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Thread: Someone explain this to me.

  1. #81
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Much of this just goes back to human nature and the kind of animals we are.

    Even in the simplest primitive societies there are those better off than others, there are those who want to run the show. Most people are like sheep and just want to follow the pack and want to be told what to do. That pretty much drives our society these days too. It will never change and either will our societies.

    Our Governments just follow suit but on a grander scale.

    Because our society is so complex the needs and wants of some will contradict those of others so there will always be turmoil and there will always be those in charge who want you to cow down to their way of thinking. The only issue is how much power and ability they have to realize their goals. Maybe through democratic systems, maybe a dictatorship of some kind or maybe just liquidate you.

    Maybe in a couple million years or so we will have evolved enough (if we survive) to a point where we and our societies and makeup will change.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  2. #82
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by commiecat View Post
    I don't see what the problem is if it's optional as most people's driving routes are public knowledge anyway.

    I wouldn't sign up for it but in no way do I think it's overreaching regardless of whether it was the IRS or an insurance company. Make it mandatory and that changes everything, but giving discounts in exchange for voluntarily-provided personal data has been around for as long as I can remember in one form or another.
    What about a car company that tracks your every move, without your permission or even knowledge, and sells the data to other parties? That's what Government Motors does with On-Star even if you don't subscribe to their service.

    A girl that used to baby sit my kids was even locked out of her car when she got behind on payments.

  3. #83
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ats200 View Post
    Look at Ron Paul for example - I believe he'd be great and change a lot of things but because he's not favored by the party (because he's not a puppet), he gets relatively no recognition, air time, or serious consideration. I'm sure the Dems have candidates like this also of which I am unaware.
    Yes, look at Ron Paul. He says 9/11 is our fault. Its' fine for Iran to make nukes. He is an isolationists. Isolationism gave us Hitler.
    milehiscott likes this.

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