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Thread: Possible Brisbane and SE Qld meet up

  1. #111
    Senior Member AndrewJM's Avatar
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    Hi all,

    Yes, Ive got the coffee machine and about 50 capsules, plus 40 teabags and 1kg sugar. If you're able to bring the milk Mike, that would be great, a little less I'll have to lug around in the taxi or bus (cant drive at the moment).

    Just bought a cool razor on ebay but unfortunately wont be here in time for the meetup, but will bring to the next one, whenever that may be. It is a W&B anchor, in desperate need or restoring - see pics below. I'll bring the SRD modular paddle, and the Robert Williams custom (not the srp special which will still be a while away). The other razors I bought haven't arrived yet, but tracking shows that 2 have arrived in Australia 26th, so fingers crossed I get them tomorrow as would love everyone's assistance / recommendations in restoring & honing. One is the WB barbers use appearing already in good shape and the other a George wostenholm in dire need of some restoration but the steel looks good.

    Just a reminder to everyone to please bring a coffee / tea mug as I can't find non-polystyrene ones anywhere I have looked, plus its nicer to drink from a mug rather than foam cup.

    Finally if anyone wants it for the purpose of the catchup (no sexting lol) my mob# is zero, four, two, two - five five nine - six nine zero.

    Oh, also, does anyone want me to bring a tablet or laptop to the meetup, for SRP website posts, google etc etc? I dont have a decent camera to bring but will have my iphone.

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  2. #112
    Senior Member Maladroit's Avatar
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    There should be a few cameras there on Sunday (including mine) but if you can manage to bring a laptop that'd be great. I'm going to ask about the city council wifi when I pick up the key tomorrow - it's possible we could post photos to the forum while the meetup is still in progress - I don't think that's been done before. Of course if anyone's got GSM wireless access for their laptop (i.e. that doesn't require local wifi) we'd also be in business. I'll let you know after I talk to the library staff tomorrow.

  3. #113
    Senior Member AndrewJM's Avatar
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    If there's no wifi I can sync with my phone's internet.

  4. #114
    Senior Member AndrewJM's Avatar
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    To quote from our good friend Crackers
    Who is known for sizeable knackers
    he says a good lather is half the shave

    And good ol’ KevinRed
    Who keeps his arko by the bed
    And is known around the town to misbehave

    And I’ve heard that Haveachat
    Can get a razor really flat
    And very kind and generous at heart

    Mick and Mike and Rick
    Don’t care ‘bout the odd nick
    Yet make straight shaving a damn fine art

    We can’t forget our Stu
    Could make a razor from shoe and glue
    And gifts us things not seen before

    With posts well past bed
    Theres ol’ Hewitt, first name Ed
    With help, random comments and likes galore

  5. #115
    Senior Member AndrewJM's Avatar
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    Hi Havachat,

    When you say you are bring a spare norton 4/8 with you, do you mean a spare for sale / exchange? If so im interested, as I need something like that. Pm me if that is the case. Cheers. Andrew

  6. #116
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    And andrewjm,
    Or should i say jem,
    Who definately isnt a bore
    AndrewJM likes this.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  7. #117
    Senior Member AndrewJM's Avatar
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    you're a poet and you know it, ed

  8. #118
    Senior Member AndrewJM's Avatar
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    if you're interested ed, posted another lame poem here...

  9. #119
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewJM View Post
    if you're interested ed, posted another lame poem here...
    Firstly that post makes it look like i posted the lame poem, secondly i saw it the other day, wrote a witty reply and it failed to load or something, so i gave up.
    Secondly (yes i know second secondly, or secondly the second if you prefer) i am a modern poet,
    And i am acutely aware of the facts pertaining to it.
    And thirdly, a carton only contains 24 if you are a la-di-da and drink beer from bottles, if you are part hobo like me you get a carton of 30 cans, yup 25% extra and they dont smash in the pool
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  10. #120
    Senior Member AndrewJM's Avatar
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    Hi Ed,

    Not saying your poem was lame... was referring purely to mine, that I posted late at night, didn't spend much time on it, like the one in this thread, was just playing around with the words in my head and decided to post.

    I wish I could get my preferred beers in a carton of 30 But my local bottleshop is now doing 12 packs of a nice beer I like from NZ for $20 good value in my books. Drinking a bottle now as I write.

    I dont know much about poetry but I do like that one by robert frost... 2 roads diverged in a wood blah blah and I chose the one less travelled by as it needed wear, or something like that. And I like edgar allen poe (excuse the spelling if thats not it)

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