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  1. #11
    Senior Member Mike7120's Avatar
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    I'm not a big fan of revolvers. However, I did buy my mom a S&W 642 chambered in .38 special. It's a nice revolver, both lightweight and simple to use.

    The XDM looks like a nice gun, but I'd for sure want to shoot it first before buying.

    Although my next purchase will be a Kimber, I don't think anything beats a Glock. I've shot probably 2000+ rounds out of my Glock 26 and never had any problems. The material that glocks are made of seems to repel burnt powder. My friend never cleans his Glock 19 and shoots it more than I do mine, and he has never had a malfunction.

  2. #12
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I once browsed a website dedicated to describing the abuse a glock can take and still function.
    Some of it was almost unbelievable, but they had pics and videos to back up their claims.

    If I would own a gun, it would be a glock.
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  3. #13
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    Obviously, as many have noted before me, both guns have advantages and disadvantages.

    I think the bottom line is that you would be happy to own either weapon.

    S&W have been making revolvers for a long time, and I've never held one that I don't like (the .500 being a notable and rare example).

    On the other hand, the XD has a serious following. I own a Springfield 1911 A-1 and I love it. I have fired the XD, and I think it is every bit as good as a Glock, if not better.

    Ultimately, I would suggest that you find friends or a range that will allow you to shoot these weapons (or similar ones) before you drop a bunch of cash.

    Hope this helps.

  4. #14
    . Bill S's Avatar
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    +1 on a Colt Python. I have one with a 6 in barrel you can try if you want. Great gun.

  5. #15
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    I've seen two Glocks (not mine) blow up at the range. After I saw the second one blow I sold mine.

    As for the OP's question, different people prefer different types, and you'll just have to try 'em and see. I've owned a bunch of semi-autos over the years, but I eventually discovered that for some reason I shoot double action revolvers very well. The only semiauto I shoot better is my Wilson CQB, but that's not a plastigun. My bedside pistol is one of those 8-shot 357 magnums, which supplanted a H&K USP40.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Navaja's Avatar
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    It depends what you want it for.

    For self defense/carry, get a Glock.
    For simplicity/durability/reliability, get a Glock
    For looks/collection/fun, get another Kimber (you'll never have enough Kimbers)
    For a great/tight/accurrate custom, get a Les Baer 45 ACP.
    To get rid of extra money: all of the above

  7. #17
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mparker762 View Post
    I've seen two Glocks (not mine) blow up at the range. After I saw the second one blow I sold mine.
    Were there special circumstances or anything?

    If you said it happened I am perfectly happy to accept that.
    But I have heard nothing but good reports from Glocks, and I've seen vids of glocks being fired after being submerged in mud, having been spun out from under a truck wheel, ... and they always worked when other guns would jam, misfire or blow up.

    So perhaps these were cases of being used with bad ammo or somethign else?
    As you know I don't have guns myself, so consider my opinions to be laymen's.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  8. #18
    Member Photoguy67's Avatar
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    There have been cases of Glocks blowing up, almost always in a .40 s&w. It seems that glocks don't have a fully supported chamber for the .40 and in rare cases a case blows out and destroys the weapon. Glock will replace the gun at their expence if it happens but none the less it has happened. But back to the case Don was asking about the Xd-m or a 686. Personally Don, I think you would be more than pleased with either weapon both are very good and accurate weapons. I carry a Xd .45 for a carry gun and I don't own a revolver, but have a good friend with a 686 and its a very accurate pistol and have amazed myself with it, but thats a whole other story!

  9. #19
    French Toast Please! sicboater's Avatar
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    Default Wow.

    I have shot an XDm and I must say that the only thing I didn't like about it was the stupid grip safety and the chambered warning tab that sticks up waiting to be caught on something. I think that the grip safety is an outdated solution to a non-existent problem personally. Even on old 1911's. As for the chambered warning, if you are the type of person who treats a gun like it isn't chambered ever you shouldn't own a gun. But that is where it ends with that gun.

    The thing had a very high "grin" factory when I was shooting it. I was able to empty the magazine (16+1!) in short order and hold it down to get them all in the 9 ring at 50 yards. It's all about the trigger on that pistol, it has one of the quickest trigger resets I have ever experienced and really short trigger travel.

    Hope that helps!


  10. #20
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Were there special circumstances or anything?
    Not that I know of, but they weren't mine. Google turns up an awful lot of similar cases though, so this is definitely not a rare phenomenon. The problem is that the Glock design doesn't use a fully supported chamber - the cartridge guide cuts into the chamber area, and allows the case to bulge or in extreme cases rupture in that area. I checked the cases coming from my Glocks and they all (both 9mm and 40 S&W) had visible bulges at the bottom.

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