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  1. #11
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by welshwizard View Post
    I think quite a few of us, it's just a matter of degree. How many of us steal time from the boss by surfing the net or leaving early when we should be working? Use company fuel for private errands?
    How many 'borrow' things with little intention of returning them, such as hotel towels or bathrobes.
    Not many can say, hand on heart, that they are completely honest.
    I think this is what depressed me so, I mean how many of us show such disregard and contempt for all but what we want. We excuse it away by saying things like "It's a big company. they can afford it" or maybe "I worked hard for that so and so for a long time. I deserve it" But no matter, it is still stealing.

  2. #12
    Wee Whisker Whacker BingoBango's Avatar
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    Not to rock the boat here, but I wouldn't have called her out like that. I don't know what compelled her to try to steal the soda and there aren't many reasons I'd consider forgivable. Still, what business is it of mine to tell her how to live her life or what to pay for and what to pilfer?

    Don't get me wrong, committing to an honest life and expecting that of others, keeping a watchful eye over your neighbors and neighborhood, promoting virtue among the people in your life - these are noble acts, I suppose. Just for me, I'd be well enough to let people live their own life so long as it doesn't mess with mine.

    Again, I don't mean to rock the boat or try to say "I'm right, you're wrong." You're probably right anyway... Just not my style I guess.

  3. #13
    Senior Member rickboone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BingoBango View Post
    Not to rock the boat here, but I wouldn't have called her out like that. I don't know what compelled her to try to steal the soda and there aren't many reasons I'd consider forgivable. Still, what business is it of mine to tell her how to live her life or what to pay for and what to pilfer?

    Don't get me wrong, committing to an honest life and expecting that of others, keeping a watchful eye over your neighbors and neighborhood, promoting virtue among the people in your life - these are noble acts, I suppose. Just for me, I'd be well enough to let people live their own life so long as it doesn't mess with mine.

    Again, I don't mean to rock the boat or try to say "I'm right, you're wrong." You're probably right anyway... Just not my style I guess.
    I think it may be uncomfortable, but as a citizen you certainly have a right to express your opinion(s), especially when it is a crime. Would you not say something to a person being abusive to a child or woman? The thing is; it DOES mess with your life. Someone lets this go and it shows that its okay to steal. Do you want your offspring thinking it is okay to steal? Hardly. Letting these things go increases prices on things we wish to buy, thus the innocent are left paying for the mistakes of others. When they do get caught our jails get overcrowded, our taxes continuously increase. Do you know it is quite expensive to house an inmate? I've often found it ridiculous when people would come to jail for bad checks, often less than $50 in amount. Too often times it was overlooked. Wrong, but not intentional in a lot of cases. They'd come in on a Friday and not get before the judge until late Monday. Four days housed in the country facility for a check less than $50. Your tax dollars spent well more than that check was ever worth. April 26-27th come to one of the greatest meet ups of wet shavers!

  4. #14
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Don't get so depressed by the fact that we live in an imperfect and sinful world. None of us, including that lady, are perfect. At the same time, your instinctive reaction was admirable and adheres to an age-old religious tenet--that we are our brothers' and sisters' keeper.

    Take comfort in the fact that you may well have made a positive impact on that woman's life. Perhaps she will remember her encounter with you for a long time afterwards--and think twice before she puts anything else unpaid for in her shopping tote.

    Take care...
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  5. #15
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    While our surroundings, our experiences, our pain, and what we were taught while growing up have a very strong and in many cases an unshakable influence over us. We don't need to be controlled by it, instead we should strive to be controlled from within which I believe we all could achieve.
    Hey Mark, don't let that depression control you, go on fight it from within, you can achieve victory .
    Personally I'd like to fight that full stop (or 'period' in colonial speak) between the two 'sentences'.

    Goat luck!

  6. #16
    Senior Member IsaacRN's Avatar
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    The world is a very bad place. Morals/Ethics are pretty much non existant. I commend you Mark, what can I say other than Im not shocked, and more so just confirms my belief system that many dont believe in anything any longer.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    Hey Mark, don't let that depression control you, go on fight it from within, you can achieve victory .
    Personally I'd like to fight that full stop (or 'period' in colonial speak) between the two 'sentences'.

    Goat luck!
    Quite correct Ivan!

  8. #18
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Just being ex law enforcement if I had seen that I would have just told the clerk not her. You never know about people and all the what ifs these days. Maybe she might have pulled out a gun and shot you, maybe she was planning on robbing the place, maybe she had confederates with her. Maybe she was mentally ill or just a crook who does this all the time.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  9. #19
    LOLWUT? Allen's Avatar
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    Bernie Madoff and the execs at Enron were mighty well-kept folks, themselves

  10. #20
    Senior Member kevint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    With the exception of the quote above Kevin, I think you, along with everyone else made some great points. As for the above quote, I don't believe it for a second. While our surroundings, our experiences, our pain, and what we were taught while growing up have a very strong and in many cases an unshakable influence over us. We don't need to be controlled by it, instead we should strive to be controlled from within which I believe we all could achieve.
    Alternatively you may have reacted from a sense of superior moral certainty and merely scared her and she thought you'd narc on her so she put it away. Then thinking "I don't have time" She went ahead and paid for it.

    edited to add: this is not a reaction from your disagreeing with my pov it is just another possibility. depends on where you were "at" when you spoke to her
    Last edited by kevint; 05-31-2010 at 01:30 AM.

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