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Thread: Going to take my drivers test any tips

  1. #11
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    Well I wont hold the ford against you, lucky you didnt say chevy. If you can manuever that size of vehicle you will do fine in a mini van. After I worked in Pa, I cant see how they can be too particular with all the amish buggies on the road, I just about took out a few, they come up quick when you are doing 60 and late for work. What part of PA are you from, I worked on a pipeline from renova past state college about three years ago, I would have to say PA is my second favorite state I have lived in, my home state of Utah being the only better, but I might be a bit biased.

  2. #12
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Get a good night sleep before the test, no alcohol. No heavy meal before the test either, nor too much coffee.
    You'll be more alert that way.

    Other than that, try not to maul pedestrians and cyclists. Examinators frown upon that.
    And if you have a chance, explore the area where you'll be testing, so that you have an idea of where the one way streets are, and the sneaky situations where you can easily make mistakes.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  3. #13
    Senior Member jeffegg2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deerhunter1995 View Post
    are you susposto look over your shoulder and use your mirrrors or just use your mirrors?
    Being a country boy I was driving for years before getting a licence.

    Look over your shoulder and visualize where the back wheels are. You are parking the wheels, not the back of the car. Makes it pretty simple.

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deerhunter1995 View Post
    saturday im going to take my drivers test here in pa.
    but i heard the examiners like to nit pick.
    Do your best. Do not worry about the examiner, his job is to witness
    you driving. Your job is to drive. Since you can drive fine you are good to go.

    Parking is tough but easier than honing. Hidden in the rules are how close to the curb
    you need to be so just park clean and safe... without damage to other cars and to your car.
    Mostly they are looking for you to signal... and for you to pay attention to your car and
    any obstacles. Same when you leave the parking place... look, signal, look again
    and move the vehicle smoothly.

    SEAT BELT! ... buckle up before you turn the key and if he does not buckle up == say "please buckle up".

    And clean out the car... no empty beer cans or mashed donuts on the passenger seat.

    Do well.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasongreat View Post
    I will probably be accused of being an anarchist, but I would say, dont allow the government to restrict your travel. A license is not needed to drive, it is only needed to break the law. I have been driving ten years without a license, since I found that there is a difference between driving and traveling, one is a commercial term in which the government has a right to restrict, the other is the basis of the us form of government, the right to travel freely between states. I used to be of the opinion that states could do things that the federal government cant do, since the fourteenth ammendment that distinction is lost. But I would suppose your parents wont let you drive without a license, in that case either give up your rights to protection under the fourth and fifth ammendment by signing your license, or you can keep those rights and not drive until you get out of your parents house. However you could also go ahead and get your license, wait till you get out of your parents house, then let your contract with the state expire to regain your rights, however they will never be on as strong a footing as if you never sign.
    Viva la revolucion !!

    Amigo mio, sometimes it's good just to play the game, especially for something trivial such as this. Choose your battles more wisely!

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to HamburgO For This Useful Post:

    driver/examiner (02-18-2012), Wintchase (02-10-2012)

  7. #16
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    I dont speak spanish, however I think I can make out enough to know that my predicition, has come true. I am officially a revolutionary or as it gets described today an anarchist, however nothing could be farther from the truth. I am conservative, I believe in law and order, I believe the US constitution is the law of the land, I believe any law contridictory to that constitution is not a valid law and therefore need not be followed, strike that, there is nothing to follow since it doesnt exsist.

    That being said, I choose my battles wisely, what can be more important than our rights? What is the point of the bill of rights if everything on there is open to interpetation? That document says one cannot be searched without warrant describing the place and person to be searched, it also says that I dont have to give testimony against myself, both those rights have dissappeared since the eighties according to the USC. I havent ever seen a lawful ammendment that took away either of those rights, therfore they still exist, therefore I am the non-revolutionary. It is all those who allow those rights to be taken away that are the revolutionaries, or a term I prefer more a reconstructionist.

    I described my pragmatism, if I had a job that depended on a license, perhaps I may have a different view or a different job, as it is now, not having a license has never caused me a hardship(unless you count missing out on 300 a week truck pay, but I say rights are more important than money). I havent been in an accident in atleast ten years, I havent had a moving violation in atleast ten years, I have put over 500,000 miles on my trucks in that time, seems to me a license isnt neccasary to provide safe travelers, even though that is the reasoning behind a license.

    With all do respect, you say I choose my battles un-wisely, I say I choose them very wisely. The only thing separating us from slaves are the rights of freemen, I will keep mine no matter how inconvenient it is, nobody ever said freedom was easy, only that it is perferable.

  8. #17
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    On the flip side, do you think that someone who is near blind should be allowed to drive?
    Should people be allowed to fly without a pilot license?
    Should people be allowed to drive while drunk?
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  9. #18
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    Ignore the examiner, because he will be busy deducting points for minor mistakes. He/she will also be talking to to at the same time, which makes it harder.

    Read the book again. There are driving tips in the book.

    Look for all traffic signs and obey them.

    I dont think your parallel parking question is relevant, only the the car be close to the curb, when done. There is certainly some merit to being expedient though.

    What got me on my last test was little things like correct turn signal application and changing lanes near intersections, which is illegal, but common among experienced drivers. Proper following distance and use of the mirrors are little common errors too.

    It's all in the driver's handbook, but not instilled in the common driver.

  10. #19
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    I can't edit a long post on my IPad, but this post is a different topic. I've spent a lot of years working in the DoD, and I'm starting with them again on Monday. You need to tow the line. Forget the off-topic revolution stuff. One good speeding ticket and your career is on the line. They, I should say now, we, take driving responsibility seriously.

    No speeding tickets, moving violations, or shenanigans. You can affect your clearance and they can charge you for offenses. So you get one ticket from the civilian legal community and then another fine/penalty from the military.

  11. #20
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    i apperciate all the great tips guys, and jason to answer your question im from Beech creek which is close to state collage and close to renovo. im headed up to renovo next weekend to cyote hunt and my grandfather owns the Bilo (now lingles market up there)

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