about women, it's if you want the relationship to work, give her her way most of the time. Good Luck.

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