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Thread: Wow! Are You Kidding Me!?

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Default Wow! Are You Kidding Me!?

    I don't know whether to LMAO or start crying. Apparently the enormous sums of money spent on education in this country are working like a champ...NOT!
    Worst Family Feud Contestant ever - YouTube

  • #2
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    Let me help you a bit....

    Start crying.

    Unless this was staged, a total of 8 adults could not name a single country that starts with "A"

    Please understand, I'm not American bashing at all here, as a matter of fact we have similar issues here in Canada. Granted, geography might not be a popular subject, but can you imagine if they asked most of those people to do fractions or calculate a percentage?

    The trouble with both our countries right now is that there are too many people that are so full of themselves, they think they don't have to know anything to succeed. Just being "American" (that included Canadian, more and more each day) is enough to make them superior.

    Just wait till China, India and Japan effectively own 51% of us...its not that far away. They already out-educate their kids by at least a 5 to 1 ratio.

    We're in deep doo doo...its just that most people are too stupid to realize it.

    Late edit/addition.....One of the countries that starts with "A" is Afghanistan...remember? The country where 158 Canadian and over 1800 American soldiers gave their lives.

    8 adults cannot name that country.

    I take it back, we are not in deep doo doo...we are 6 feet over our heads in s**t and we keep piling more on.

    End of rant...
    Last edited by joebehar; 04-25-2012 at 01:32 AM.
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    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    What's wrong with this? It has already been championed by famous politicians as 'real america', while trying to improve oneself by education was condemned as 'elitism'.

  • #4
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Ha,ha,ha! Clearly they missed Alabama!... Geez,buncha tards...

  • #5
    epd is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebehar View Post
    We're in deep doo doo...its just that most people are too stupid to realize it.
    You nailed it, Joe.

  • #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Well said, Joe. Sad but true.

  • #7
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    How come Adelaide wasn't on the board?

  • #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    The movie Idiocracy was meant to be a ridiculous parody but the more I see of the world these days, the more it appears to be a glimpse into the the world of the future. Asia!? A continent, numerous countries with diverse cultures, religions and yes, languages. My wife, a Filipina, is often asked to read Japanese, translate spoken Korean, read Vietnamese, etc. When she politely explains that she is from the Philippines she often gets strange looks as if to say, "Well, so, you all speak the same lanuguage don't you?" It really freaks people out that she can't eat with chopsticks and that her language is written in letters and not characters.

    They forgot Apalachicola too (Great Oysters!)
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    and Alaska...........

  • #10
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebehar View Post
    ...but can you imagine if they asked most of those people to do fractions or calculate a percentage?...
    That's a good point. I work as an Education Coordinator in a prison, and we give all prisoners a numeracy and literacy assessment. It's very basic. Almost none of the prisoners I give the test to can work out 50% of 25, 1/4 of 8 or .25 of 12.

    Now, of course, a prison population is a distinct 'set' of people, and I work in a women's prison, so we have another set of disadvantages.

    I have 48% of the Aboriginal population enrolled, and female Aboriginal prisoners, esp those who are older, form one of the most damaged and disadvantaged groups in our society in my opinion.

    However, to be honest, when I needed to check a new assessment, I actually had to Google how to do long division. Just prior to working in this particular prison (I've worked in four) I acted as the Business Manager of the prison. I managed a ten million dollar budget. Yet I couldn't do long division. I'm not sure about you, but it's not something I do everyday. I'd forgotten how to do it, but I was still certainly functional.

    Some people who can't perform some skills can still be very functional in their particular world.

    Geography is a great subject, yet for day to day existence it hardly matters if you know where Norway is, esp if you live in Central Africa, for instance. I guess that's rather an extreme example, I would have thought an American could have named Afghanistan, as it IS important to know just where (and why) you're shipping your children off to die.

    But I think it IS important remembering that not all skills that I for instance see as useful will be useful to another.

    [EDIT, I'm on a roll]

    I, too am concerned that we too are selling my particular country to the highest bidder in big chunks. To sell prime farming land to Asia, given the fragility of the world food supply system, the size and rapidity of growth of the Asian population and the likelihood that areas closer to the equator will find it most difficult to produce food in the future seems a little short-sighted. I understand that it is VITAL for countries like Australia to help to produce food for countries other than our own (because if we don't they'll just come and take it), but one would think it'd be a good idea to at least try and maintain control over one's own actual physical land and crops. Seems to me a little like wanting quick cash right now, so taking he option of selling a spare room in your house rather than renting it out, or selling products you produce in the spare room. Why we actually need to quick cash is a mystery to me; we have one of the strongest economies of the world right now. Of course, as soon as China slows, we'll need to look inwards and become more self sufficient, at least until the hoards come to invade us.

    I guess for Australia the only hope is that energy supplies decline at such a rapid rate the rampaging hoards don't have the fuel to get here.

    Then we can happily fight against ourselves (which is where the scenario portrayed prophetically in the Mad Max movies could kick in :-)
    Last edited by carlmaloschneider; 04-25-2012 at 02:46 AM. Reason: Started ranting with a little more gusto :-)
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