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Thread: Almost completed my backyard!

  1. #31
    Senior Member WhiskerHarvest's Avatar
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    All I did this weekend was water my grass and sip smoothies! I am not crazy!

    I took the fam up to Mt. Charleston for a picnic and a ride on the chairlift at the ski resort. It turned out to be a great family weekend! I did plant some melons and move garbage around but yard work will commence on Tuesday when my father-in-law arrives. Besides shooting this is our other current bonding activity!

    Suile, how those Mosquitos treating you this summer! Ha
    Martin103, Suile and bombay like this.
    I shave because I want to, not because I have to!

  2. #32
    Orange County N.Y. Suile's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
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    The Mosquitos don't bother me.
    But the cicadas keep making tons of noise.

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