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Thread: Hip Flasks

  1. #21
    Wee Whisker Whacker BingoBango's Avatar
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    The only flask I have is from freshman year of college. It has my fraternity's letters and my name on it. I think it holds 6 oz. and it weighs at least a pound or two. The weight and the engraving keep it at home. Plus the cap doesn't have a catch on it so it's easy to loose when you're bleary-eyed.

    When I used to drink hooch out of the flask it was usually cheap whiskey - like Jack D.

    If you're looking for a glass and leather flask, they're all over the Bay. But for me, after 6 ounces of JD I can't be trusted around fragile things like glass or the general public. ===>

  2. #22
    Senior Member Bayamontate's Avatar
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    I carry a 5 ounce flask containing one of the following: HC7, Ron Caney, Barrilito Tres Estrellas or Barcelo Imperial.

  3. #23
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    Thumbs up

    cheap stainless steel, six ounces of tanqueray or raki

  4. #24
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    8oz Steel w/ a black leather wrap filled with Jameson's. I'm 100 percent Irish background so that barely enough to get me by between getting where i'm going and finding a bottle.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vekta View Post
    I've got a 8 oz. hip flask I take fishing with me.I normally put Dark Aged Rum in mine. I think I might be getting a 2.5 oz. soon for shorter trips.

    Anyone else out there carry one?
    Any certain occasion you find yourself carrying it?
    What's your liquor of choice?

    I have owned a Stainless Steel Hip Flask. It is a perfect companion and meets my winebowl or bibulosity at any time!!! And can be used to take my favorite wine with me wherever I go.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by nun2sharp View Post
    Just buy the 1/2 pint and stick it in your pocket, if you want fancy wrapping they come with brown paper, very traditional. I have to admit though, I thought the Stanley had a lot of class.
    we used to call those "boot bottles"

    I've been jonesing for one for awhile(don't know why) just happened to see one hanging in walmart the other day so grabed it($4) got home and started thinking "this thing is huge"(8 oz) probably won't use it, can't imagine needing to take the spirits with me(don't drink that much).

  7. #27
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    you all are such gentlemen.. i have a six ounce stainless steel flask that was a gift at a wedding.. and to be honest.. i don't even bother since 6 ounces only lasts me a minute or two.. i generally buy a pint of ol grand dad and slip it in the back pocket if i'm going to a concert or church or something.

    ok.. joking.. i havn't been to church in years.

  8. #28
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    I have a leather wrapped flask that holds 3.5 oz. I have it so when I fly, I can have a bit of good scotch on the airplane. I usually fill it with a Macallan or another 18 year old Scotch.
    It was tough to find one that held 3.5 oz and was marked as such. Most were 4oz but those are over the allowable size for flying. It came with a little funnel also.
    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
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  9. #29
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    This might be the only flask you'll ever need.

    6 oz stainless steel

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  10. #30
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vekta View Post
    I've got a 8 oz. hip flask I take fishing with me.I normally put Dark Aged Rum in mine. I think I might be getting a 2.5 oz. soon for shorter trips.

    Anyone else out there carry one?
    Any certain occasion you find yourself carrying it?
    What's your liquor of choice?

    Sounds about the right size for an afternoon with a friend.
    Not too much not too little.

    Do lock it in the trunk/ boot of the car. Open container laws
    can make life tangled should some idiot cause an accident.

    Makes sense to "drive then drink", the order matters.

    Astoundingly enough Southern Comfort was tasty at
    HOT Arizona locked trunk temperatures, and abysmal
    IMO over rocks.

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