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  1. #11
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by detroyt View Post
    I always add a little vanilla to my waffles it adds that little extra something.

    Curse you! This is my secret ingredient! If you let everyone in on it than my pancakes won't be special! The black van pulling up your driveway is the NSA coming to erase you for leaking my recipie to the general public.

    Actually, I put vanilla and cinnamon in my pancakes and it makes 'em fan-friggen-tastic

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by joesixpack View Post
    Actually, I put vanilla and cinnamon in my pancakes and it makes 'em fan-friggen-tastic
    /me mumbles something about brown sugar and ginger. Speaking of which, this one is really quite tasty: Pumpkin Pancakes - All Recipes.

  3. #13
    Tonsorial artist detroyt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joesixpack View Post
    Curse you! This is my secret ingredient! If you let everyone in on it than my pancakes won't be special! The black van pulling up your driveway is the NSA coming to erase you for leaking my recipie to the general public.

    Actually, I put vanilla and cinnamon in my pancakes and it makes 'em fan-friggen-tastic

    I also add chocolate chips, it kinda turns breakfast into dessert but hey were all adults here we can do what we want.

  4. #14
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joesixpack View Post
    I just figured out how to make pancakes from scratch, and it's unbelievably easy. The raw materials are pretty simple.

    All purpose flour
    baking powder
    salt (a pinch)

    It's not unlikely that you have that stuff on hand already. Recipies are easy to come by on the web.

    I'm looking forward to trying the yoghurt trick
    Congratulations, now you know how much of a rip-off Bisquick (flour and baking powder) really is.

  5. #15
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joesixpack View Post
    Curse you! This is my secret ingredient! If you let everyone in on it than my pancakes won't be special! The black van pulling up your driveway is the NSA coming to erase you for leaking my recipie to the general public.

    Actually, I put vanilla and cinnamon in my pancakes and it makes 'em fan-friggen-tastic
    Another thing you can do, to go with the cinnamon, is to make the mix in a blender and throw in an apple with it.

  6. #16
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    Congratulations, now you know how much of a rip-off Bisquick (flour and baking powder) really is.

    Yeah, tell me about it. I thought there was going to be something more complicated than just stirring too.

    There's probably a lesson here. If advertisers can make you think that something's too complicated to do on your own, then they can talk you into buying almost anything. For example, why buy one of those complicated and dangerous razors when you can have a disposable instead? One with three or four or five blades!

    Bisquick is the Gillette of the kitchen.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt321 View Post
    I assume you mean a scratch recipe rather than a box mix.
    No, i'm talking box mix. They always say to add milk, eggs and oil. So instead of the milk add a slightly diluted yogurt.

  8. #18
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    Breakfast for dinner, or "brinner" after hearing it on Scrubs, is one of the most awesome things in the world.

    Aside from adjusting the batter recipe, it's paramount that you use a natural syrup instead of a flavored HFCS. Pure maple, honey and agave nectar are some personal favorites.

    Man, I'm cravin' some pancakes and bacon right now!

  9. #19
    Ladies Corner and General Chat CarrieM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    As of late, I have been replacing the milk component of my pancake or waffle recipe with plain yogurt (perhaps 75% yogurt, 25% water to reduce the viscosity). This seems to have had the effect of giving me consistantly light and fluffy pancakes and waffles that taste great.

    Give it a shot!
    When using yogurt or buttermilk, or any "acidic" ingredient. Add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda as well as the baking powder. Makes a big difference to the lightness of the pancakes/waffles

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to CarrieM For This Useful Post:

    joesixpack (06-29-2009)

  11. #20
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    No, i'm talking box mix. They always say to add milk, eggs and oil. So instead of the milk add a slightly diluted yogurt.
    Ok, for all you "box mix" users, here's the easiest recipe out there. I sorta' invented it myself by combining several different ones I found, plus it's easy to remember. I usually make small batches for my kid and me (it makes two pretty big pancakes) but it's easy to scale up.

    1 cup all purpose flour
    1&1/2 Tsp baking powder (not baking soda)
    1 Tbsp white table sugar
    A pinch of salt
    1 egg
    Some milk (I'll explain in a bit)
    A pat of butter, melted

    While the butter is melting in the pan, combine all of the dry ingredients (I add the cinnamon at this point) in a mixing bowl . Break the egg into the measuring cup and add enough milk to make it one (1) full cup of liquid. Beat that all together (I add the vanilla in the cup too) and then pour it into the dry ingredients. Stir it untill it's batter, then add the melted butter and stir that in as well. Once it's all a batter, make pancakes with it. Hell, you could actually combine all of the dry ingredients ahead of time and put it in a pancake mix box yourself.

    With this basic recipe as a starting point, you can try all sorts of different variations like whole wheat flour, adding oatmeal or other grains, fruit, chocolate chips or whatever. You can add more liquid to make 'em thinner, different liquid to make 'em, well, different. Be bold, experiment, remember, there are no failures in the kitchen, just some things that you won't want anyone to eat after you cook it.
    Last edited by joesixpack; 06-29-2009 at 05:06 PM.

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