Gents, I should have posted this last night. Tony Esposito, a member of works closely with Sue and her product development. Last night he posted sad news, and I'm going to just quote his post:

Members, I don't know if this is the right forum to make this post. I just received an email from Sue. Her husband Dave died today. I don't know the details. She will not be conducting business for a couple of weeks. This had to come as a shock because this afternoon Sue emailed me that Dave was at the store getting some supplies.

Moderator if this is the wrong place to post this information please move it for me.

I am in shock.

Right after I posted this I got to talk to Sue on the phone.

Dave had a major stroke.

She asked to tell everyone who has placed an order that she will try to get it out to you.

However she asks that the members please hold off ordering anything at this time. She will announce when she is back open for business.
I'm sure you all join me in sending our thoughts and prayers to Sue and her family.