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Thread: President's Speech

  1. #11
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    American politics seem like they are from outer space sometimes.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Shoulda hit stop right there...

    See I am a Right Wing conservative and ya just lost me after that.. imagine what the Liberals (Progressives as they like again now) on here think of yer opinion now...

    Government <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Religion

    They should be as far apart as possible

    Keep in mind that all religions are equal in the US therefore when you say "Back to our Lord Jesus Christ", you open the same door for Praise be to Allah and Sharia Law, or Harm no One and the Wiccans, so unless you are prepared to embrace other's religion I suggest that you keep Religion out of Government...
    OMG,, I would have never guessed that !

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  3. #13
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I am a Christian, and I would get very nervous if we had a government made up from religious leaders. You never know when the nutters would cart out Leviticus again. Let's not kid ourselves, we've all seen what happens if the Christian church gets real power. And today we still see what happens if the imams wield real power. It always seems to end badly when religious leaders get to make the calls.

    Society is a series of practical problems: the actual issues depend a bit on your type of government, but generally the issues have to do with roads, sewers, electrical and other infrastructure, taxes, policing, public transportation and a whole range of other things like that. I think it is best to let that sort of stuff be run by people who are qualified at administering stuff and making the wheel go round.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  4. #14
    Easily distracted by sharp objects alb1981's Avatar
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    People always get scared if anyone metions God nowdays. Our whole countries heritage in from the Holy Scriptures

    Yes our founders were men who believed in one God, but none of them agreed on which religion was right or how it is best interpreted. The one thing they all did agree on was that Church had no business in politics. Yes it can influence your morals, but it should not cloud your vision on what is best for our country. After all, if we were a nation founded on the teachings of Christ, we would have never been involved in war and we would never have adopted capitalism

    although in the futre when he comes back and destroies the UN. The Lord Jesus Christ will set up a 1,000 year reign in which he is the sole ruler he on the whole earth and no one will have anything to say about it. Amen! Merry Christmas Ho Ho Ho!

    I dont think he is coming back to specifically destroy the UN, but if a 2000 year old deity flies down from heaven I dont think he will have to do much destroying in order to have peoples attention. just saying.
    Last edited by alb1981; 06-11-2012 at 07:38 AM.
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  5. #15
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    And your country's founders took great care to make a separation between church and state.
    I am not afraid of people mentioning God, but I am convinced religious leader are extremely unqualified to be political leaders. They also tend to be bad at actual practical problems.
    Last edited by Bruno; 06-11-2012 at 08:08 AM.
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    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  6. #16
    Senior Member fpessanha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    And your country's founders took great care to make a separation between church and state.
    I am not afraid of people mentioning God, but I am convinced religious leader are extremely unqualified to be political leaders. They also tend to be bad at actual practical problems.
    I agree. The idea of having a religious leader become a political leader actually scares me. Religious people tend to be rather intolerant of difference. They tend to see themselves as right and the ones that do not follow their own opinions and ideas to be wrong. This sort of dogmatic approach to life is the foundation of every dictatorship ever experienced in our civilization. Intolerance is not acceptable in democracy - in fact, democracy is the only way of excluding intolerance as a true power of decision.
    Now picture this: your new leader (political and religious) is say... a moderate anglican. Cool, level headed, tolerant. Nice: political guideance and moral guideance as well. But what about a bible bashing redneck that wants to burn the Koran and invade Islamic countries and declare war on the infidel? Is he not a political leader that guides you towards YOUR Lord Jesus Christ?
    I have nothing against political leaders being religious people. But I have everything against the merging of political and religious leadership in one person. Politicians tend to be arrogant for themselves. Imagine one that imagines being in the right by divine inspiration... A "French Revolution" would be in order.
    Last edited by fpessanha; 06-11-2012 at 12:10 PM.
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  7. #17
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    What's in order along with the separation of Church and State is the separation of Money and State. Politicians refuse to discuss real issues for fear that some corporation of action fund will target them. It's getting so that Hair Cut and what type of car your wife drives is more important than the Present and the Future.
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  8. #18
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fpessanha View Post
    ...Religious people tend to be rather intolerant of difference. They tend to see themselves as right and the ones that do not follow their own opinions and ideas to be wrong. bashing redneck ...
    Maybe you should work on your tolerance of others…
    Last edited by HNSB; 06-11-2012 at 11:55 PM.
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    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

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  10. #19
    Senior Member fpessanha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HNSB View Post
    Maybe you should work on your tolerance of others…
    I'm sorry, HNSB. I didn't mean to offend... I just wanted to make a point. I am a tolerant man, I asure you.
    I know the expression I used is rather strong. I could have avoided that. But this little cunnundrum here is a perfect case in point. Now transpose this to the scale of political leadership of a nation... this is why religion and politics should be separated as much as possible. We simply cannot afford to have the particular religious views of a political leader taint his political guideance.
    When I said that religious people tend to be this and that I was just expressing my views and experiences, having had many conversations on this topic. This is what I conclude from my contact with more radical religious folk. They have the intolerance that certainty of being right grants them... On the other hand, I've had more points of divergence with fellow atheists on grounds of their own radical intolerance of religious people and their beliefs...
    So, to conclude, this is what I trully feel: you can be a man of intense religiosity and you can be a man of radical anti-clericalism. But if you are a politician... keep it to yourself.

  11. #20
    Bible Believer Member razorjoe's Avatar
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    Hi this is razorjoe, I would like to clear up a few things about what I wrote and then maybe the people fewing this wil understand better. When I said "and a leader that will direct us back to the Lord Jesus Christ". I didn't mean for a pastor,priest,ppoe or anyother leader of a church or group, for them to leave thier calling of that group and become our president! Right now president obama is member of the church of christ. So he would consider himself to be religious. Now does he consider himself to be a true born again christian like it says in the holy bible John 3:3 I hope not because he sure doesn't show it. Now once again I "DO NOT BELIEVE IN A THEOCRACY" I hope that makes it as plain as posible. I do not want to start a religious fight or hurt anyones feelings. BUT, any man that meets the qualifacations to be a legal canadate for president of the United States of America can run for that office, and I think good qualifacations is a good morale man or woman that understands man's laws in this country and God's laws from the holy bible which is where alot of our common laws come from, and even better a man or woman that believes in the Lord Jesus Christ as there savior. From what people say in there post it sounds like only a atheist can be our president? Wouldn't everyone want a good morale and upstanding man or woman to be thier Leader?
    Last edited by razorjoe; 06-12-2012 at 02:56 PM. Reason: spelling
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