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Thread: The Thread of Firsts

  1. #1
    Senior Member DualNature's Avatar
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    Default The Thread of Firsts

    I was sitting here looking at all these sweet threads, when i came up with the idea for this one.
    This thread will be for your "firsts" in life. Your first car, motorcycle, cigar, drink, girlfriend... any major first in your life.
    Compare yourself to others, or just sit back and reminisce on the good ol days

    Any pictures are allowed, i cannot tell if something was truly your first.. I just figured this would be a good thread for a trip down memory lane
    Include dates if you wish, and a description

    I'll start it off, since its my thread (Hope this takes off, it could be a ton of fun)

    First Car,
    1977 El Camino Classic
    I would drive my dads car in my youth, its how i learned to drive.
    But this, this is the first thing i have ever had in my name.
    I just got it this last year with my graduation money from highschool, class of 2013

    First Motorcycle,
    1985 Yamaha Virago vx700
    This was a gift from my dad, its a great little bike
    I got it in the spring of 2011 with 26,000 miles. Im now up to 38,000. Most of those last year

    First Cigar,
    This was just a month ago
    I took this picture before trying a cigar for the first time,
    My first.. a Havana Honey, Rum. The vanilla is to this day my favorite, with rum in 2nd

    First Gun,
    Colt King Cobra .357mag
    I got this when i was 17 years old from my grandfather
    I paid him $300.. then several months later i was a moron and got rid of it. O how i miss that gun

    So, now you get the general idea.
    Lets make this thread grow, go viral so to speak.
    I think it has potential to be one of the most fun threads to take part in.
    What better than to share some major milestones in your life that your proud of.
    EMC45, MickR and Hirlau like this.

  2. #2
    Senior Member DualNature's Avatar
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    Of course if your first was decades ago i realize you probably dont have pictures...
    Feel free to just post a comment and tell us about it

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    My first M1 Garand & helmut, a few decades ago.

    Clinton, Oklahoma 1964
    Name:  John-Clinton Oklahoma 1964 (2).jpg
Views: 319
Size:  43.3 KB

    My First Sports Car Cordel, Oklahoma 1963

    Name:  Christmas 1962 Cordell Oklahoma.jpg
Views: 519
Size:  43.1 KB

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DualNature View Post
    Of course if your first was decades ago i realize you probably dont have pictures...
    Feel free to just post a comment and tell us about it
    MickR likes this.

  5. #5
    Senior Member DualNature's Avatar
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    ^ Touche...

    First Straight Razor
    Just got this bad boy today, sending it off to get honed tomorrow
    Hopefully have my first blade shave in a week or less
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  6. #6
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DualNature View Post
    I was sitting here looking at all these sweet threads, when i came up with the idea for this one.
    This thread will be for your "firsts" in life. Your first car, motorcycle, cigar, drink, girlfriend... any major first in your life.
    Compare yourself to others, or just sit back and reminisce on the good ol days

    Any pictures are allowed, i cannot tell if something was truly your first.. I just figured this would be a good thread for a trip down memory lane
    Include dates if you wish, and a description

    I'll start it off, since its my thread (Hope this takes off, it could be a ton of fun)

    First Car,
    1977 El Camino Classic
    I would drive my dads car in my youth, its how i learned to drive.
    But this, this is the first thing i have ever had in my name.
    I just got it this last year with my graduation money from highschool, class of 2013

    That is a nice looking Ute. I have a bit of a soft spot for Utes of all make and model. That looks like a 'Valiant' as they were branded over here.


  7. #7
    Senior Member DualNature's Avatar
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    Im a big fan of Australias HSV R8 Ute its a sweet ride, thats for sure

    Wasnt the Valiant Ute made by Chrysler?
    Plymouth was a devision of Chrysler here in the states ( i know next to nothing about australia )
    I have a 1971 Plymouth Valiant, its a 4 door sedan but would be epic as a ute.

    Here is a picture of mine from the front. (keep in mind, its a Chevrolet El Camino)
    MickR and Hirlau like this.

  8. #8
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    My friend Mr L was reading this and it brought a tear to his eye (if that's possible). He said he remembers his first victim on this planet Earth. Something about some guy Adam and an Apple.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  9. #9
    Senior Member DualNature's Avatar
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    I think you mean Eve... Adam would have been the second victim as result of the first

  10. #10
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DualNature View Post
    Im a big fan of Australias HSV R8 Ute its a sweet ride, thats for sure

    Wasnt the Valiant Ute made by Chrysler?
    Plymouth was a devision of Chrysler here in the states ( i know next to nothing about australia )
    I have a 1971 Plymouth Valiant, its a 4 door sedan but would be epic as a ute.

    Could well be. It's been some years now and I'm no expert. Just going by the looks of the body. I know next to nothing about American brands. Glad to see you're a Holden fan though. Here it's Holden or Ford. You're on one team or the other with those brands, but not limited to them as we have a few other brands that import to Australia. Toyota being the next biggest after the other two. I like the Toyota traybacks myself. I would own one of them in a shot...

    However this is getting off track. We're here to talk about Firsts, not Utes . I'll make a 'Firsts' post just as soon as I do some scanning.


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