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Thread: Tax the Rich

  1. #171
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    How many of you would play poker if the rules were changed to forbid bluffing, you knew the dealer had to slip the poorer players a winning hand in every round, and the big winner had to split the winnings with all the other players at the end of the game?

    Yeah, I wouldn't want to play either.
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  2. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by honedright View Post
    How many of you would play poker if the rules were changed to forbid bluffing, you knew the dealer had to slip the poorer players a winning hand in every round, and the big winner had to split the winnings with all the other players at the end of the game?

    Yeah, I wouldn't want to play either.
    So basically, to all the people that are less fortunate, or poor, tough luck, try harder next time? When did humanity start caring more about personal wealth than the well being of each other?

  3. #173
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooksie967 View Post
    So basically, to all the people that are less fortunate, or poor, tough luck, try harder next time? When did humanity start caring more about personal wealth than the well being of each other?
    You can't have "less fortunate" without there being those that are "more fortunate." Likewise no such thing as "poor" without "rich." Or "tall" without "short," etc.

    So what you propose is that everyone should be the same, or equal. Even if that were possible, who would set the standard for "sameness" or equal?

  4. #174
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    Nobody is saying that at all but the concept of a BARE minimum should exist. Food, water, education, healthcare etc. I get that the principle of earning ones own money is their onus. If one more 0 behind your bank statement makes you feel better about yourself then who am I to tell you are wrong. The fact of the matter is that the rich have enough to go around; again 5% control 95%. Taking a little more away from them to reduce debt, to improve social programs and better a country is not a bad thing. If what we are arguing about is the principle that ones money is their own and too bad so sad for others, well then I guess we just have to agree to disagree.

    If sheltering income to protect it from taxation and finding every loophole available is something we are just going to say 'oh well, can't do much about that' to, then there is, IMHO, a problem.

    Reform is needed and more desperately in the US than in Canada though we have our issues as well.

    Until people start raising a stink about it on a grand scale then big government and corporate America will just continue to do whatever they want regardless of the financial implications for the country or those who live there. Don't think for a second that they aren't ready to bail on the country when shit hits the fan; they've got their money, do you have yours?
    BobH likes this.

  5. #175
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honedright View Post
    You can't have "less fortunate" without there being those that are "more fortunate." Likewise no such thing as "poor" without "rich." Or "tall" without "short," etc.

    So what you propose is that everyone should be the same, or equal. Even if that were possible, who would set the standard for "sameness" or equal?
    I happen to live in a socialist (LMAO) country, like most of the European countries are. We have less fortunates or more fortunates, like anywhere in the world. Just watch after those less fortunate do not have to live in the streets or beg for their lives. Do not give a fish to a poor man; instead give him a fishing rod, or how was it. Do not make anyone sell their house or lifetime savings in case they get sick. Of course if they want to.
    Still rich folks have their ways to get richer, but at least they have to pay their share. They'll keep getting richer anyway. Of the 10 richest of the country (according to tax calendar) not a single makes it to the top 4000 of the world, but i guess they could if they wanted.
    I'm not jealous; although being in the service means being at the lower end of the food chain, i'm doing ok without ever getting too wealthy. I've never tried to get as much as i ever could from society.
    Last edited by Sailor; 12-07-2012 at 09:34 PM.
    Birnando, BobH and brooksie967 like this.

  6. #176
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    Not having a progressive federal tax is also very regressive. Very regressive and something only a person who's making a ton oh cash should be advocating for. Taxing a dude 10K on a 20K income is so very wrong - just as taxing a dude 10K when he's making 100K can be wrong. The poor guy is paying a 50% tax rate and the rich guy is paying a 10% rate. Bad, bad, bad... revolution bad.
    Tell how a rich person avoids sales tax?

    Show me a rich person paying 10%.

    Show me a person making 20K paying 10K in taxes.

    Everything you said is over the top.
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  7. #177
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    The problem with a Federal sales Tax is it will be ADDED to our taxes.

    It won't replace Income Tax.
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  8. #178
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    That is absolutely not the case, the codes are the same, how you use them is the only difference.. You are saying that the rich have a seperate book of codes that they can follow and that is just not the case...

    And yes I do happen to believe that anyone can make it in the US there is not any law or code holding anyone back we have no Caste system, nor do we have Secret Police making people disappear in the middle of the night...
    There is only yourself holding you back..
    yes, I used to believe all that too when I was a kid. It's true there are a tiny percentage of folks who no matter the adversity will always find a way to the top. However for most the conditions you are born in to will dictate the life you will have. Over the years (with eh hem govt interference) things were changed so that folks who would never have a chance at least have that chance now.

    Yes the rich do have a different book and that is a de facto fact. The idea everyone can become a millionaire and technically enjoy the great life is, well...a great talking point.
    BobH and brooksie967 like this.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  9. #179
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    So yeah, tax the rich. Tax the bejeezus out of them. Then what?

  10. #180
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    Show me a rich person paying 10%.
    I would but I'm sure you've noticed they would rather not become the most powerful country in the world, than release their tax returns

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