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Thread: Coffee or Tea

  1. #1
    Don is offline
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    Default Coffee or Tea

    I am a Tea drinker all day long. Loose Leaf only.
    Mostly Greens Early and Whites later in the Day. Also Like a good Oolong or Pu-erh. Will also dabble in Tisanes and infusions. Rooibos red or green, Honey Bush and an occasional EgyptianChamomile.
    So what is your vise,

  2. #2
    Senior Member fpessanha's Avatar
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    I like both coffee and tea...

    Coffe has to be espresso, though I admit to have enjoyed your "american style" coffee in a mug when I have to work late in the evening or perhaps work during a rainy afternoon.
    Tea has to be loose leaf. I mean... is there any other kind? I enjoy green teas and the occasional white tea. But these are usually shared with my girlfriend who is very much a tea lover. But for myself I prefer black tea or black tea blends. Darjeeling and the famous English breakfast blend are two that I've been enjoying lately.

    I would also like to point out that not all teas come from the east... The very much underated Portuguese tea produced in the Azores Archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean is quite good. It is called Gorreana, I beleive. I've read that it is one of the few high quality teas not produced in the far East, India or Sri Lanka.
    That being said... I beleive I have the kettle on!

  3. #3
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Tea or coffee really, but tea first. I drink yerba mate all the time, but loose leave black or white tea and herbals when the mood strikes me. Tried some Pu-erh earlier this year which I quite liked. The wife started drinking decaf when she got pregnant and I could never join her. There's something about a cup of decaf coffee that's like a stripper, all show and no action!


  4. #4
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    More coffee now I used to drink a ton of tea. Ive been enjoying espresso cafe cubano style.
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  5. #5
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    Both. Good quality coffee and tea. Loose leaf only, green or oolong. And only the expensive stuff. Yeah, I'm picky with what I brew.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Pyment's Avatar
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    Coffee is my first choice and another of my hobbies.

    Let's see, I have 3 vac pots, a balance brewer, Newco drip, 2 French presses, aeropress, Delonghi superauto espresso, Rocky grinder, collection of 25 hand grinders and a Chemex. I am looking at a Cona sometime.

    I roast my own coffee. I started with an iRoast (now I have 2) and went on to the Gene Cafe. Presently I am roasting on a 1 Kg Toper. I also have a stash of over 300 lbs of green coffee in my stash.

    I admit I had C(offeemaker)AD, G(rinder)AD and R(oaster)AD which are just as bad as R(azor)AD and H(one)AD.

    I do like good green tea, black, and puerh. I did take the basic tea certification course last year when I was at the SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of America), but am trying not to get any kind of TAD.
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    Last edited by Pyment; 05-02-2009 at 06:32 AM.

  7. #7
    ?? clavichord's Avatar
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    Coffee clues.

    1. If you want to prepare a great coffee for a great day, nothing is better than the traditional Moka [pic.A]. You can find it in different sizes (1,2,3,5,6,8,12,24 cups) and at a cheap price (10€ for the 3 cups size). Consider that your family will use it for at least 3 generations, so you won't waste your money, not even if you decide to have one shipped from Italy! You can pay for whatever you want, but the best coffee will come from the cheap moka! "Bialetti" is a traditional brend.

    2. Fill with water until the filter holes are covered. This is a trick and you won't find it in "manuals". Then fill the filter with coffee: only a minimal pressure (using the spoon) is required [pic.B].

    3. Put the moka on the smallest flame (at min. position), leave the lid open and start warming the cup [pic.C].

    4. When coffee starts to come [pic.D], close the lid. Check the coffee level every 5-10 secs [pic.E]. Important: don't wait until no more coffee is coming, otherwise your coffee will be burnt. Since we are using more water than required, you should pour the coffee as soon as you have coffee enough for the expected number of cups.

    5. Cool the moka under cold water. Don't use soap to wash it: sodium bicarbonate (once a month) will help you maintain a clean moka.

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    Last edited by clavichord; 05-02-2009 at 12:03 PM.

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  9. #8
    Senior Member cybrok's Avatar
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    I drink a lot of tea, all kind of tea (not familiar enough with Pu Erh yet )

    I usually drink 1-2 teapot a day, and can get up to 4.

    BUT. I NEED my coffee in the morning, at least one cup, usually to (Espresso at home, French Press in college).

  10. #9
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    I just got my custom C - Ripple tamper in. Check out that crema it was rich , smooth and buttery.
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  11. #10
    propriétaire de Rasage Poulin scottlp's Avatar
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    I enjoy a good coffee now and then, but I drink tea almost all day. Loose Assam Gold Tips TGFOP mostly. Sometimes I brew up some Darjeeling First Flush FTGFOP1.

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