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  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    Default seems last night got a bit out of hand....I remember a lot of people hanging with a bottle of scotch in one hand and a python in the other....not sure how the snake got there.....the night ended when I heard my cell phone ring, but I couldnt figure out how to get off the floor to get was my wife who continued to party longer than I could (they were drinking wine) I ended up drinking around half a bottle of scotch (what a waste of Macallan!!!...I should be smacked)....and of course she was "in the mood when she got home"....I thought I was gonna die...I have some strange bruises this morning....still wondering whose snake that was...cause no one I know owns a snake....

    Oh and I remember a large ice cream cone that for some reason I never got the chance to eat....but my wife denies that she had any....

    and I just wanted a relaxing night.....sigh lol

  2. #22
    Senior Member ForestryProf's Avatar
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    Default A guy walks into a bar...

    A guy walks into a bar and orders a scotch, neat. The bartender pours it; the customer pinches his nose, closes his eyes, and drinks the whisky in one gulp. He orders another and again shuts his eyes and plugs his nose. When he orders a third one, the bartender says, I know it's none of my business, but if you can't stand the sight of the stuff, and can't stand the smell of the stuff...why in the world are you drinking it? The customer says, You got it all wrong...if I see it, or smell it, my mouth starts to water and if there's one thing I can't stand is a mixer in my scotch.


  3. #23
    Senior Member pitbulls20's Avatar
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    I have never had scotch. This thread kinda makes me want to try some just to see what your talking about.

  4. #24
    Senior Member tombuesing's Avatar
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    Default The OTHER TWO FINGERS of Scotch

    There is the OTHER two fingers of Scotch!
    Last edited by tombuesing; 09-26-2007 at 04:08 AM.

  5. #25
    Senior Member EdinLA44's Avatar
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    One of my favorites at the moment is 16 year old Lagavulin, sadly it's no longer made but a local liquor store had a couple of bottles up on the top shelf. A for a quadruple, well, I just pour it in the glass until it looks about right. That's probably not a good thing to do with a bottle of Macallan cask strength.

  6. #26
    scots hone man coully's Avatar
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    Default Good Whisky,not scotch...

    well boys its good to see all of you who dont live in scotland know so much about whisky especially Malts.
    As you know I live in Scotland, more or less in the heart of whisky country and I guess i just dont appreciate it.

    As an apprentice electrician i had the pleasure of working at a good few distilliries and seeing just what goes into the process of making a bottle or two.
    My favourite was the Macallan and still is, however being married to a southern girl I get the visitors and the best tour is definately the Glenfiddich, all of the stills with a tour give you the free dram and or a small miniature to take home with you and its definately time well spent.

    I dont drink whisky unless I am a guest of someone who does but you guys probably know more about them than I do but i will say this if you ever make it over to bonnie scotland then forget Edinburgh and Glasgow and visit the area I live as there are truly many many fine places to visit on the Whisky trail and the scenery around these stills is breathtaking....just my tuppence worth , no advertising.....btw i can get a case of good Macallan for 140 pounds...hehe..will be shipping a couple with me when i move to the USA


  7. #27
    Senior Member Korndog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfoster
    I'm firmly in the "no water in my scotch" camp but I've been told on good authority by serious scotch aficionados that one small teaspon of water added to your scotch opens up the nose tremendously and it's a sin to drink it without doing it.
    I'm going to try it side by side and see if I can tell the difference... but I've heard it from a LOT of people so I don't think it's a wive's tale.
    -- Gary F.
    I've been drinking my whisky this way for years and do believe that it improves the boquet. If you like Laphroaig, it's a must IMO.

  8. #28
    Senior Member jscott's Avatar
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    i keep JW Swing stocked up at all times. its fantastic, enjoy it tremendously. im not a fan of JW red or black label... the gold label is decent for the price however. im not a fan of the MC 12yr....the 18year i do like though.

    if you havent tried johnnie walker swing (comes in old style bottle with a bevel at the bottom that rocks back and forth when moved hence the name swing) i'd suggest you try some.

    oh, i also drink mine straight, without water. at dinner when people are getting desert i get a coffee and a scotch. you have a drink of coffee(no cream) and then the scotch, they are simply like pee's in a pod, a combination meant to be.


  9. #29
    Senior Member pitbulls20's Avatar
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    So, whats a good one to try for a begginer? I want to try some out. Might be in my best interest not to because 2 beers buzz me =/ but trying it out can't hurt. Heck who heard of a Navy man that can't drink.....

  10. #30
    Senior Member stot's Avatar
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    Default RE: Is there such thing as a quadruple of scotch?

    Quote Originally Posted by pitbulls20
    So, whats a good one to try for a begginer?
    I'd probably recommend Isle of Jura if you can get it - good flavour, reasonably sweet and not as intense as some of the Islay malts (which are my favourite).

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