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Thread: Possible Brisbane and SE Qld meet up

  1. #171
    Senior Member AndrewJM's Avatar
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    Cheers Geoff. Hopefully I can return the favour to some new members in the future.
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  2. #172
    Senior Member RickyBeeroun222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam G. View Post
    Hi Andrew,
    awesome afternoon, and yes. Put me down for the next meet.
    Stones, well the experts said it. I still reckon a natural is awesome for a finisher, but to do all honing on naturals you have to be willing to hone a hell of a lot of razors to learn your stones inside out. All naturalsare different.
    the reason I went Naniwa over Shapton was purely cost. Naniwa are a bit cheaper. SRD have the 3 stone combo for $175USD. Just two Shaptons cost almost that. Just depends on your budget
    looking forward to our next meet.
    Hi Andrew,

    I'm in a similar mind set to Adam here. For me when I was buying my first hones,the Shaptons were and still are a high priced hone for the limited honing I will do.
    Personally I am quite happy with my Norton 1k bevel setter and 3k/8k combo hone. I have also bought a King 1k and a nice Thuringian for a finisher since then. There is still lots for me to learn about these hones. Have fun mate and enjoy the experience
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  3. #173
    Senior Member AndrewJM's Avatar
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    Hi Rick, hope all is well...

    I know I will be finishing on a natural as have already paid for it. Just need to decide the lower grit stones to get. It looks like I cant go wrong with Chosera 1k, but the shapton glass 1/4/8 seems to be lower maintenance and more consistent? Is there any problem going through Shapton glass 1-8 k then finishing on natural (escher)?

    Or is there anything wrong with going chosera 1k, shapton 4/8 then natural?

    Oz certainly knows his stuff and commends the shapton, however gssixguns recommends the chosera 1k to set bevel.

    To anyone reading, if you had escher for final polish but no other stones, unlimited budget but the stones you bought had to last you forever, what would you pic? (if you weren't doing this as a job, purely for your own razors, and didn't have enough razors or time to experiment and learn on non-consistent naturals)
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  4. #174
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewJM View Post
    Hi Rick, hope all is well...

    I know I will be finishing on a natural as have already paid for it. Just need to decide the lower grit stones to get. It looks like I cant go wrong with Chosera 1k, but the shapton glass 1/4/8 seems to be lower maintenance and more consistent? Is there any problem going through Shapton glass 1-8 k then finishing on natural (escher)?

    Or is there anything wrong with going chosera 1k, shapton 4/8 then natural?
    Never used a Chosera but can't see a problem with that progression at all . I used to use King 1200 4k 8k, then natural. Shapton would be faster than Kings & need less flattening.

    Oz certainly knows his stuff and commends the shapton, however gssixguns recommends the chosera 1k to set bevel.
    Speaking of my mate gssixgun, read this?

    To anyone reading, if you had escher for final polish but no other stones, unlimited budget but the stones you bought had to last you forever, what would you pic? (if you weren't doing this as a job, purely for your own razors, and didn't have enough razors or time to experiment and learn on non-consistent naturals)
    If you only hone razors for youself , any stone will last forever & you can even do all your honing on one finisher if you have the skill & the patience.
    If you start throwing other tools in the mix ie knives, axes, chisels etc. it gets complicated.
    If you'd like a bigger cross section of opinions I could split some of these posts off to the honing forum.
    Last edited by onimaru55; 03-08-2014 at 08:05 PM.
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  5. #175
    Senior Member RickyBeeroun222's Avatar
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    Andrew, my personal choice would be what I have now as it works well for me.

    From your suggestions I would suggest the Chosera 1K for a bevel setter (very consistent and fast cutting)
    Follow with a Shapton 4k and 8K and the Escher as a finisher hone
    Strop on a good quality leather strop (maybe linen followed by English bridle leather strop)
    Thats my 2 cents FWIW

    Enjoy the journey mate

  6. #176
    Senior Member AndrewJM's Avatar
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    Cant remember who asked, but if anyone wants a Nespresso coffee machine, there's $60 cashback going at the moment on their basic model.
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  7. #177
    Senior Member AndrewJM's Avatar
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    Hi anybody still reading this thread.

    I have proposed another meetup.

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  8. #178
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewJM View Post
    Hi anybody still reading this thread.

    I have proposed another meetup.

    Yes, but I suspect I am too far way
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  9. #179
    Senior Member AndrewJM's Avatar
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    Thats a shame Ed, but if you were able to make it, Im sure everyone would love to meet you.

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  10. #180
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewJM View Post
    Thats a shame Ed, but if you were able to make it, Im sure everyone would love to meet you.

    Aww shucks andy, thats a nice thing to say, but i think the air of mystery i currently posess might be a positive when ballanced with you guys actually meeting me in person
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