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  1. #21
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prosneek View Post
    That is funny right there. Although, i do have questions. I suffer from chronic stuffy nose. Would it help this? And how do you get it to go out the other side?
    I guarantee it would help with the stuffiness. You have to tilt your head to get it to come out the other side. Watch some videos on youtube and you will see how gravity does all the work.

  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    I've never used one but I find the thread interesting; I have a sister that has suffered from a endlessly reoccurring sinus infection. I know she's used a neti pot, and I seem to recall that she thought is was ineffective for her. I'll ask her about it again and see what she says.

    Chris L
    "Blues fallin' down like hail." Robert Johnson
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  3. #23
    Junior Member slash5's Avatar
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    My wife and I have been using one for about 3 years now and I have not had a cold since I started. We use the 16oz stainless one from Health and Yoga and have been very happy with it. We use Mortons Coarse Kosher Salt and a 3 lb box will last a very long time. The neti pot is excellent in the spring when the pine and oak pollen hits and I also use it just before I play tennis to open up my sinus' so I can get maximum air intake. Neti Pot & Neti (Jalneti)

  4. #24
    Seudo Intellectual Lazarus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by northpaw View Post
    I gave it a shot when I had chronic sinusitus, but I think my sinuses were too far gone at that point to allow irrigation...
    For what it's worth, many years ago I was part of a study on chronic, intractable sinus infections at Denver's National Jewish Hospital. My sinus infection had persisted for years even after sinus surgery. Part of the protocol they put me on was irrigating my sinuses (different versions of which are being discussed here) twice a day. Oddly enough nothing really helped until one day I jammed my head into a wall and really hurt my neck. I had an osteopath adjust it and by the time I got out to my car my sinuses were clear for the first time in years. Since then I irrigate at any sign of stuffiness and take good care of my neck. I haven't had another sinus issue in the 20 years since.

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  6. #25
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    If what is being described here seems a bit on the disgusting side try an over the counter product called "Simply Saline". Does the same thing with out the prep work, the gadgets or the mess.
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  7. #26
    Senior Member kevint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nun2sharp View Post
    If what is being described here seems a bit on the disgusting side try an over the counter product called "Simply Saline". Does the same thing with out the prep work, the gadgets or the mess.
    ya know they have razors that work the same way with the same sales pitch.

    I am really surprised by the numbers of neti heads.

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  9. #27
    -- There is no try, only do. Morty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prosneek View Post
    I suffer from chronic stuffy nose. Would it help this? And how do you get it to go out the other side?
    Yes, daily use of a neti pot will keep your sinuses open. Here
    is a typical video that demonstrates good technique.

    You can find more videos by Googling "neti pot video" (without the quotes).
    Morty -_-

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  • #28
    RAWR X Eleventy !!!!!!11ONE TheRedlines's Avatar
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    I want to thank the OP for bringing this to my attn. Over the last few days I've been stuffy and sneezing after clearing the weeds on my lot. It's been driving me nuts. After reading through this thread I ran down to walgreens and picked one up. It's like I've been down swimming at the beach all afternoon. One side is still a hair stuffy but I'm sure that will be gone by morning. Thanks a bunch !! !

  • #29
    Senior Member gandrw's Avatar
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    I have had a bad problem with inner ear infections and some miner problems with nasal issues. I've recently started using a neti and after I clean my sinuses with the real good I have actually been able to get the saline to go into my inner ear and then tip my head the other way to drain it. It has helped allot. It is admittedly quite strange a strange feeling at first. But you get used to it and it's better than all the medications I've tried and a hole lot cheaper.

  • #30
    Opto Ergo Sum bassguy's Avatar
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    Regarding ear infections: Go slow while neti potting!!

    The Eustachian tube which connects your ears to your nose/throat can sometimes take on some of this saline solution if you pour too fast or snort too hard, and can lead to pressure and uncomfortableness. NEVER force it. Gravity should do all the work. If one side of the nose just won't budge, do the best you can and try again tomorrow. Forcing junk into your ears is a sure fire way to an ear infection.

    However, if like gandrw, you can get the saline into your ear on purpose, you're well on your way to becoming an advanced yogi (which means you understand how your own body works).

    glad we're inspriring inspiring a few guys to give it a shot, and that there are so many other guys who neti pot.

    good luck and good flushing.

    BTW: I haven't been sick either since I've adopted this nightly regimen. I do it before I go to sleep because the cilia move junk in the sinuses back towards the throat, towards the stomach, while you sleep. get that junk out, not in! that way while you sleep the sinuses can replenish mucus naturally and you awake with a clear sinus and easy breathing.
    Last edited by bassguy; 06-09-2010 at 05:21 AM.

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