I enjoy guns of all types, I have shot and owned many. I also am very active with conealed carry rights, and work to further that as well as other 2nd amendment related causes. I was into martial arts for years, everything from akido to thai boxing, but since I travel all week, and my body has aged some I stopped training. I would like to get back to it in more of a hobby sort of way in the future though. I used to be a competitive powerlifter but now I just go to the gym enough to keep myself from getting too fat (and Im not sure if thats even working). Another hobby is food, I love to cook and I enjoy dining at independent restaurants throughout the US and other parts of the world. I am now officially addicted to SRP, so that takes up quite a bit of my time lol. I also collect watches and jackets although I am really trying to cut down on that. I think that is about it...