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Thread: The dog returns to its vomit, and fool to his folly

  1. #11
    Senior Member Earthdawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I've heard very good things about the e-cigs and have considered that avenue. OTOH, when you say you started them 2 years ago, do you mean you are still 'smoking' them ? I had a friend years ago who successfully quit cigarettes with the nicotine gum but was never able to give that up. Certainly healthier than the smoke though. The ideal would be to get shed of the nicotine entirely.
    Yea I still am "vaping" as they call it. I have lowered the nicotine level dramatically though. It's the hand-to-mouth thing that make quiting so hard. I was using 24mg liquid when i first quit and have since lowered it down to 10mg liquid. So the nicotine intake is much much less and I only vape on my way to & from work and sometimes at home. Its amazing how it emulates smoking.
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  2. #12
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    I whole heartedly agree with Earthdawn, I can beat the addiction, its the damn habit(s) that have me hooked. I would rather go through life with an ecig than with a regular cig. For what a couple of cartons would cost(2 weeks worth of puffing) you can be set up with ecig kit with enough "juice" for the same time period, then its just a matter of buying the juice. 10$ for a 2week re supply of juice, beats the devil out of paying 40$ a carton.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member ChesterCopperpot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nun2sharp View Post
    I whole heartedly agree with Earthdawn, I can beat the addiction, its the damn habit(s) that have me hooked. I would rather go through life with an ecig than with a regular cig. For what a couple of cartons would cost(2 weeks worth of puffing) you can be set up with ecig kit with enough "juice" for the same time period, then its just a matter of buying the juice. 10$ for a 2week re supply of juice, beats the devil out of paying 40$ a carton.
    A 30 ml bottle lasts me about month, that's $15. I'm still at 18mg, but I'm going to get 11 mg as soon as I order more. Then I'll go down to 5 in a few months. You can get 0 nicotine juice, as well. has a huge selection of flavors, and great customer service. Personally I use the Ego-T system, works great. Hopefully it won't get banned anytime soon by the pleasure police.

  4. #14
    Senior Member str8fencer's Avatar
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    Congrats Jimmy, good on you!
    Not an easy snare to get out of in the first place, and you avoided it now. My uncle quit smoking once, lasted for 4 years until me and him was out hunting in the high mountains one fall some 20 years go. I pulled out a pack of small cigars and he asked for one. Initially I refused him, but after he argued cigars are nothing like cigarettes and you don't inhale, I gave him one. That's all it took for him to get hooked again, first thing he did when we got down was buy cigs.

  5. #15
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    Absolutely ! All I did was go for a different, albeit less harmful, delivery system. Part of me would like to be free of the nicotine addiction but another part enjoys the pipe smoking too much to give it up. Pipes , once you are a dedicated pipe smoker, are harder to give up IMO. You not only have the nicotine dependency , but you also have the appreciation for the objects. The pipes I mean. Looking at them, handling them, the ritual of packing, tamping and all of that. Quitting means I would eventually sell my pipes and I love the darn things. Some of them anyway.
    I've heard that some people just keep the pipe in their mouth without smoking it, just because they like the pipe and the feeling. I don't know how much there is to that though.

    Then again, do you appreciate the pipe shaped object so much that you want to drag along the nicotine addiction that you say you want to be free of?
    Last edited by Bruno; 09-02-2011 at 06:50 AM.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member northpaw's Avatar
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    At the risk of turning this into an e-cig thread, I'm a big fan, too. My wife and I quit regular cigarettes 14 months ago and never looked back. Before these e-cigs, I'd tried everything short of hypnosis to no avail. I'm not as old as a few here, but I smoked for 16 years and was at 2+ packs a day when I quit. Morning hacking stopped, sense of smell came back (whoa, Arko!), and my tongue is a healthy pink for the first time in my adult life. I even enjoy jogging now, which is something I never thought I'd say. We've gotten my buddy and my mother-in-law to quit, too -- and that was 50+ years of smoking on that last one. Even if the cancer and etc. risks were the same (and there's no way they are), it's worth doing just for the other benefits.

    I'd add that if cost might be an incentive for anyone considering it, you can vape until the cows come home for way less than $1 a day if you mix your own juice.

    (I'm also up for giving recommendations on products. In a thread, PM, or whatever.)

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