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  1. #21
    Member TartanJim's Avatar
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    Default This worked for me.

    I smoked for about 10 years and never really wanted to quit. My wife didn't like it so I had to stop even though I thought I didn't want to. This didn't seem like a recipe for success because I wasn't motivated in the right way, it wasn't about me.

    I went on a one day course with these people [url=] expecting nothing and for it to be a load of touchy feely bull, but it worked. They say no willpower is required and it's true. I have not even thought about having a smoke since, even when on the lash and in in the presence of other smokers. Its now been over a year, and that year has involved some major stresses too.

    It should have been quite expensive (about £250 IIRC) but I paid for it with Tesco Clubcard vouchers. I don't know if they still do that though. IME it is well worth the money and they can be found at various locations throughout the UK (as well as RoW).

    However you go about it, best of luck.


  2. #22
    Grumpy old sod Whiskers's Avatar
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    I quit cigarettes about a year ago and never looked back. Every once in a while I will break out a cigar but that daily habit of cigarettes is just a memory for me (thank God).

    Sometimes I do have that urge to smoke... then I remember how bad my sinuses felt and how much I coughed etc... then I usually lose that urge pretty quick.

  3. #23
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    I smoked for years and it took me 5 years to finally quit for good. I only quit when I realized that I was a drug addict. The reason that a lot of people get allergies is that when you smoke it coats everything and the pollen can't make it to the skin to cause a reaction. Not good!

    Hang in there you will make it!

    Take care,

  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    quite smoking you can save your life not just for yourself for your family
    i used to smoke 2 packs a day.
    i quite 5 years ago and used patches for 3 days. Since then never ever touched cigarette.
    You may feel bad first months after quitting but then everything will go back to normal.

  5. #25
    zib is offline
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    Good for you, I quit in 98 and never went back. I did use Welbutrin, same as Zyban. I took it for two weeks, quit and stayed on the meds for about 2 months, then weened myself off. Never had the desire to smoke after the first few days, they are the hardest, but it gets easier. I thought if I went out to a bar with friends, it'd be hard, but it really wasn't...Best of luck to you....
    We have assumed control !

  6. #26
    Member Carlo's Avatar
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    April 1st was two years for me and the wife. We took Chantix (by Rx only in the US). Our doctor said that he had prescribed it for about 60 patients and all but one were successful. We never had another smoke after the first week on the drug. It made quitting very easy. You take it for two to three months. Good luck, and I hope you feel better. Cheers, Carlo

  7. #27
    Senior Member Blue's Avatar
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    Good for you! I'll share my struggle with you then.

    I quit this last New Years Eve, so about three months in. I planned it for the better part of a year, but it was a clean break and I haven't cheated once. I also just got over a similar upper respiratory infection as well.

    My daily headaches are gone. My stomach pains have completely disappeared. good gracious no more stabbing pains and morning hacking. I have a "facepalm" moment almost every day where I ask myself why I didn't do this sooner. The best part is, I can hang out with smokers and even enjoy a good ceegar. However, a personal cigarette habit is not even a consideration anymore.

    My cigarette jar is over $1000 now. I put money into it as religiously as I would have bought cigarettes (i.e. you have eight dollars and no butts, do you buy lunch or a pack of cigarettes?).

  8. #28
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nessmuck View Post
    I saw an add on TV about Chantix and it wasnt good, i would check with your doc about it .
    My Doc recommended it and gave me the prescription...what are you talking about that wasn't good? I'm smoke free but have to admit that if it's causing harm to the insides I wouldn't know about it.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  9. #29
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    Good for you! I'm sorry to hear about the infection, but dont give up..! It'll save you a fortune each year and improve your health no end.

    What I did was stick all the money that I would have spent on ciggies in a jar each time I wanted one and I had a small fortune in no time..!

    Good luck and stick with it!

  10. #30
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    My father used to smoke when he was younger. One night he was watching tv when my mother was asleep. She was pregnant with me at the time (I am the oldest kid).

    Anyway on the tv they had this documentary where they dissected the lungs of a heavy smoker who died of lung cancer. After watching the show, he realized that a) that was a nasty way to die, and b) he wanted his kids to have a father. He threw his tobacco in the fireplace and never touched a cigarette again.
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