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Thread: How is this possible?

  1. #1
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    Default How is this possible?

    This lady has been arrested 396 times. I understand some crimes are less severe than others but how can you honestly get arrested that many times and still have the possibility of freedom. It is sad that some people can't follow the simplest of laws and be a decent human being. Sorry to rant but am I wrong in thinking that this lady needs some serious help.

    Shermain Miles, Chicago Woman, Arrested 396 Times Since 1978

  2. #2
    Antisocialite HarleyFXST's Avatar
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    She is homeless and a much easier target than a gangbanger. She is averaging 11 arrests a year.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HarleyFXST View Post
    She is homeless and a much easier target than a gangbanger. She is averaging 11 arrests a year.
    I'll bite on this one, Harley,,,,it's a slow day for me.

    I agree with the 11 arrests a year, simple math for me, I have a calculator, ,,400 divided by 35 years = 11.428
    As far as the comment about being an easier target than a gangbanger, hardly. Here are a few facts that will be required regardless of the department arresting her:

    1. She's female, she will require a female officer to search her before she goes in a transport to the jail. Female officers are in short supply on the street. A male officer can search her, if an immediate threat is suspected.
    A "pat-down", is insufficient, to put someone behind me in a vehicle; a min. 20 minutes to 45 minute wait.
    2. If she has personal property, most homeless carry their lives with them, then it goes too. Inventoried & booked into the property unit. Try dealing with the Property Supervisor, usually an old Sgt. on his way out, when you log that property in. Usually 1 hour.
    3. She has "83 different aliases", there most certainly will be an out-standing warrant in there somewhere,,,,off to the warrant's section to get it verified through prints,,,, 2 hours,,,usually.

    4. Let's say she cooperates fully with the above; writing the affadivit, 30 minutes.

    4 1/2 hours for the homeless lady, give or take a few.

    I can't think of too many times that I had a gangbanger arrest exceed 2 hours. I literally arrested, my name at the bottom of the affidavit , over 150, I assisted in well over 2000. Most gangbanger arrests are done in under an hour. If he needed medical attention, then 2 hours was the norm.

    The department is geared up to expedite the gangbanger's arrest & keep the cops on the street. Try explaining to the guys in your squad why you had to snatch a bag lady & they had to pick up the slack for 4 hours. Homeless calls are usually dispatched, not self initated. Business complaintants/owners 80% of the time. Every major city has a "Homeless Watchdog" group, so the homeless are not "targeted". Few of these groups give a da*n about the facts I just gave you. You make their list,,,it's a real pain,,,usually re-assignment is the departments answer,,,,this pleases the group.

    InHonorofRay, if you had her rap-sheet in front of you, it would be a lot easier to understand. You would see a pattern of minor thefts & the bench warrants(Seperate arrest stats attributed to the original charge) for not appearing in court to answer for the first charge. Thus the problem of the "83 different aliases ".

    When the jail gets crowded, she will be one of the first to be rolled out, prior to sentencing,,,and the cycle starts all over again.

    Does she need help,,,sure she does,,,,there are book smart men out there somewhere who could solve this problem, I'm sure; it's just not their priority today & I don't have an answer.
    Last edited by Hirlau; 06-11-2013 at 08:05 PM.
    lz6, earcutter, MJC and 2 others like this.

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  5. #4
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    Hirlau, obviously you have a lot of experience dealing with people like this, so you know much better than I do but it is just sad to see people who would rather waste their lives than contribute to this world in a positive way. Such as life I suppose.

  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Well,, my experience with problems like this & $1.00; won't even get me a cup of ice coffee at Duncan Donuts these days.
    When you say "people" , who are you referring to?

  7. #6
    Antisocialite HarleyFXST's Avatar
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    Having been homeless at one point in my life, I think I need to step away from this thread.
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  8. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Sorry, if my post contributed to it. I only wanted to reveal a few facts that most people don't get to see.
    You & I have always gotten along great, Harley.
    Please don't be angry with me or what I did for a living.
    Wintchase and earcutter like this.

  9. #8
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Without a list of everything she was arrested for, it's also possible that there are too many things a person can get arrested for these days.

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

  10. #9
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    Hirlau, when I said "people" I was referring to anyone who continues to make bad decisions and never learn from their mistakes. We all mess up in life and fall on hard times, but if you aren't willing to change for the positive than you can't expect other people to want to help you. JMO

  11. #10
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    if you had her rap-sheet in front of you, it would be a lot easier to understand. You would see a pattern of minor thefts & the bench warrants
    That's a lot of speculation...

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

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