(rant mode on)

I had an interesting thing happen to me today. My post office branch is at the end of a small strip mall and there are perpendicular parking spots in front off of a two way driveway. I had finished my business and was in my car getting ready to leave. I had the car in reverse (back up lights on) and had started to back out of the space and some lady in an SUV zooms up on the street right behind me, blocking me in. She opens her door and, leaving the car door open, walks over to the mail box to put her mail in. There are now 5 or 6 cars backed up behind her now and I'm sitting there nearly half way out of the parking spot while she takes her sweet time walking back to her car. I'm giving her my best What the f*#@!!! look as she walks by my car, gets in her truck, taking her time to carefully put on her seat belt and then speeds off. Mind you, there's a couple of open parking spots right in front of the post office but I guess she was in too much of a hurry to bother with parking and I guess she felt she could just block me (and a couple of other cars) plus hold up several others while she does her business since it would only take a second. I thought about getting out of my car to ask her what the hurry was but thought otherwise because she's the sort of person that would probably call the cops and say I was menacing her or something. What the heck is it with people these days? In the 18 years I've lived here in LA, I've never had that happen.